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Newcomer During protests, the Monserrat area was a focal point of activity


New member
Hello, I'm considering booking a hotel in the Monserrat area, situated between the Lima and Piedras metro stations. I notice it's close to Plaza Congress, where recent demonstrations and protests have taken place. Could you advise if it's a safe area to stay in, or would it be better to choose accommodation a bit further away from this area?
During my visits to the area, I've encountered numerous demonstrations. While they do cause traffic disruptions and considerable noise, they've generally been safe for passers-by, at least in my experience under a different administration. People seem more inclined towards peaceful forms of protest like "pot banging," with violence being rare. I hope this trend continues.
We recently returned from our trip to Patagonia and Buenos Aires. We stayed at Hotel Tango de Mayo, which is conveniently close to Congress, and we felt completely safe throughout our stay. We encountered no issues whatsoever, and the protesters appeared non-aggressive. While police forces were present, they remained in the background. We would gladly stay there again anytime!
You should be fine in this area but when people typically say they want to stay in this area my question is typically WHY? What leads you to want to stay in this area? Many times it is typically much lower prices on hotel/rentals. There are far better areas in my opinion, but to each his own. It isn't dangerous.
You should be fine in this area but when people typically say they want to stay in this area my question is typically WHY? What leads you to want to stay in this area? Many times it is typically much lower prices on hotel/rentals. There are far better areas in my opinion, but to each his own. It isn't dangerous.
I'd totally agree with you. I'd say the only reason why someone would choose this area over a more upscale, nicer, safer area is their budget may be lower. I really try to avoid this area. Not that it's dangerous. I just think it can be dingy, especially at night.
You should be fine in this area but when people typically say they want to stay in this area my question is typically WHY? What leads you to want to stay in this area? Many times it is typically much lower prices on hotel/rentals. There are far better areas in my opinion, but to each his own. It isn't dangerous.
Yes you are correct it was because the area was much more affordable vs. Recoleta and Palermo. But I may just snag an Airbnb in those areas after reading the posts and also in case there are more protests. Thank you to all of you that posted.