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Congratulations to Javier Milei, our new President of Argentina


What a joyous day it is for Argentina. Finally, Argentines are finally sick and tired of all the sh*t and turmoil that has happened under the Peronistas. I honestly never thought I'd see this day. I lived in Argentina from 2002 to 2011. I was the largest buyer of residential real estate in Argentina after the corralito (devasting financial crash at the end of 2001). Everyone told me I was crazy to move to Argentina. Everyone. My friends, my lawyer, my accountant. All of them were WRONG.

I got married in Buenos Aires. Two of my kids were born in Buenos Aires. I've been a permanent resident in Argentina for over 20+ years. I love Argentina. I sold my company at a great time and I sold 95% of my real estate portfolio in 2018/2019 at the peak of the market.

I spent June and July 2023 in Buenos Aires and I've watched real estate prices fall for about 4.5 years in a row. I started seeing in July that it was near the bottom. I also saw that Argentines were ready for a change. I started to do paid polling and I was shocked with the numbers that came back. I saw that Javier Milei was going to win. I started up my company again on August 5, 2023. And then we started buying heavily in real estate again.

If anyone wants to read about how Argentina went from being one of the wealthiest countries in the world into one with the worst economies, you should read this great article by my friend - https://www.bowtiedmara.io/p/argentinas-century-long-decline

I campaigned hard for Javier Milei for the past few months. I've given advice that he has taken. And now I'm excited to see true change. I am a realist. I realize that will most likely get worse before it gets better. But after every devasting car accident is Day 1. When you have to pull the bodies out of the car. You see all the blood and carnage but the ambulances have to come in, assess the damage, and take bodies to the morgue. But it all stays with Day 1.

Congrats to my friend, Javier Milei.
Milei will be bad for Argentina
Milei's whole program is just deleting shitty laws, and forcing Congress to vote on deregulating things. in the USA, some barbers/haircutters have to have 1000 hours of training to get licensed. how does that protect the public, exactly? it doesn't; the Boards of each licensing agency lobbied the government so they would control the barrier to entry.

monopolies can only exist with government force backing them.

1. https://humanprogress.org/what-medieval-china-teaches-us-about-overregulating-innovation/

2. https://reason.com/2021/07/14/regul...these-entrepreneurs-didnt-ask-for-permission/

3. https://humanprogress.org/ridley-how-innovation-works/

please read 'the other side' before being so certain about the ideas of personal liberty and private property. remember that the communists are always the most-corrupt and nepotism-loving ones, when you see where the money flows to
I believe Milei will be bad for Argentina. We will see things get worse. We were better off with Massa.
What the hell do you expect that Massa would have done differently than all his predecessors? He was their puppet! I don't claim to be any expert on Argentina but I've been reading all that I can now that I will invest here and buy a property. I've been here long enough to know this is a great country and totally mismanaged by people like Massa!

@Larry how do you envision things would go under Massa???

Milei's whole program is just deleting shitty laws, and forcing Congress to vote on deregulating things. in the USA, some barbers/haircutters have to have 1000 hours of training to get licensed. how does that protect the public, exactly? it doesn't; the Boards of each licensing agency lobbied the government so they would control the barrier to entry.

monopolies can only exist with government force backing them.

1. https://humanprogress.org/what-medieval-china-teaches-us-about-overregulating-innovation/

2. https://reason.com/2021/07/14/regul...these-entrepreneurs-didnt-ask-for-permission/

3. https://humanprogress.org/ridley-how-innovation-works/

please read 'the other side' before being so certain about the ideas of personal liberty and private property. remember that the communists are always the most-corrupt and nepotism-loving ones, when you see where the money flows to
Amen! THIS. I will check out those links. Busy busy selling my condo but thanks for taking the time to post links. I'm amazed that people STILL think Massa would do better. People are in serious denial. At least Milei reminds people every speech how shitty things are!