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Soon, I'm going to start a good paying job working remotely with US clients. I just moved to Argentina, although I'm technically just here on a tourist Visa. What do I need to know to navigate the issues of visas, money transfers, and taxes? Is anyone else in a similar position and willing to give some pro tips?
TONS of people out there like you. I trust your client doesn't know or care you're in Argentina? If they don't care you're golden. You don't have to do anything right now. You can easily just cross the border into Uruguay every 3 months. Argentina doesn't really care. I know many people that over stayed their visa. Some for up to 2 years and they just paid a fine when they left. I personally have never stayed in Argentina illegally even one day. I always got a visa but I wouldn't recommend that for you.

Just enjoy life earning US $ and spending pesos. You don't have to worry about Argentina taxes. You'll pay taxes in the USA if you're American. Just make sure to follow all the tax laws and declare income, etc. You can get by with Western Union.
The Argentine Republic does not establish restrictions or quotas on the employment of foreigners, as long as they comply with the regulations established on immigration matters, that is, they have a valid residence permit.

But the reality is Argentina has NO clue what you're doing. So just enter on a tourist visa and work for your company. No one will know and it's not worth stressing over. That's one of the things I'd do differently. When I came to Argentina I did EVERYTHING by the book and worried too much what was "legal".

NOTHING works in Argentina and it's chaotic so stop stressing about things you shouldn't be. Relax and enjoy making $US and spending pesos. Argentina can't even police their own citizens. Do you think they will care what you're doing?

The BEST advice I can give to those in your position is to relax and don't over think things. Follow a common sense approach. You can see how you like Argentina. Buenos Aires is chock full of digital nomads and it will get even busier once Milei wins. You're going to see more and more foreigners in BA. For better or worse, it's coming and prices are all going to go up. So enjoy the cheap rates for things while it lasts.
I'm in the same situation, but I can't user western union to bring my money over. Does anyone know how easy it is to turn crypto into cash here? I heard cuevas do it for a 5% fee.
I'm in the same situation, but I can't user western union to bring my money over. Does anyone know how easy it is to turn crypto into cash here? I heard cuevas do it for a 5% fee.

Why can't you use Western Union? It's simple! Yes, there are cuevas that do it. Most shouldn't be more than about 3.5%. You're not going to have any issues. Just ask your local friends. Most of them all have a source. Ping me via PM. I can hook you up with a trusted source.
Why can't you use Western Union? It's simple! Yes, there are cuevas that do it. Most shouldn't be more than about 3.5%. You're not going to have any issues. Just ask your local friends. Most of them all have a source. Ping me via PM. I can hook you up with a trusted source.
I'm not from the US or Europe so I can't pay WU with card. I'm from another latin american country and for actually sending money there are not a lot of physical locations, someone has to go and send me the money and it's not practical. My plan is to bring $2k in cash, first month airbnb with my cc, pay what I can with credit card and get some more cash with crypto as I go.
I'm not from the US or Europe so I can't pay WU with card. I'm from another latin american country and for actually sending money there are not a lot of physical locations, someone has to go and send me the money and it's not practical. My plan is to bring $2k in cash, first month airbnb with my cc, pay what I can with credit card and get some more cash with crypto as I go.
Ah ok got it. I thought you could send Western Union from/to anywhere in the world. I have clients in over 80 countries that all use Western Union. I sent you a PM. I do have a solution so ping me there.
Ah ok got it. I thought you could send Western Union from/to anywhere in the world. I have clients in over 80 countries that all use Western Union. I sent you a PM. I do have a solution so ping me there.
I was about to say thank you, and then you ask me for a fee over pm...

Offering something to bait and switch for your business is not a respectable thing to do. I don't need a personal banker, I can just ask my airbnb host or anyone in argentina to direct me to a cueva and they will be happy to do so.
I was about to say thank you, and then you ask me for a fee over pm...

Offering something to bait and switch for your business is not a respectable thing to do. I don't need a personal banker, I can just ask my airbnb host or anyone in argentina to direct me to a cueva and they will be happy to do so.
Oh yeah I don't talk on the free for anyone (except maybe Caribbean Cool - because he is special that like..LOL). You're asking someone to hook you up with a trusted connection. Nope. Not going to do it for free. You're not talking about a normal cueva. You're talking about doing bitcoin transactions in exchange for cash. Sure, no worries, you can find someone to do it. Good luck.

But keep in mind something VERY important. YOU are taking ALL the risk with cuevas. YOU will have to send your bitcoin first. LOTS of scams out there. There are people cheating their own families in Buenos Aires for money. Good luck on your transaction. ALL my contacts are verified and trustworthy. People have NO clue how cutthroat and dangerous it is in Buenos Aires.

They think they are going to be in a room or something with someone saying, "ok let's do it at the same time". It's not like that. YOU send the money first and then they give it to you LATER. You have to use people 10000% trustworthy. I hear from people almost every day that get ripped off. So good luck.
Cuevas don't use bitcoin, they use usdt.

Listen I don't have a problem with your business, just with the bait and switch. I never asked for a direct hook up, you offered.
Cuevas don't use bitcoin, they use usdt.

Listen I don't have a problem with your business, just with the bait and switch. I never asked for a direct hook up, you offered.
I've sent BTC and Litecoin to my contacts there without issues. There are tons of different options. You are taking the term "cueva" and think it's like actual institutions. All a "cueva" is is some guy that is exchanging $X to $Y.

Like I said, you can find someone. But also you think you are saving money when many times you don't. I've seen tons of things in Buenos Aires. Most times by the time people come to me it's too late. They already got screwed time #1, #2, or #3 and finally cried uncle and want to do it correctly.

Remember there Is NO recourse in Argentina. NO small claims court, no police that will help you, NOTHING. So the only option is doing it right the first time.

Many of these people operating in Argentina eventually "exit scam" you. So time #1 or #2 or #3 might work then bam! Time #4 you're hosed.
And the best way to do a direct transaction in person is usdt, bitcoin would be too slow... (This is how 99% of crypto to cash deals are made in cuevas from what I have heard)I can't believe I'm explaining this to someone who was going to charge me for it.

I also don't appreciate the typical fear mongering strategy that a lot of expat focused services use. The only expat service I used in another country was a law firm where they accepted you could do everything by yourself and save some money but they obviously had more experience.

I agree you have to be careful in Argentina and obviously I'm not making a real estate deal with a stranger but I also wouldn't trust someone who uses a dishonest strategy to promote his business.
And the best way to do a direct transaction in person is usdt, bitcoin would be too slow... (This is how 99% of crypto to cash deals are made in cuevas from what I have heard)I can't believe I'm explaining this to someone who was going to charge me for it.

I also don't appreciate the typical fear mongering strategy that a lot of expat focused services use. The only expat service I used in another country was a law firm where they accepted you could do everything by yourself and save some money but they obviously had more experience.

I agree you have to be careful in Argentina and obviously I'm not making a real estate deal with a stranger but I also wouldn't trust someone who uses a dishonest strategy to promote his business.
No one is saying you're a naive expat. You're the one posting about coming to Argentina with only $2,000 cash and wanting trusted contacts on a message board. I wish you the best. I really do.
I'm in the same situation, but I can't user western union to bring my money over. Does anyone know how easy it is to turn crypto into cash here? I heard cuevas do it for a 5% fee.
I never asked for a trusted contact. You offered and then baited and switched over pm.
In this forum and other expat communities 99% of people are happy to exchange information for free. If I offer to help someone and ask them to pm me I don't turn around and ask them for money on the first message.
Of course someone demanding exact cueva information from strangers is not nice either, that's why I didn't ask for it.
Baited and switched? Ha. Come on man. OK, keep waiting for the trusted contact on this board. Like I said, good luck I mean that. We always try to help people. That's the goal of these boards. Best.
Baited and switched? Ha. Come on man. OK, keep waiting for the trusted contact on this board. Like I said, good luck I mean that. We always try to help people. That's the goal of these boards. Best.
Perhaps you shouldn't have used the phrase "hook you up"
Perhaps you shouldn't have used the phrase "hook you up"
No time was invested by the OP. There is safety and concern measures when you refer someone to your trusted contact that you've been banking with for the past 15 years. Perhaps, "hook you up" was the wrong term and if there was any unintentional offense, I am sorry for the misunderstanding.

But I'm just posting from my side we take referrals to trusted banking partners serious. When someone doesn't want to (or can't) send a Western Union to themselves that comes off as a bit suspect. So there are safely measures in place before referring to trusted financial contacts. I will refrain from using "hook you up" in the future. My apologies to the OP.
@earlyretirement - I just landed a couple of weeks ago and need to find a cueva that can give me USD. Been lurking around the forum about a month or so and I remember reading a thread where someone mentioned there are cuevas here that will accept USD Paypal transfers and then give you physical USD cash in return for a 5% cut or something like that. Any advice or leads, either here or via PM, would be greatly appreciated.
^He is going to charge you to set you up with his "personal banker".

If you can learn to use crypto, you can buy usdt with card on binance. Paypal is usually not great for personal transactions.