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Far more homeless in the streets in Palermo!

I was out of town a few months visiting my mother that was ill in the USA. I came back and surprised to see the level of homeless has skyrocketed. I did not see too much in October before I left but now I see it more and more. Very sad to see.
Yes this is all due to Milei and his extremist policies. He has cut off funding for the soup kitchens around the city. People are starving and have no food. More and more homeless even in nice neighborhoods all over. You will see even more the next few months. When people finally get angry you will see big problems. When people desperate they have nothing to lose.
I was out of town a few months visiting my mother that was ill in the USA. I came back and surprised to see the level of homeless has skyrocketed. I did not see too much in October before I left but now I see it more and more. Very sad to see.
Yes sadly this is the case. However, when I went home to NYC this Christmas there is increased homeless as well as all the migrants flooded into the city. It makes me sad to see the homeless situation get worse here.
Are the homeless aggressive? Or do they keep to themselves? Would I be ok with children there? The homeless in many major cities of the US are very aggressive or on drugs or mental illness. I haven't found that to be the case in Latin America when I travel there.
I recently went to Los Angelos and it was far worse there. Very aggressive. At least the ones in BA are mostly quiet and keep to themselves.
Are the homeless aggressive? Or do they keep to themselves? Would I be ok with children there? The homeless in many major cities of the US are very aggressive or on drugs or mental illness. I haven't found that to be the case in Latin America when I travel there.
No they are not aggressive like some in the US. I have also noticed more and more homeless. Even when I stayed at the Park Hyatt hotel in Recoleta my first trip there wren't too many but now there are more and more sleeping on the street. Some have mattresses. I don't know where they get these mattresses. ˆI went to go eat in Belgrano with my girlfriend for dinner and I saw the homeless there as well in some nice areas.

I haven't noticed any aggressive. Many times they are just sleeping but it is shocking as some don't have shoes.
It is sad more homeless than ever in the city. Survey show 4,009 sleeping on the street in April. Up from 3,511 last year. They track the number.

It is sad more homeless than ever in the city. Survey show 4,009 sleeping on the street in April. Up from 3,511 last year. They track the number.

That is a sad trend but this is the same everywhere. Look here in Los Angeles or many major cities in the USA now and it has skyrocketed. Los Angeles has become depressing. They are all over. So while BA has increased, it's a small fraction of what we have here in most cities.