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Don Julio now has $100 US steaks


I just saw my friend Taylor Selden posted this. A recent menu at Don Julio's now with a $100 US dollar steak. Ain't NO way I would pay $100 US dollars for a steak in Buenos Aires. They they plenty of decent steak places that don't break the bank. That place has become such a tourist trap. I've eaten here over 100 times when it was just a normal restaurant before all the fancy write ups.

can you look up and see how much it was? because i'm not seeing other non-touristy restaurants going up very much, even with the meat price bouncing up then back down last week. it could just be Don Julio seeing just how stupid people are (and they are free to do so! i'll go when it costs $30 USD again)
I think Don Julio mostly gets dumb tourists that like overpaying for beef. They know they can increase their prices and these morons waiting in line 2 hours will pay anything just to be able to take their stupid IG photos saying they were at Don Julio's.

Don Julio is smart to raise the price to $100 bucks for a steak that cost $15 in another restaurant. Tourists are morons but good for the Argentine economy.

I want someone to wine and dine me on $100 steak. Now maybe the wait will be 1.5 hours instead of 2 hours. LOL!
Wow!! I ate here several years ago and it was very affordable. It is quite shocking to see $100 steaks. Here in the US we see them but wasn't expecting to see that in BA. I would assume this is not common at other places. Don Julios became very touristy as of the past few years.
Pretty messed up I just got a juicy steak and fries for like $9 USD in the microcentro drinks extra
It is good to know still very cheap steaks there. I am aware that it has become a very touristy place and I will avoid. But I am checking and the cost of many things seem to have gotten more expensive. @HannibalLector do you have private healthcare coverage there?
It is good to know still very cheap steaks there. I am aware that it has become a very touristy place and I will avoid. But I am checking and the cost of many things seem to have gotten more expensive. @HannibalLector do you have private healthcare coverage there?

Nah no healthcare, honestly if I get really sick at this point I'll just jump off my 11th floor balcony no regrets
Say what you will about Don Julio. The place still has people lined up day in and day out. They should charge as much as they can while the getting is good. Those owners are making a fortune!