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Hello everyone! I'm seeking advice from fellow expats who have gone through the process of getting married in Argentina. I've heard that there might be a lengthy wait for an available slot. Additionally, there seem to be some unique requirements, such as obtaining a long-form birth certificate, having it translated, and possibly other somewhat challenging requests.

Is there an Argentine equivalent of Las Vegas where one can have a quick and straightforward marriage, perhaps without the usual bureaucratic hurdles? Any insights or experiences would be greatly appreciated!
We had to book a spot 28 days before we wanted to get married. We then had to get our blood tests done 10-7 days before we were to get married. Then we had to take the medical test results, my passport and photocopy, and my wife's DNI and photocopy a couple of days before the actual day. Then we had to just show up on time. I had to arrange for a translator for me. You need to have two witnesses present. That's it. You say "si" and then all is history!

Good luck.
Thanks guys! I appreciate the info...
Meh, I guess a month isn't so long. A friend had told me 2 months. Hey, does it matter if you're on a tourist visa? Expired tourist visa?

I didn't know about the blood test. Anyone know the rationale behind that? Can't get married if you're sick?
They told us that it is to know if our blood type is compatible (whatever the hell that means) and also for the both of us to know if either of us has any disease that we didn't tell each other about (sounds stupid but whatever).

They didn't check my visa (I had a valid tourist visa).
The others are spot on target. I got married in Buenos Aires several years ago. My wife and I both had DNI's and are permanent residents of Argentina but I went through the same process.

It took about a month ahead of time to register for it. We had to take the blood tests and it's important to note you had to go to the Public Hospital for this (kind of a sketchy place). I guess they don't trust people to forge test results at their own doctor or something. But as they explained it, it was to make sure the other person knew that you didn't have any communicable diseases or HIV, etc.

The results took about 10 days or so. We went to a public ceremony where we had to have 2 witnesses that were locals (had DNI's). I was pleasantly surprised that they had some guy taking "professional photos". We paid some relatively small amount of money and he gave us a ticket to pick up a CD a week or so later.

Fairly easy. I've never heard of any quickie type marriages there. Nothing in Argentina is too easy or too quick as you probably figured out already.

Good luck and congratulations.
I didn't need the birth certificate to get married, just my passport, but I was married in provincia. Our registro civil told us we would need a document stating I was single (which doesn't exist) :rolleyes: so we went to another registro who thankfully bended the rules a bit (it's not our designated registro) and let us marry there.

The blood work and checkup was a waste of time... I doubt they even check anything, but it's a necessary step. We had to go to a public hospital 7 days before the wedding for the blood work and physical (the physical basically consists of listening to your heart for 2 seconds and looking at the back of your hands).... 3 days before the wedding we had to pickup the results and take them to the registro civil. I lucked out here as well since I passed out while getting my blood taken (Dr. couldn't find my veins and only got a drop out) but he was nice enough to not make me come back. :p

All in all it was pretty painless. :) You do have to plan ahead though, reserve the date 30 days before the day you want to get married. The registros here only marry on Thursday and Friday.
Been so long ago I've forgotten most of the process but yes there's a lot of faffing about involved. We got 'married' twice in two days as a church wedding isn't officially recognised here which I found strange. My wife dealt with all the paperwork and other stuff. As it's a small town we live in she knows a lot of people which probably made the process easier for her.
Been so long ago I've forgotten most of the process but yes there's a lot of faffing about involved. We got 'married' twice in two days as a church wedding isn't officially recognised here which I found strange. My wife dealt with all the paperwork and other stuff. As it's a small town we live in she knows a lot of people which probably made the process easier for her.
Yes, for me also it was a LONG time ago. This thread is old. We are posting information of all of the old posts of answers that I have given over the years. I am not sure if the information is the same but we wanted to put the information out there so other people might update with their newer information.
Gosh so it is. I hadn't relised.
if you don't look at the date on every thread, you will get tricked! i had to delete a post last week because i read something and i was like, 'what the hell???' then realized it was from like 10 years ago :p

@earlyretirement i have pretty good attention to detail, but it tricked me, and it got this gaucho friend as well. any way to mark them with a color or perhaps the title of the thread can have [ARCHIVE] or something on it?