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Desperation situation - I caught my maid of 12 years stealing from me toilet paper and food

Let's face it the reason it was cheap was because of previous governments operating a false economy for years to be popular with the lower earners. In order to sort out their mess prices have had to go up and will continue to do so for a long time yet. That's why the likes of maids/cleaners need regular pay rises.
@Scottishgaucho very true. It is shameful how many locals pay such low wages to their maids and help. People should be rising pay to their maids in line with inflation. All my friends are very reasonable with this but as @Vince mentioned, many are cutting back on hours and some are getting rid of their help. People talk about a recovery but the recession has further to go. I know some business owners that tell me business is very bad and they are going to have to terminate employees. Inflation has eased but that isn't the entire thing that matters to some people. They still need to make enough to get by.

Prices will rise but I don't think they can skyrocket up. Too many problems the country is still grappling with. Vince we will miss you but good that you are planning on coming back. I read you're moving back to the States to take care of your sick parents. Good luck.
Could be wrong but there seems to be a common theme on this and many similar threads. Which is, expats love to live here as long as it's cheap for them to do so. As soon as it starts costing more to live here they begin to talk about leaving. If that's your way of thinking then I'd suggest you start making plans to ship out soon. I can only see it becoming more expensive in the future.
I agree that cost of living alone shouldn't be the only factor for where you live. But it is clear that many expats are chasing the way of only affordable living. Affordability for sure is important to me. What I like about Buenos Aires is in many ways it feels very first world to me. I don't think that anyone will try to argue that Argentina will get cheaper or even stay at these levels in USD.

Glad to hear things are working out. It takes courage and compassion to give someone another chance. The theft of food and toilet paper are probably the only things I am willing overlook once, I would agree with others that the theft of money or jewelry should result in immediate dismissal.

I believe you have earned her loyalty and her trust as well, so I think she would come to you if she needs anything instead of resorting to any future mischiefs out of necessity.
Tony nailed it! Some will argue that stealing is stealing but taking toilet paper or tuna is different to me too. Glad she got another chance.

Question for any of you fellow expats. Do you ever get expected to pay more than locals just because you're a gringo? I definitely will pay my fair share of fair prices. But it irks me when people expect me to pay more for tomatoes or produce or even expect me to pay more just because I'm a foreigner. My normal maid was sick and she had her friend come. And she was asking double of what my maid charges. And she said that since I'm making USD it shouldn't be a problem. I totally disagreed with her. How do those of you feel about this? I don't want to come off as a jerk but paying fair prices should be about paying fair prices not based on skin color or origin country.
To tell how bad situation here is I caught my maid stealing from me. I hire her for 12 years and always very good person. Last few weeks I notice my pantry missing some food. Normally I keep more but with tight budget I can't buy so much. Today I find in my maids bag cans of tuna and toilet paper and some other things. I feel very bad. I don't know if I should fire her. This show me truly how bad the situation is here.
I am going to have to go against the consensus here and recommend that you fire her. If someone steals once they will do it again. I had this same thing happen to me with a Mexican maid that I had. It started out as some snacks and food and toilet paper. I wouldn't have cared if she just asked me and I even tell her she is welcome to my snack pantry whenever she wants. But I didn't take that to mean, taking things home with her. Just for her to personally eat when she was over cleaning.

I started to notice tons of stuff missing. Like I would buy a big bag of beef jerky and it would all be gone. And I buy huge packs. I confronted her. I didn't want to make a big deal but it was constantly happening. Then it was toilet paper. Then cleaning supplies. I kept confronting her and she would deny it. Then I started getting clothes and shoes missing.

At least she admitted it but it just means when times are tough she will probably do it again. I learned that when people have an obligation to their family vs. obligation to employer they will take their family every time.