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Economy Google Backs Milei's Administration: A Push for Innovation and Bureaucracy Reduction


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The global director of Google, Karan Bhatia, said: "Milei's message to promote innovation and reduce bureaucracy is positive."

The company showed enthusiasm for the first months of Milei's government, whom they will welcome in Silicon Valley.

This is how a country is rebuilt, by establishing important international relationships and attracting such influential individuals.

Bravo. This is why people saying that all of these trips to the USA are worthless. Seems like some great connections are being built. Never saw this sort of thing for other past Argentina presidents.
I agree. Something is brewing. I heard that Milei wants to make Argentina an AI hub. So probably something in the works. I'm sure Google and others will get huge tax incentives to come here. It would be major for Argentina. This kind of announcement is why many locals are excited. Especially the young can feel something special is going on.
I am curious to see the outcome of Milei's meetings with all of these Silicon Valley companies. My good friend knows Peter Thiel very well. He said if he tells Silicon Valley what to do, they will do it. He was just in Milei's office and then now all these meetings so something is happening soon.
This is what the country really needs, and Milei is achieving it.

Google has strayed very far from their mission of Do No Evil.

I doubt Google can help. People outside of Argentina think logically and nothing here is done logically.
Just saw this on the Financial Times. The "hands off" regulation will be a big selling point.

Javier Milei pitches Argentina as low-regulation AI hub​

Honestly I can't see many bigger companies setting up shop here until Argentina gets rid of its crazy capital controls and Milei's Omnibus would need to pass tomorrow which some say won't happen. They need to totally restructure tax laws and also fix labor laws. We are 6 months in and Milei hasn't even passed one single law yet.
Milei spent $200,000 USD on his little trip to Los Angeles a few weeks ago. That is taxpayers money.

When Musk makes a major investment in Argentina , it will seem small change.
I don't understand why the most popular members of this government don't use X, YouTube, and other social media platforms to urge people to call, email, and even visit Congress in person to demand that senators and congressmen pass the law. This strategy works in the States, and it should work here too.

Geez, this country really needs to wake up. People need to speak up and demand action. You go to a store, a pharmacy, a supermarket, or an appliance center and ask to speak with a manager, and they tell you the manager isn't in. How ridiculous is that?

In life, if you take a passive stance, you get what you deserve. Argentines have to step out of their comfort zones and fight for what they want, no matter what it takes.
That is one thing that President Milei does well. He is on X all the time. He said he spends about 3/4 hours a day on Twitter. I see several of the top members of Milei's team on X. The younger generations use Tik Tok and IG and X but I don't think too many of the older population use it.

Agree about the country needing to wake up. I gave up on that since moving here but thought if there is ever a chance of it happening it is now under Milei but I'm not sure. It is difficult to get people to change. I've experienced the same thing about wanting to talk to a manager but here no one really seems to care. People here are very passive.
I don't understand why the most popular members of this government don't use X, YouTube, and other social media platforms to urge people to call, email, and even visit Congress in person to demand that senators and congressmen pass the law. This strategy works in the States, and it should work here too.

Geez, this country really needs to wake up. People need to speak up and demand action. You go to a store, a pharmacy, a supermarket, or an appliance center and ask to speak with a manager, and they tell you the manager isn't in. How ridiculous is that?

In life, if you take a passive stance, you get what you deserve. Argentines have to step out of their comfort zones and fight for what they want, no matter what it takes.
@Sunny I saw this video today and thought of your post. It sounds like President Milei wants people to wake up. The reporter seems shocked at first. Some people say he is crazy but I think he is just frustrated at some of these things you are talking about.

Exactly. He is not crazy and he has balls the size of watermelons. He tells it like it is and the good people of this country must follow his example.
🍉🍉🍉🍉. Ha. That is so true. That is why so many love him. He tells it like it is. He isn't doing this for personal gain. He really wants to see Argentina change. It can be frustrating seeing such a great country down so low because it's self inflicted. We all should be this angry and want to see things improve.