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Don't count Cristina Kirchner out for a comeback

According to Cristina, "unity needs direction and a plan to build the best Peronism possible in an Argentina that has become impossible for most of its inhabitants." What does she think? That she's going to save the world? We all know that her style of government has always been and will always be "welfare dependency." She has a basic and outdated view of politics and economics, and honestly, we don't need that. Plus, she's corrupt. With Milei in charge, things are finally getting back on track, and even though it's a tough sacrifice for many, I prefer it over this terrible figure who ruined the country with her policies.

Exactly. Many people can finally feel change for the first time in their lives. It’s why he is so popular with the younger generation.
Exactly! With the economic crisis in the country, many people feel insecure about their future, and Milei promises radical change. His fresh approach and rejection of the status quo resonate with young people who want to see something different in the country. In contrast, older generations are often afraid of change. But those who don’t take risks don’t win.
Cristina will be back stronger than ever. The only good thing about having Milei is after him, people will learn to never make that mistake again.

@Betsy Ross come on. You have lived in Argentina long enough to know never to count CFK out of the race. People are getting too confident. With Alberto going down in flames she can blame it all on him and depending on how things go in 2025 she might be able to blame Milei too even though she is to blame for much of this.
She is done on any major national level in my opinion. She is an old woman. She is almost 72 years old. By the time Milei is done she will probably be dead already. I don't think she has any role in the future. Not saying that Peronism is dead. Just think there are other players that would make more sense than her.
I don't understand why people like her want to mess around with politics. She should just quietly retire somewhere with the tens of millions of $$$$ that she stole.
People like this seem to get addicted to the power and publicity. I will never understand why guys like Pablo Escobar just didn't buy an island somewhere and live it up in peace. They get addicted to the fame and feeling that they are loved by people.

Argentina is a funny place. It seems like when she dies she will be known as the most hated AND the most loved Presidents of all time in Argentina. Probably same as Trump.