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Expat Life: Local Discoveries, Global Connections

Day 1-2

I'm glad you got to hit so many of those places I recommended to you. Those are some of my favorite places in Buenos Aires. There are definitely some great restaurants in Buenos Aires. I hope you are planning on coming back @Blockchain.

@CraigM, I love El Preferido de Palermo. On the pricey side now but never had a bad meal there. I'm glad you're having such a great time and so active. Fabulous that you're playing tennis everyday. My kids do that when we are in town. They take a private lesson every morning. Glad you're doing the same.
Thanks again @earlyretirement for so many great recommendations. They were all spot on. I'm planning on coming maybe in November so see you if you're in town then.
La Carniceria, jeez the name says it all doesn't it? Looking at the bill this morning it was much closer to $225 or $250 (three people), guess I struggle with math after that much wine. I normally hate wasting food and eating too much makes me feel ill, but last night was all giggles.

Steak restaurants in the US are so expensive. Last night would have been at least $700 in Austin and closer to $1000 at a place like Jeffrey's. In NYC you would probably add 50% to that.
Yeah a meal like that at Jeffrey's would be $900 or so. I went there for a business meeting not long ago. A porterhouse steak alone with tax and tip was about $215. Bone in Rib eye $150. Even at the most expensive places in BA they are less than in most any major city in the States.
What a great forum, so much great feedback and helpful suggestions. Thank you all!!

Tonight we had our first really big meal we ordered so much wine and beer and food, holy bananas. I have never left so much on the table and the bill with tip was about $300. I know that sounds like an enormous amount of money but in any US city that would have been multiples.
Wow $300 dollars for 3 people is very expensive for Buenos Aires. That must have been a lot of food! I wish we could have made that event to the Teatro Colon. We saw it but couldn't get tickets for it. We hope to make one of the events but tickets well out very quickly. Does anyone have any advice how you can easily buy tickets? Or is there a resale market to buy tickets if they are sold out?
Hi! It’s really difficult to get tickets for a concert at the Teatro Colón. Generally, ticket reservations open at 12 p.m. fourteen (14) days before the first performance of each show. The problem is that they sell out on the first day. You can also reserve tickets in person at the theater.

Another option, though a bit more expensive, is through an agency. I used Viator for this in the past; here’s the link. Actually, I checked, and there’s availability:

You can also join a guided tour to at least see the inside of the theater. These tours are free, and you just need to sign up on the website. The theater is truly impressive, so you shouldn’t miss it. There’s also availability for the guided tours. Here’s the link.

Hi! It’s really difficult to get tickets for a concert at the Teatro Colón. Generally, ticket reservations open at 12 p.m. fourteen (14) days before the first performance of each show. The problem is that they sell out on the first day. You can also reserve tickets in person at the theater.

Another option, though a bit more expensive, is through an agency. I used Viator for this in the past; here’s the link. Actually, I checked, and there’s availability:

You can also join a guided tour to at least see the inside of the theater. These tours are free, and you just need to sign up on the website. The theater is truly impressive, so you shouldn’t miss it. There’s also availability for the guided tours. Here’s the link.

Yes tickets sell out very quickly. Especially for popular performances.
Wow $300 dollars for 3 people is very expensive for Buenos Aires. That must have been a lot of food! I wish we could have made that event to the Teatro Colon. We saw it but couldn't get tickets for it. We hope to make one of the events but tickets well out very quickly. Does anyone have any advice how you can easily buy tickets? Or is there a resale market to buy tickets if they are sold out?
Yikes! I haven't been back for a bit. Is it really that expensive for a dinner out now? $100 bucks each sounds like a ton!
Thank you! I think I will follow your itinerary. Also, @CraigM have you checked out any gyms at all? I heard personal trainers are very affordable there. I want to get a bunch of facials, massages and maybe yoga or personal trainer time as well. Please post if you find a good gym you like.
Yes my friend and I joined Always in Soho, mostly because it's across from Moshu Treehouse where I've been going for coffee in the mornings (really great place that my local friend turned me onto). Always is ARS 25,000 for 15 days, which is about what a day pass costs at most US gyms. Not sure about personal trainers but I'm sure they're very affordable just based on the cost of tennis lessons ($20-30/hr including court time).
I'm not sure if you like art @CraigM but the MALBA museum is worth a visit too if you like art. The Museo de Bellas Artes is also nice. It doesn't sound like you made it to San Telmo yesterday but that is worth visiting as well preferably on Sunday when it is busy. BA is also a fabulous walking city if you didn't figure that out.
I will definitely visit this Sunday!
Hi! It’s really difficult to get tickets for a concert at the Teatro Colón. Generally, ticket reservations open at 12 p.m. fourteen (14) days before the first performance of each show. The problem is that they sell out on the first day. You can also reserve tickets in person at the theater.

Another option, though a bit more expensive, is through an agency. I used Viator for this in the past; here’s the link. Actually, I checked, and there’s availability:

You can also join a guided tour to at least see the inside of the theater. These tours are free, and you just need to sign up on the website. The theater is truly impressive, so you shouldn’t miss it. There’s also availability for the guided tours. Here’s the link.

The US Youth Orchestra was very easy to find tickets, I doubt the theater was even 60% full. I booked the day before and could have sat front row, or any other row for that matter. But it was an afternoon event so maybe those aren't too popular.
That's great @CraigM! I'm glad you are off to a great start. Buenos Aires is one of my absolute favorite cities in the world. Glad you also are getting in tennis lessons. My kids play competitive tennis here in the USA. My daughter plays Varsity tennis at high school since she was a Freshman. Tennis lessons there are a great deal. My kids all take lessons when they are in town. We also pay about $25 USD per hour per kid. They take lessons over near the Paseo al Corta shopping mall.

Glad you took my advice for a good massage. That's the first thing I do once I land in Buenos Aires. I usually eat and then head over for a massage with Micaela. Also, her mother Maria is also good. Or there is another Maria there too and you can get a 4 handed massage which isn't too much more than 2 handed. I usually get Micaela and Maria for that and it is well worth it.

Recoleta definitely is my favorite neighborhood and where I lived for so many years and where my office was located. You have some good friends as you're doing the trip right. SottoVoce is one of my all time favorite restaurants. I've hit that place hundreds of times over the past 22 years. I lived close to it so I was there all the time.

Have a great trip Craig and look forward to reading more of your trip reports.
We ate at Sottovoce again yesterday and walked Recoleta. That restaurant is fantastic, great food and we took our sweet time and enjoyed the atmosphere which is half the appeal there. A great experience and not expensive at all. I think lunch with wine and tip was about $50.

Can't thank you all enough for the great recommendations. Will try to hit some more on my list this week!
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Yes my friend and I joined Always in Soho, mostly because it's across from Moshu Treehouse where I've been going for coffee in the mornings (really great place that my local friend turned me onto). Always is ARS 25,000 for 15 days, which is about what a day pass costs at most US gyms. Not sure about personal trainers but I'm sure they're very affordable just based on the cost of tennis lessons ($20-30/hr including court time).
Moshu Treehouse has good coffee. I have been there a few times. My brother lives near there. Wow, day passes are so expensive in the USA? You can find trainers on SuperProf @CraigM.

Heading to Iguazu tomorrow!
Have fun in Iguazu! You will love it! I hope the weather is good and clear out.

We ate at Sottovoce again yesterday and walked Recoleta. That restaurant is fantastic, great food and we took our sweet time and enjoyed the atmosphere which is half the appeal there. A great experience and not expensive at all. I think lunch with wine and tip was about $50.

Can't thank you all enough for the great recommendations. Will try to hit some more on my list this week!
That a boy! Sottovoce is one of my favorite restaurants and the one that I ate at the most. I lived up on Avenida Alvear just a few blocks away and I would go there and get take out there a few times a week. Literally been there hundreds of times. Never had a bad meal there. Great pasta there but everything is good there.

Have a great time on the rest of your trip.
Yes my friend and I joined Always in Soho, mostly because it's across from Moshu Treehouse where I've been going for coffee in the mornings (really great place that my local friend turned me onto). Always is ARS 25,000 for 15 days, which is about what a day pass costs at most US gyms. Not sure about personal trainers but I'm sure they're very affordable just based on the cost of tennis lessons ($20-30/hr including court time).
Weekly passes or monthly passes are always a great deal for tourists coming for a limited time. Most of the gyms will offer some great deal. Personal trainers are also very cheap here. My friends that come in town always are surprised how affordable it is. As @Avocado mentioned, you can find one on Super Prof.

Heading to Iguazu tomorrow!
Fun! Let us know what you think. I know you were hesitant to go initially because you went to Niagara but you will see it is like night and day.

Have fun in Iguazu! You will love it! I hope the weather is good and clear out.

That a boy! Sottovoce is one of my favorite restaurants and the one that I ate at the most. I lived up on Avenida Alvear just a few blocks away and I would go there and get take out there a few times a week. Literally been there hundreds of times. Never had a bad meal there. Great pasta there but everything is good there.

Have a great time on the rest of your trip.
That is one of the best restaurants in Buenos Aires. They have been around for a long long time and very consistent. Usually on the higher side on prices for locals. But very good. Glad you are having fun Craig.
Have fun in Iguazu! You will love it! I hope the weather is good and clear out.

That a boy! Sottovoce is one of my favorite restaurants and the one that I ate at the most. I lived up on Avenida Alvear just a few blocks away and I would go there and get take out there a few times a week. Literally been there hundreds of times. Never had a bad meal there. Great pasta there but everything is good there.

Have a great time on the rest of your trip.
You can often times see politicians eating in Sottovoce. I once saw Cristina Kirchner eating in there. The waiter told me she goes there often. I also saw the mayor of Buenos Aires there once.
@CraigM thank you for your real time reports! I am getting many ideas of what to do based on your trip report. Can you tell me objectively how you see the streets and sidewalks? Is there a lot of dog poop on the sidewalks? What's your opinion on it? You sound like a pretty objective guy. Thanks.
We ate at Sottovoce again yesterday and walked Recoleta. That restaurant is fantastic, great food and we took our sweet time and enjoyed the atmosphere which is half the appeal there. A great experience and not expensive at all. I think lunch with wine and tip was about $50.

Can't thank you all enough for the great recommendations. Will try to hit some more on my list this week!
If you are in that area @CraigM try getting an empanada at El Sanjuanino. It is around the corner from Sottovoce. They have very good traditional empanadas. You can also get them to go. Very good.
