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Politics Could Milei win in the first round?

I dislike Milei for many reasons as I dislike all the politicians in Argentina . I feel though that Milei is having a tremendous amount of help to win the elections in Argentina and there seems to be something planned about this . I predict he will win and the country will go to hell in a handbasket. He is not a leader that unites people but the opposite which will cause the worst crisis ever seen in Argentinas history by March 2024 . I am not a peronist and do not follow any political party currently But for me Milei will be the most damaging for Argentina by a long shot!
Who is he having "help" from?? The guy is giving his blood, sweat and tears to fight for the Presidency. Help? Of course you have to have help to win a Presidency of a nation. What are you referring to or implying? Honestly I want to know as I don't understand your cryptic meaning.

"The country will go to hell in a hand basket"? LOL. It is ALREADY hell in a hand basket. How much worse do you want to see it? The status quo is NOT working. Didn't you also leave Argentina because it was so bad Perry??? I believe you did. So did I. Why? Because the country went to sh*t. Things will be HORRIBLE no matter who is President in 2024. Milei isn't such magic solution. A shitstorm is coming. That's for sure. That IS coming no matter which of the 3 win. Not much can stop that. We are talking about putting things on track not for our generation but most likely for the next. There are no quick and easy solutions but something MUST change in Argentina. But make no mistake it probably will get worse before it gets better.

But something has to change. I kind of laugh at posts like yours that criticize but offer no solutions or changes for Argentina. What's your plan??? I'm very passionate about Argentina. I love Argentina. I consider myself a Porteño. I've had 2 kids that were born there. I got married there. I started many businesses there. I started a hotel there. I have brought in hundreds of millions of dollars into Argentina. I love this place. Not to make money or anything else. I love it because it is "home" to me. I want to see it do well.

I get angry when people just criticize or talk sh*t about Argentina but they offer no solutions. I don't agree with everything Milei says or does. NOT by a long shot. Just like I didn't agree with everything Trump said or did. I think he made more mistakes than he did right. But he had a chance to do them right. He had a lot of good ideas. I don't want to see Milei go the direction of Trump.

I might be in the small minority but I do believe change CAN happen someday in Argentina. It will take blowing stuff up and changing laws and sacrifice and changing of methodology and way of thinking. But I dream of a day my kids or my kids kids that are Argentine can be proud of their country and say it's one of the best countries in the world. A day when they can hold their Argentine passport and be so proud. I own properties there and they will always have a "home" there. I never sold off everything as I loved Argentina too much. I am now going to start buying more real estate there and help others to as well.

This taxi driver was a moron. It's morons like him that has kept Argentina going backwards since the good ole days when Argentina was one of the wealthiest countries in the world.
I beliieve you are a very sincere man Early Retirement and your love for Argentina is genuine and uplifiting . Unfortnately Argentina is the greatest prize in the world atm for a select group of people and they will do everything to get him in power . I have posted this today as a record of my thoughts and if I am wrong I will come on this forum and apologise to all members . Argentina under this man will get much worse not better and I see changes in the country that few would ever believe now . His comments on auto determination of the kelpérs are very telling what does this mean exactly ? This plays into seperatism and argentina has many territories Patagonia .Mendoza, Cordoba who want to be independent and under this new government I feel it will happen . Argentina is the last frontier of the planet and its resources infinite can you imagine the elite are rubbing their hands in glee to able to control these assets using seperatism to divide and conquer . look at Russia , Yugoslavia , Iraq just some recent countries that were seperated in many different entities .
I beliieve you are a very sincere man Early Retirement and your love for Argentina is genuine and uplifiting . Unfortnately Argentina is the greatest prize in the world atm for a select group of people and they will do everything to get him in power . I have posted this today as a record of my thoughts and if I am wrong I will come on this forum and apologise to all members . Argentina under this man will get much worse not better and I see changes in the country that few would ever believe now . His comments on auto determination of the kelpérs are very telling what does this mean exactly ? This plays into seperatism and argentina has many territories Patagonia .Mendoza, Cordoba who want to be independent and under this new government I feel it will happen . Argentina is the last frontier of the planet and its resources infinite can you imagine the elite are rubbing their hands in glee to able to control these assets using seperatism to divide and conquer . look at Russia , Yugoslavia , Iraq just some recent countries that were seperated in many different entities .
Thank you Perry. As I believe you are. I agree with you that Javier is plain WRONG on many issues. I don't disagree with you there. But I think the other political parties also are doing a lot of wrong things.

Let's see about Argentina. I do believe it will get worse before it gets better no matter who is in office. But it's going to take something drastic to change things.

I TOTALLY agree with you about Argentina being the last frontier on the planet. It's so pristine and beautiful. Let's what I'm always trying to push upon people. Just how special it is. I don't think even Argentines know what a gem they have. That's why I want to see things turn around. If they can get their act together, I believe it's one of the best places to live for anyone on the planet.

At least with Milei, many foreigners are looking to invest there again as they believe there is at least some hope of a turn around. I don't see that with any other political parties and the status quo.

Thanks for posting. I know you love Argentina as much as I do.
Thank you Perry. As I believe you are. I agree with you that Javier is plain WRONG on many issues. I don't disagree with you there. But I think the other political parties also are doing a lot of wrong things.

Let's see about Argentina. I do believe it will get worse before it gets better no matter who is in office. But it's going to take something drastic to change things.

I TOTALLY agree with you about Argentina being the last frontier on the planet. It's so pristine and beautiful. Let's what I'm always trying to push upon people. Just how special it is. I don't think even Argentines know what a gem they have. That's why I want to see things turn around. If they can get their act together, I believe it's one of the best places to live for anyone on the planet.

At least with Milei, many foreigners are looking to invest there again as they believe there is at least some hope of a turn around. I don't see that with any other political parties and the status quo.

Thanks for posting. I know you love Argentina as much as I do.
The moment THE MOMENT this country begins to turn its self round expect mass migration, illegal and legal, as is happening in the US and Europe. In fact Argentina will be seen as a more attractive option even. Great for investors and speculators I guess but Argentina will rapidly change in more ways than one.
I do not share the optimism about the future of Argentina, though I would certainly wish it.

Argentina can only progress if 3 moderate governments are elected in a row that do things that make common sense. This is the time required to build trust and the minimum time required before a "lluvia de inversiones" can start.

Argentines do not have that patience. They do not elect sustained and moderate improvements. They choose for instant radical change.

Whenever a government takes over that wants to fix imbalances introduced by populists, it has to cut spending drastically. Things get worse before they get better, because people lose massive subsidies. Before things can go better, there are new elections and people elect again politicians that shower them with hand outs at the cost of sacrifycing Argentina's future.

Argentines are addicts of subsidies and the populists know very well how to play the people to keep coming back. Politics here is all about people serving the politicians. Argentina is collateral damage.

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The moment THE MOMENT this country begins to turn its self round expect mass migration, illegal and legal, as is happening in the US and Europe. In fact Argentina will be seen as a more attractive option even. Great for investors and speculators I guess but Argentina will rapidly change in more ways than one.
Yes, I know. But it's already starting. I only have 2 Airbnb's there and the last several guests have all been Russians. They are paying top dollar. I also have been recently retained by Russians to purchase homes there. So I know it's already happening. It's the type of thing maybe the every day ex-pat doesn't see but I'd venture to guess you talk to respected immigration attorneys like Bajo_cero and I'd guess if I'm seeing it then he is too. I'd love to hear comments from him on this issue.

Argentina is one of the easiest countries in the world to be a "permanent tourist". I don't know if that changes. But they already have Mercosur and all of Venezuela and Colombia are living in Buenos Aires already. They can go to school free and work there.

I think it moves more of making it less easy for them and easier for people with $$$$ to move there. I'd like to see golden visa programs in place where $XXX,XXX invested in Argentina automatically gets you a DNI. I do believe a DNI will become more valuable there heading into the future. People don't realize what a gold mine Argentina is with natural resources. The only thing in the news is all the Sh*t about bad economy but it's bountiful with so many natural resources it boggles the mind.
I do not share the optimism about the future of Argentina, though I would certainly wish it.

Argentina can only progress if 3 moderate governments are elected in a row that do things that make common sense. This is the time required to build trust and the minimum time required before a "lluvia de inversiones" can start.

Argentines do not have that patience. They do not elect sustained and moderate improvements. They choose for instant radical change.

Whenever a government takes over that wants to fix imbalances introduced by populists, it has to cut spending drastically. Things get worse before they get better, because people lose massive subsidies. Before things can go better, there are new elections and people elect again politicians that shower them with hand outs at the cost of sacrifycing Argentina's future.

Argentines are addicts of subsidies and the populists know very well how to play the people to keep coming back. Politics here is all about people serving the politicians. Argentina is collateral damage.

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I don't necessarily disagree with you. Your points are intelligent and spot on target. Anyone that reads my posts for the past 13 years knows I'm NOT a dreamer. I'm logical and common sense driven. I've accomplished quite a bit in my life and I hope to accomplish more (autobiography) and hope to revolutionaize real estate market in Latin America with technology. I don't know if it will happen in my life time but it's a goal of mine that my kids see that sometimes in THEIR lifetime.

I agree with you about Argentines being stupid and ignorant. They aren't patient either. Like I said, things will be there a mess. But I can tell you this. 20+ years ago EVERYONE told me I was crazy. Everyone. They all told me doom and gloom stories about Argentina and how I'd fail. I worked with many people in politics from all political parties. Many even invested with me. I would on a daily/weekly/yearly basis think of EVERY single way I could get cheated and failed and would work backwards to protect myself and my investors. You know that scene in the movie, Limitless with Bradley Cooper? That's how I felt. I felt like I could see 50 steps ahead of everyone. It's crazy but true.

Against all odds, an American accomplished a lot there. Its hard as hell working there. I was working mostly 16/17 hours a day for 7.5 years in a row. I joke with people I worked the equivalent of 20 years during those 7.5 years. It was by far the toughest thing I've ever done in my life. But it was the most rewarding thing I did in my life.

I totally fell in love with Argentina and I am in fact still in more in love with Argentina than ever. The easy play would be staying in the USA. I have enough money to live anywhere in the world. But I choose Argentina every day of the week. It's where my heart is.

People might call me a dreamer. But you know what? Maybe I AM a dreamer of a wonderful and powerful and rich Argentina.