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Hey guys

So my stupid a$$ best friend decided to get married at age 24 to a girl he´s known for less than a year, and is insistant on everyone coming. I want to go because all my buddies will finally be in the same place at the same time for the first time in years, so I want to go even though ill only be able to be there the weekend.

Problem is, this was super last minute and I need a few months to save up for a freaking ticket with cash. I don´t have a n argentine credit card cuz I dont work legally and have no cuit cuil cdi whatever.

And Im stupid and forgot to grab an american credit card before I came, since Id figured Id get one here.

Now, can anyone offer me any solutions? I dont want to pay high interest, but I need some sort of borrowing system. My family doesnt count and I dont want to ask my suegro. I have a very secure paycheck (more like pay-wad-of-efectivo) coming in every month so money isn´t a problem (immediate money is a problem). Thanks ahead of time, if anyone responds!
So, if you're just going there for a weekend and you have a steady income here and access to money once you get there, why can't you just ask for some cash in advance from your local employer here and secure the funds to pay him/her back the following week?
Even borrowing money from a co-worker and bringing in a Mac or another electronic gizmo on your return trip should cover it almost immediately.

You will also be able to retrieve your CC and live happily everafter.

You stated secrecy is only a requirement until you get there. Wedding pics will certainly get the cat ot of the bag...

I am sure you are an asset to your workplace and they will be more than willing to help you and keep you happy. Even likely to make your trip useful for them by running errands, etc.
So, if you're just going there for a weekend and you have a steady income here and access to money once you get there, why can't you just ask for some cash in advance from your local employer here and secure the funds to pay him/her back the following week?
Even borrowing money from a co-worker and bringing in a Mac or another electronic gizmo on your return trip should cover it almost immediately.

You will also be able to retrieve your CC and live happily everafter.

You stated secrecy is only a requirement until you get there. Wedding pics will certainly get the cat ot of the bag...

I am sure you are an asset to your workplace and they will be more than willing to help you and keep you happy. Even likely to make your trip useful for them by running errands, etc.
I totally agree. Your posts makes it sound like you have regular cash flow from your job. If you are as valuable as you think you are to your employer, just ask them for a short-term loan that can be subtracted from your next paycheck. I had tons of employees do that and I always agreed to do it.

Also, there ARE some high interest places out there that loan money out. I'm not sure all of the terms/conditions but I know they are out there because I've had employees that got them before and we got notices that we needed to garnish their wages because they didn't pay them back. I never dealt with that sort of thing as my HR department did but definitely they are out there.

However, it really sounds like you can't afford to take the trip. JMHO.
Hey guys.

Thanks for the replies.

I understand I won't get credit in Arg because I am working in negro. I said that in my post above.

I was also hoping of a less ghetto way to get the money, you know, not by selling my computer. My friend from the wedding suggested paypals bill me later. Any kind of credit system would work for me. Once I get to the states, Ill be able to get dollars so paying stuff back won't be a problem. I don't want to ask my boss, or anyone i work with for monay. Do you guys understand how favors work? I don't want to be on the opposite end of that $h!t. If you guys don't know or have no real suggestions, it is okay, I don't really need ghetto advice, I'm not so hopeless that I cant think of that on my own. I was just posting in case my young, ignorant a$$ has not heard of something cool that may be of use to me.