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Newcomer Exchange Help!!


New member
Hello everyone,

I'm seeking assistance in finding a currency exchange (cambio) that operates on Sundays. We'll be arriving in Argentina on a Sunday morning, and our hotel is located near Plaza de Mayo. Could anyone recommend a cambio in this vicinity that is open on Sundays? Alternatively, should we consider obtaining a small amount from the airport or an ATM for the day and then visit a cambio on Monday?
I am back in BA. This time staying in Recoleta. Do any of you know any exchange houses that are open in Recoleta? I don't want to go all the way down to Florida street. Thanks.
There are several in Recoleta but most of them don't have signs and are more private places that you have to know about. Some places operate as something else like a jewelry store and then you just tell them you want to exchange and they will buzz you into another room. The place I go to is Pueyrredon 1687 @ Juncal. Very nice people and rates are always great.
There are several in Recoleta but most of them don't have signs and are more private places that you have to know about. Some places operate as something else like a jewelry store and then you just tell them you want to exchange and they will buzz you into another room. The place I go to is Pueyrredon 1687 @ Juncal. Very nice people and rates are always great.
I went to that one. I think this is the one that you sent me @earlyretirement? You sent me two options and I can't remember if this was the one I went to but they were great! They even exchanged some smaller bills that I had. The exchange rate wasn't as good but I had a lot of $50 and $20's too that they exchanged but each had their own exchange rate.