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Newcomer Futbol Stadiums


New member
Staying in Palermo.

Intending to visit the two main stadiums.

Planning to use the Sube card and then a 10-minute walk to the stadiums.

Are there guided stadium tours available that can be booked directly at the stadium, and what is the cost?

Are there specific areas or blocks I should avoid when walking from the Sube?

Thank you very much!
Sube is the transportation card used for various modes of transport, while the subway system is referred to as "subte."

To reach the River Plate Stadium, you usually take "subte D" (currently closed until March). Afterward, you can walk down to the stadium via Congress Street. Alternatively, you can opt for any bus heading to Cabildo and Congress.

For the Boca Juniors stadium, there is no subway option. Instead, you can take a bus from Palermo, such as #152, 39, 64, 29, or 12, to reach your destination.
I was considering walking from the Constitution subway station as it seems to be only about a 15-minute walk from Boca Juniors. However, it looks like taking the bus might be a better option.

I might have to take the bus to get to the River Plate Stadium since I'm staying inJanuary. I could also consider taking a taxi since my accommodation is on Calle Paraguay near the outlet mall.

Thank you for your assistance.
From your accommodation, taking bus #15 on Santa Fe Avenue will conveniently drop you at Libertador & Udaondo, just three blocks away from the River Plate Stadium. You can also explore nearby attractions like Belgrano or Chinatown.
For the Boca Juniors Stadium, you can catch buses #152, #39, or #64 from Av. Santa Fe to reach the vicinity of Boca Juniors. While in the area, consider combining your visit with exploring the vibrant neighborhoods of Caminito or San Telmo.
These bus options provide you with a convenient way to explore both stadiums and nearby attractions from where you are staying.
Great! I plan to visit the San Telmo Market on Sunday, so I'll be taking that bus to get there.

Thanks a lot for your help!
Hello @DannielP !
I've left you two threads with all the necessary information about both stadiums. There, you'll find everything about how to get there and details about the tours offered by each stadium.

Please note that visits to the Boca Juniors stadium are suspended for the moment, only the museum is open during its regular hours.
i took an Uber for 20 minutes and it was $5 USD...highly recommend you just pay with a credit card and use Uber. way safe, super fast, and if the driver doesn't want credit card, the next driver will happily take it (so he isn't driving around with a stack of cash, waiting to get car-jacked, as my last driver told me!)