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First Clinic with a Voucher System.



Maybe this is the beginning of a good thing. I guess they have to start from somewhere but it will take a while to incorporate all the other medical centers in Buenos Aires province. It makes me nervous because one thing I really do not want this country to lose is its universal health and it shouldn't have to if the government ensures complete transparency.

Martin Menem's post on X:

We Visited the First Clinic with a Voucher System

Today, I attended along with the Secretary General of the Presidency, Lic. Karina Milei, and the Minister of Health, Dr. Mario Russo, the inauguration of a public-private hospital in the municipality of San Nicolás, Province of Buenos Aires.

Through the Municipal Health Insurance (Health Voucher), nearly 50,000 residents who did not have social security are provided with medical coverage, which is 30% of the population.

It was implemented through a digital credential, using the user's DNI as the affiliate number. This allows for monitoring of services to prevent fraud. The digital credential, in fact, works with a token just like all social security services, from the Municipality's website.

The municipality pays only for the medical services that correspond to the resident, those related to the primary level of care. In this way, it allocates resources only to the demand. The private sector invests in the rest of the supply.

I also think losing universal health would be horrible. The healthcare system in the US is totally broken!

@Vince , the system here is struggling and limping along.

My mother-in-law broke her arm last week - great treatment with ambulance service and plenty of x-rays and arm in plaster. The doc says she need an operation as the bones are not in the right place. One week later we can still not get a date for the operation

Meanwhile, she is staying with us

For how long / God only knows...
@Vince , the system here is struggling and limping along.

My mother-in-law broke her arm last week - great treatment with ambulance service and plenty of x-rays and arm in plaster. The doc says she need an operation as the bones are not in the right place. One week later we can still not get a date for the operation

Meanwhile, she is staying with us

For how long / God only knows...
Wow but does she have private insurance? I had heard the healthcare system here if you have a private plan is good. Is this not the case anymore?
@Vince , the system here is struggling and limping along.

My mother-in-law broke her arm last week - great treatment with ambulance service and plenty of x-rays and arm in plaster. The doc says she need an operation as the bones are not in the right place. One week later we can still not get a date for the operation

Meanwhile, she is staying with us

For how long / God only knows...
Sorry for your mother in law. I hope she OK and not in pain. Sometimes it frustrating waiting for medical system here.
Unfortunately, my mother-in-law has no private insurance.

She is a true Kirchnerista....

But Kristina has insurance, why don't you get it as well?

No reply as yet...
Yes I'm sure that CFK is living much better than all that idolize her. I was wondering about how good or bad the healthcare system was there for normal people with no coverage. My girlfriend and all her family all have prepago plans and say it's essential here if you really get sick or have an accident. I guess your post proves it is correct GlasgowJohn.
Unfortunately, my mother-in-law has no private insurance.

She is a true Kirchnerista....

But Kristina has insurance, why don't you get it as well?

No reply as yet...
@GlasgowJohn I am curious how does your mother in law see the state of affairs now? Does she acknowledge any improvement with Milei at all or is she like the other die hard Kirchnerista fans that say Milei is to blame for everything and the country is getting worse not better?

What would it take to convince her that Milei is doing a good job? What does success look like for her? I don't have any any Kirchneristas in my family and dont' want to ruffle any feathers with some casual acquaintances that I know. But I was curious.
She denies there is any improvement whatsoever.

But given that I banned discussing politics at home 14 years ago, I am unable to give you a fuller answer.

Every time she came round to our place Mrs GJ and the mother-in-law would end up in extremely heated arguments / I had no option to put a hold on political discussions at home.

I occasionally read her FB page and it is clear she could easily be a campaign manager for CFK.

Mrs GJ refused to read her diatribes on FB as they get her too stressed.
She denies there is any improvement whatsoever.

But given that I banned discussing politics at home 14 years ago, I am unable to give you a fuller answer.

Every time she came round to our place Mrs GJ and the mother-in-law would end up in extremely heated arguments / I had no option to put a hold on political discussions at home.

I occasionally read her FB page and it is clear she could easily be a campaign manager for CFK.

Mrs GJ refused to read her diatribes on FB as they get her too stressed.
Thanks for sharing. This is interesting to read. I always wondered how families there handle when they support different political candidates. The same thing is happening here in the States with some supporting Trump and some Biden. You were wise to ban political talk at home. That seems to be the best solution. I had to delete my Facebook was it has just turned into friends and family griping about politics. No thanks!
@MikeYoung, I had dinner in March with 6 US friends in Miami a couple of months back. We had a 3-3 split in the group plus me and an Irish friend. We could not believe the animosity between the two bands - it was really incredible.
I have ended many friendships over the past few years. They can’t separate personal life from politics. I tried but every conversation turned political. A shame
@Vince , the system here is struggling and limping along.

My mother-in-law broke her arm last week - great treatment with ambulance service and plenty of x-rays and arm in plaster. The doc says she need an operation as the bones are not in the right place. One week later we can still not get a date for the operation

Meanwhile, she is staying with us

For how long / God only knows...

I'm sorry to hear about your mother-in-law. All my friends there all have prepago plans. I was wondering how the public healthcare system is there. From the sounds of your post things are very slow and service is bad. For her example with the ambulance and everything she has $0 costs?

She denies there is any improvement whatsoever.

But given that I banned discussing politics at home 14 years ago, I am unable to give you a fuller answer.

Every time she came round to our place Mrs GJ and the mother-in-law would end up in extremely heated arguments / I had no option to put a hold on political discussions at home.

I occasionally read her FB page and it is clear she could easily be a campaign manager for CFK.

Mrs GJ refused to read her diatribes on FB as they get her too stressed.
That is a good and smart policy! I try not to discuss politics at all with people but that is increasingly difficult in the United States as most people have an opinion on things in an election year. In Argentina as well I try not to discuss it too much as it's about a 50% / 50% split of people that live Milei and people that hate him.

I'm sorry to hear about your mother-in-law. All my friends there all have prepago plans. I was wondering how the public healthcare system is there. From the sounds of your post things are very slow and service is bad. For her example with the ambulance and everything she has $0 costs?

That is a good and smart policy! I try not to discuss politics at all with people but that is increasingly difficult in the United States as most people have an opinion on things in an election year. In Argentina as well I try not to discuss it too much as it's about a 50% / 50% split of people that live Milei and people that hate him.

She fell off the pavement In Villa Crespo and fell over and was immediately assisted by passers by , who called the ambulance.

It arrived in ten minutes.

She was taken to the Hospital Alvarez - where she was treated more or less immediately - the x-ray revealed a fracture that world require an operation but when the swelling was down. So she got her arm plastered to immobilize it and they gave her an appointment with the traumatologist for 5 days later

Now we are waiting for the operation date - this is the slowest part of the public hospital system
She fell off the pavement In Villa Crespo and fell over and was immediately assisted by passers by , who called the ambulance.

It arrived in ten minutes.

She was taken to the Hospital Alvarez - where she was treated more or less immediately - the x-ray revealed a fracture that world require an operation but when the swelling was down. So she got her arm plastered to immobilize it and they gave her an appointment with the traumatologist for 5 days later

Now we are waiting for the operation date - this is the slowest part of the public hospital system
Wow, super sad to hear. I'm glad the ambulance came so quickly. 10 minutes is impressive. For such a big city, I don't see/hear ambulances here as much as other cities. I hope she gets a date soon. All in all sounds like they did a great job treating her.
I also think losing universal health would be horrible. The healthcare system in the US is totally broken!
She fell off the pavement In Villa Crespo and fell over and was immediately assisted by passers by , who called the ambulance.

It arrived in ten minutes.

She was taken to the Hospital Alvarez - where she was treated more or less immediately - the x-ray revealed a fracture that world require an operation but when the swelling was down. So she got her arm plastered to immobilize it and they gave her an appointment with the traumatologist for 5 days later

Now we are waiting for the operation date - this is the slowest part of the public hospital system
Sorry to hear about your mother in law. Very sad but the public healthcare system here seems great compared to the USA which could bankrupt you with an accident or injury.