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Newcomer Expats leaving Ag/BA???


New member

An American friend of mine tells me there are a number of expats leaving.....I know things are'nt perfect but...
1. Is it true
2. Why

I don't know how long you've been on this board for, or how much you view the threads and messages, but a good 75% of the expats that I have known in my 6 years here have left Argentina. A number more are leaving soon. There are many reasons for this. Keep reading and you will see why....
For those that have families may as well consider leaving. For those without family, and have dollar incomes, may see a brighter future.!

The Old American Saying also applies here..."Love it or Leave it"

An American friend of mine tells me there are a number of expats leaving.....I know things are'nt perfect but...
1. Is it true
2. Why

Judging by your post you sound totally green and new and don't know Argentina too well.

In your situation if you don't understand Argentina, the more obvious question to you should be, "why move to Argentina....? What advantages are there professionally vs. other areas around the world"? What can you accomplish there that you can't in other places?

I'm not saying Argentina is all bad but SERIOUS SERIOUS problems there.
Judging by your post you sound totally green and new and don't know Argentina too well.

In your situation if you don't understand Argentina, the more obvious question to you should be, "why move to Argentina....? What advantages are there professionally vs. other areas around the world"? What can you accomplish there that you can't in other places?

I'm not saying Argentina is all bad but SERIOUS SERIOUS problems there.
am thinking that the OP is suspect... Just joined, 1 post since Jul 2011?

Anyway, saw an interesting article on WSJ/ Dow Jones. I cannot reproduce everything here but here are the highlights:

DJ Economy Could Bolster Argentina's Ruling Party in 2013 Election

--Improving economy, fiscal situation could bolster ruling party ahead of mid-term election
------> Next year debt payment is USD 6B less, next year's weather (EL Nino) predicted to be good for crops....
--Strong showing in mid-term could allow President Kirchner to eliminate her two term limit
--Argentina's 2013 outlook hinges on Brazil, good weather for crops
DipOtomano, Well, typically I'd say it seems suspicious as well but let me tell you...I've met plenty of clueless ex-pats that head down to live in Argentina not knowing anything at all about the economy down there or all these crazy restrictions.

Many go down for a vacation or meet someone down there and decide to drop everything and move down there. They have no idea how poor the economy is, how low the wages are, how high the inflation is, or know anything at all about the "white/black" issue.

I'd like to think 2013 is a better year for Argentina but I think it will get worse before it gets better which is a shame.

Argentina has so much darn potential but they can't manage to do anything with it long-term.