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Desperation situation - I caught my maid of 12 years stealing from me toilet paper and food

How much have you been paying your maid?

A bus ride is around 300 pesos (with a registered SUBE card, otherwise it's around 500), if she has to take a couple of buses to get to your place, the second bus costs less per km. In any case, a 2,000 peso bus ride per day would most likely cover it.

It is very easy these days for people to find out how much others are making 📲.
I was paying her 2,500 per hour before and no transportation. I have friends back in Seattle who are shocked it's so low but I moved here primarily to save money and I just worry how quickly things can change. BA is a nice enough city but lots of hassles too. Low cost made up for the hassles but not sure if costs continue to go up.

I am amazed how much cost of living has gone up just since last year a few months ago. People rave about how great the food is here. I agree it is much better than places like Colombia but I went to Rio de Janeiro and I find the food much better there than BA. Now I think Rio might be on par with cost of living than BA and weather is much nicer and they have beaches. I don't find it as safe there but this flaming hot cheeto likes a little spice. But I signed 12 month lease so I wouldn't leave until the lease is over. Gay scene is better in Rio vs. BA.
I am amazed how much cost of living has gone up just since last year a few months ago. People rave about how great the food is here. I agree it is much better than places like Colombia but I went to Rio de Janeiro and I find the food much better there than BA. Now I think Rio might be on par with cost of living than BA and weather is much nicer and they have beaches. I don't find it as safe there but this flaming hot cheeto likes a little spice. But I signed 12 month lease so I wouldn't leave until the lease is over. Gay scene is better in Rio vs. BA.
This is a common theme amongst some of my expat friends in BA. They say it is worth putting up with red tape here and general inefficiencies when it was so cheap. But not so much now that cost is 2-3 X what it was not too long ago and services still are horrible. Most people agree costs needed to go up but all suddenly at once is too much to bare. You see it with the healthcare cost and other things. Recipe for disaster.
This is a common theme amongst some of my expat friends in BA. They say it is worth putting up with red tape here and general inefficiencies when it was so cheap. But not so much now that cost is 2-3 X what it was not too long ago and services still are horrible. Most people agree costs needed to go up but all suddenly at once is too much to bare. You see it with the healthcare cost and other things. Recipe for disaster.
This is true and part of the reason why I was open to leaving once my girlfriend suggested Spain. BA is awesome an feels like a great city when it is cheap and affordable. But once it starts getting somewhat expensive, the shine wears off. Once it is on par with prices abroad then it absolutely seems like a city that has a lot of problems with no cost benefits. I think that is what many expats as well as locals as well are dealing with.

And into the mix the major hassles with guarantor system for long-term rentals. And literally 100% cash when buying vs. paying with mortgage in other countries and all the warts start to appear of how unappealing Argentina can be.

Because the economy is so bad, a large % of people are depressed there. Very expensive and hard to get electronics and other consumer goods vs, just ordering online and getting next day in many countries for 1/3 or 1/4 the price of Buenos Aires.
Wow I didn't realize so many people live outside of the City. Is that common there? I would guess cost of living will be lower. I am told probably the best neighborhood for us would be Palermo.
We live here becase this is where my wife is from. Although there are people living here who work in Buenos Aires they don't commute daily to the capital as it's a 2+ hour drive away.
Any updates @Avocado? On a positive note, I was scrolling through X and I saw tuna can prices have drastically fallen in Argentina!

I forgive her. She is still working for me. But horrible thing is now I don't fully trust her. Before I felt ok leaving out money or valuable items. Now I put all jewelry or anything of value in safe. It is sad but I try to stay aware of all my things now. But no guarantee I would not have this problem with another person.
I forgive her. She is still working for me. But horrible thing is now I don't fully trust her. Before I felt ok leaving out money or valuable items. Now I put all jewelry or anything of value in safe. It is sad but I try to stay aware of all my things now. But no guarantee I would not have this problem with another person.
@Avocado I was just curious is the maid still working for you? Any other incidents? My friend living in BA just had the same thing happen to her. She fired her however but the maid has now sued her for firing her.
@Avocado I was just curious is the maid still working for you? Any other incidents? My friend living in BA just had the same thing happen to her. She fired her however but the maid has now sued her for firing her.
Hello @I Love Mate. She is still working for me. Things are less awkward now. She rebuilt back up some trust. I don't keep any money around. Valuables go in a safe. Now I ask her if there is anything she needs at the store to eat. Besides her salary I ask if she needs some groceries so I help out that way sometimes.
Could be wrong but there seems to be a common theme on this and many similar threads. Which is, expats love to live here as long as it's cheap for them to do so. As soon as it starts costing more to live here they begin to talk about leaving. If that's your way of thinking then I'd suggest you start making plans to ship out soon. I can only see it becoming more expensive in the future.
Hello @I Love Mate. She is still working for me. Things are less awkward now. She rebuilt back up some trust. I don't keep any money around. Valuables go in a safe. Now I ask her if there is anything she needs at the store to eat. Besides her salary I ask if she needs some groceries so I help out that way sometimes.

Glad to hear things are working out. It takes courage and compassion to give someone another chance. The theft of food and toilet paper are probably the only things I am willing overlook once, I would agree with others that the theft of money or jewelry should result in immediate dismissal.

I believe you have earned her loyalty and her trust as well, so I think she would come to you if she needs anything instead of resorting to any future mischiefs out of necessity.
Could be wrong but there seems to be a common theme on this and many similar threads. Which is, expats love to live here as long as it's cheap for them to do so. As soon as it starts costing more to live here they begin to talk about leaving. If that's your way of thinking then I'd suggest you start making plans to ship out soon. I can only see it becoming more expensive in the future.
Yes that always seems to be a common theme on these expat forums. I agree with you @Scottishgaucho. Most seem to have it only be about money and wanting to live as cheap as possible. Even those that want to live here forever seldom plan well making it impossible for them to get off the cycle of doing this wherever they go. Not everyone because some make Argentina home for the long haul but you are probably right. The signs are on the wall that things will become much more expensive.
Glad to hear things are working out. It takes courage and compassion to give someone another chance. The theft of food and toilet paper are probably the only things I am willing overlook once, I would agree with others that the theft of money or jewelry should result in immediate dismissal.

I believe you have earned her loyalty and her trust as well, so I think she would come to you if she needs anything instead of resorting to any future mischiefs out of necessity.
Agreed. Normally I wouldn't accept any theft at all but I try to put myself in the other person's situation. Still, I would only give one warning and then I would have to terminate. The lost of trust no matter what it may be is a horrible thing in employer -employee relationship.
Could be wrong but there seems to be a common theme on this and many similar threads. Which is, expats love to live here as long as it's cheap for them to do so. As soon as it starts costing more to live here they begin to talk about leaving. If that's your way of thinking then I'd suggest you start making plans to ship out soon. I can only see it becoming more expensive in the future.
I know what you're saying but realistically if prices yo yo from very cheap to normal to expensive how can you really plan for that? Short of help from family how can you cope with that besides finding somewhere cheaper once that happens? I have friends in the States that always are moving too because the cost of living becomes too high. Many people in the U.S. jump around too all the time because of this.

It definitely feels like the economy is stabilizing with inflation going down and salaries going up. That can only seem like prices will go up.
I know what you're saying but realistically if prices yo yo from very cheap to normal to expensive how can you really plan for that? Short of help from family how can you cope with that besides finding somewhere cheaper once that happens? I have friends in the States that always are moving too because the cost of living becomes too high. Many people in the U.S. jump around too all the time because of this.

It definitely feels like the economy is stabilizing with inflation going down and salaries going up. That can only seem like prices will go up.
Here many people can't survive without help from family. When life get more expensive thankfully we can go to family for help. Those that have no family to help get desperate.
I know what you're saying but realistically if prices yo yo from very cheap to normal to expensive how can you really plan for that? Short of help from family how can you cope with that besides finding somewhere cheaper once that happens? I have friends in the States that always are moving too because the cost of living becomes too high. Many people in the U.S. jump around too all the time because of this.

It definitely feels like the economy is stabilizing with inflation going down and salaries going up. That can only seem like prices will go up.
Let's face it the reason it was cheap was because of previous governments operating a false economy for years to be popular with the lower earners. In order to sort out their mess prices have had to go up and will continue to do so for a long time yet. That's why the likes of maids/cleaners need regular pay rises.
Let's face it the reason it was cheap was because of previous governments operating a false economy for years to be popular with the lower earners. In order to sort out their mess prices have had to go up and will continue to do so for a long time yet. That's why the likes of maids/cleaners need regular pay rises.
Very much agree with you. I think that some people are being paid fair living wages and others aren't. I know many people that are starting to cut back on their housekeepers as things are a struggle. Many locals are not fair and paying just the very minimum wages to their maids. I don't believe that is fair. But the reality is in a recession like this, many can't afford to pay more so it's either paying minimum levels or getting rid of them. It is a difficult situation as some are demanding more, households are getting rid of them but with the recession some don't have many other options.

@Scottishgaucho you are correct that it is very cheap because of all of the corruption and broken system here. If that gets fixed the next several years will get expensive compared to right now. People are in for a rude awakening if they believe it will be nearly as cheap as it is now. I am on my way out of Argentina in a few months but I will keep my apartment here as I do plan to move back no matter how expensive things get.