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What will happen to the price of real estate as Dollars disappear? How will the devaluation of the Peso affect the prices?

Many thanks!
Nothing will happen. everything is en negro anyway, the escritura will say pesos but you can buy / sell with whatever the two parties agree on.
Similar situations have happened in Argentina before. These meassurements from the government will scare some. However, everything will still the same.
Similar situations have happened in Argentina before. These meassurements from the government will scare some. However, everything will still the same.
Maybe not the same but life on the roller coaster has both ups and downs

Keep calm and carry on
Nothing prevents them from demanding dollars or coconuts.
If they were to publish in pesos,the price would be outdated by the time the add is printed.

This is not a new practice, it is common for most foreign products. Only the dollars are slightly harder to come by.

Prices will "drop" in the sense that less pesos will show up over the table and more dollars will flow under. Parallel economy will adjust to this making it's own set of rules on the go. Inflation will thrive.
I agree with the others...people will always find a way to get paid in dollars.

The really scary thing is AFIP in some cases is asking buyers to justify where they are getting the funds to purchase. They have never done that before. But I've seen a few sales now where the deals fell apart because John Doe Porteño that is buying a $200,000 US apartment only declared $10,000 income last year. And they are questioning where the funds are coming from. And his parents also haven't declared enough funds to purchase it.

If AFIP really starts to scrutinize buyers funds/savings....the market will really suffer. Because the market lately is mostly made up of locals and not foreigners..... and the vast majority of locals don't declare all of their income. So that could be a big problem heading into the future...