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Positive Changes for Real Estate investors in Argentina and also non-resident foreigner investors with Milei's Omnibus law

Argentina is a land of immigrants. It is a very difficult place to make money so if foreigners are coming here and expecting to have all kinds of opportunities to make money they are mostly mistaken unless they start their own businesses. But they also might find that tax rates are very high here too just like the USA. In fact, more taxes here. They need to overhaul the tax system.
What strange times we live in when people make blogs and post YouTube channels about going to move to a country to have an anchor baby. Times have sure changed!
I don't blame people for coming to Argentina to have "anchor babies" as we did it as well. But I wouldn't go online and advertise it. This American I have seen online talking about purposely having a baby to gain citizenship. He actually mentioned it on a local podcast. Not sure this is the smartest move to go on social media and say you're purposely having an anchor baby to gain citizenship.

I don't blame people for coming to Argentina to have "anchor babies" as we did it as well. But I wouldn't go online and advertise it. This American I have seen online talking about purposely having a baby to gain citizenship. He actually mentioned it on a local podcast. Not sure this is the smartest move to go on social media and say you're purposely having an anchor baby to gain citizenship.

I wish all the luck in the world to this American that moved here but it was funny the locals were so confused as he was saying he decided to move to Argentina because of Milei and they asked him when he started planning it and he said 2022 before Milei came into office. They were like 'huh things were really crappy then?'. I love Argentina but I think this guy doesn't really understand the ins and outs of Argentina too well.

I'm not sure Argentina will care even if he says he moved here in order to have a kid born here to get Citizenship. I am sure many locals probably will not be happy to hear about this. Some won't mind but probably a large % of people that also won't take too kind to it if he just came in on a tourist visa and staying.