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Extreme vandalism and damage to beautiful statues in Buenos Aires

This type of vandalism dates back a long time. They do it to extract the bronze and then sell it. I read that in 2022, Buenos Aires spent 40 million pesos on the restoration of some monuments that had been damaged.

In September of last year, the theft of metallic objects from public and private places continued to surge in the metropolitan area of Buenos Aires, and everyone was complaining about the authorities' passivity. Since then, they said they would implement more control measures to prevent such damages, but apparently nothing has changed.

They have even stolen the plaques; this is outrageous. I hope the authorities increase security and control measures. This phenomenon has been happening for years... it's sad.

I hope they find the people that did this. These are so precious and beautiful. Hard to believe people would do this to these beautiful monuments.
In that article it says some thieves got electrocuted and died. Justice.
"A few weeks ago, five corpses were discovered inside a van parked at the door of the municipal hospital of Bahía Blanca. The macabre find is from a gang of men who tried to steal cables on Route 33 and were electrocuted."
