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Even the Pope is visiting Milei after Milei called him an imbecile - Fox News


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Just to show you the power of Milei and how world leaders realize how much power he has. President Milei called the Pope an imbecile during his campaign. Like many other things, Milei is back tracking and invited the Pope and the Pope knows he can't refuse his visit. For those that don't know, the Pope is Argentine.

Well to be fair, the Pope and the Catholic church in general are kind of imbeciles with the many scandals over the past many decades.
I agree! There are many scandals with the Catholic church. They have stolen money for years from people. Covered up child abuse and many other things. Most I know don't even go to Church anymore because of this. If you go back in history you will see the Catholic church even tried to sell passageway to heaven. Crooks!
At least this Pope seems humble. I was reading he turned down to use designer Prada shoes and clothes, etc. that all the other Popes used. He actually seems like a good man but I'm not sure what all the Catholic church does behind the scenes. Transferring all those child molesting priests to other dioceses made me sick.
No one seems to care about Milei's visit to visit the Pope. Argentina has more important things going on.

It is good to see this. I didn't understand the logic of bad-mouthing the Pope in a country that is largely Catholic and where he hails from and is loved and respected.
Exactly. Milei made a lot of mistakes and this is one of them. At least he has changed his tune fast on the pope. He made many mistakes so far and continues to make them.