Hi @Jakoval,The overall experience hasn't been bad but I still don't quite understand the several visits before the first procedure which was the tooth extraction. I did have to see a few different dentists and none of them did anything except saying that 'yeah I do need an implant' which I already knew before moving to this country. I was going to do it back in my homeland but I was in the process of moving here and realized that the implant process would be long so I decided to go ahead and move here. My implant dentist is actually different from the one who will be making the crown but it is at the same clinic.
Thanks for posting your update as I'm sure it will be helpful to others. I'm going through this process now in the USA. I've already had 2 implants before here in San Diego but this is my third one. The process is the same. I had to get my tooth extracted and then they do the bone graph and stitch you up and then you have to wait 3 months from the time of the extraction. You are through the hardest part. It's a LONG process.
My 2nd tooth that I had to do an implant a few years ago while going through the process the bone graph got infected and they had to start the process over with the bone graph. It was a long and expensive process. I hope the rest of yours goes smoothly.
My regular dentist is the one that put the custom crown on. Here it is like that as well.