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Donald Trump Assasination Attempt today - July 13, 2024

Everyone did see it coming. I'm suspicious on the timing. They're trying to shift focus off the screw up and Trump's momentum to changing the conversation about anything and I mean anything else. Good strategy on their part.
Was thinking the same as you @FuturoBA. The timing now after this attempt on Trump's life. Biden and his family really are pushing to stay in but it's clear they are getting pushed out now. At this point they have to try something new but not sure anything can change the fate now.
Does anyone else find it very suspect that a fund shorted Donald Trump's public company before his assassination and then said it was a mistake? It is owned by Blackrock. Then they said it was a mistake and cancelled the transaction. This is getting stranger by the day. Plus, the shooter was in a Blackrock promotional video.

I read about that Texas investment firm saying it was a mistake. Sounds like a convenient excuse. It's too much of a coincidence that Blackrock had a promotional video with the shooter in it. I want to hear more about all of this. Hopefully we hear the truth. Did you notice the song at the end of the Republican National Convention? Very telling.

Does anyone else find it very suspect that a fund shorted Donald Trump's public company before his assassination and then said it was a mistake? It is owned by Blackrock. Then they said it was a mistake and cancelled the transaction. This is getting stranger by the day. Plus, the shooter was in a Blackrock promotional video.

I didn't know about Blackrock video but you're right. I just saw that online. This is getting too spooky.

Does anyone else find it very suspect that a fund shorted Donald Trump's public company before his assassination and then said it was a mistake? It is owned by Blackrock. Then they said it was a mistake and cancelled the transaction. This is getting stranger by the day. Plus, the shooter was in a Blackrock promotional video.

This was very sloppy. I'm not sure how there are so many coincidences. The shooter was in a Blackrock Commercial. Blackrock owns the building the shooter used. Blackrock is a majority stakeholder in Austin Private Wealth which tried shorting DJT. Blackrock is the majority owner in Crowdstrike which had the big outage. Seems like Blackrock was flexing with that big outage the other day.

I hope we get to the bottom of all of this. With technology you can't pull off all of this stuff. People can put 2 and 2 together now unlike when JFK got assassinated.
Everyone knew that Biden wouldn't be the Democratic nominee. He just dropped out of the race. Kamala Harris is taking over. She probably has even less chance of beating Trump than Biden had.
Yep. I read the reports on Friday as some already knew he decided to drop out as it got leaked. Although some people are saying that Hiliary Clinton is still out out of contention for President. Biden is behind Kamela but polls show she would easily lose the race.
Everyone knew that Biden wouldn't be the Democratic nominee. He just dropped out of the race. Kamala Harris is taking over. She probably has even less chance of beating Trump than Biden had.
No surprise to anyone. I knew once CNN started bashing Biden there was a plan in place to get a new nominee. It would be hilarious if Kamela Harris is shunned for President. That would be embarrassing for her.
I believe that Kamela Harris will have to at least be on the ticket as President or VP. They raised hundreds of millions of dollars already. I don't think they can legally use these funds unless at least she is on the ticket.
Don't be so sure it's going to be Kamala. Even the Obamas aren't endorsing her yet. Stay tuned.

Vivek has been predicting this for a while now.

I read about that. If Obama doesn't recommend Harris than it probably isn't going to be her. If it was going to be her, he would have immediately gave his support. Sounds like maybe Hillary Clinton is an option. We don't even know if Biden knows he resigned yet!

As expected, Kimberly Cheatle, the director of the United States Secret Service, resigned after failing to prevent the attack on Trump.

I don't like Trump at all. But I don't see how anyone beat him now. It was miracle he is alive. He lucky man. I wonder how if government involved in trying to kill him.
Don't count out Kamala Harris. Look at the mainstream media how quickly they flipped the switch. CNN all within a few weeks said Biden was perfectly fine. Then they pushed him out, now they have tons of positive gushing and press how she is the greatest thing since sliced bread. I'm getting my eyes opened how tainted the mainstream media is.
Don't count out Kamala Harris. Look at the mainstream media how quickly they flipped the switch. CNN all within a few weeks said Biden was perfectly fine. Then they pushed him out, now they have tons of positive gushing and press how she is the greatest thing since sliced bread. I'm getting my eyes opened how tainted the mainstream media is.
One thing is for sure. This year's election that was already chaotic is going to be a circus! I have read so many conspiracy theories out there and the sad part is some of them are probably true. Seems like Biden was forced out and Obama wasn't counting on him endorsing Harris so quickly. That seemed to be Biden screwing over Obama, especially considering Obama isn't endorseing her.

It's going to be interesting to see how the rest of the next few months plays out. Fact is stranger than fiction right now.
Let's ge honest. Anyone was better than Biden. Harris has a better shot of beating Trump than Biden did.

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These numbers for Vice President Harris are totally off. She is running neck to neck with Trump. I was surprised but I just saw some Fox News Polls that show them dead even or close to it. And she is raising record amounts of money and mainstream media is behind her now that they pushed Biden out.
These numbers for Vice President Harris are totally off. She is running neck to neck with Trump. I was surprised but I just saw some Fox News Polls that show them dead even or close to it. And she is raising record amounts of money and mainstream media is behind her now that they pushed Biden out.
Honestly it is difficult to trust media. I am not sure what to believe. They all were tough on Biden to force him out and some were actually reporting fair with Trump and then after Harris came back in they flipped the other way again.

The media is trying to bury the story. Google has joined in shovel in hand.
That is crazy that Google is doing this. Subtle ways where they are trying to sway audience and public.