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Banking Help! My bank account in Argentina suddenly stopped working for online billpay or transfers to locals.

No Pesos

Active member
If anyone can please help me! I opened a bank account many years ago and I have been a perma-tourist in Argentina for many years. I opened a bank account a long time ago with Banco de la Nacion. I recently wasn't able to pay some bills for an apartment that I have here. I thought it was just the banking App so I went to the bank and I was shocked to learn that they have disabled bill pay and the ability to transfer to alias or CBU #. Basically my account is now worthless other than to just take out funds from their ATM machines or deposit money into it.

They say there is a new law that anyone with no DNI number the banks are forced to shut off bill pay feature. This makes NO sense to me. Why wouldn't they just shut down my account? It seems like they are limiting the ability to take out money instantly. Now when I am in the USA (I only spend 4 months a year here), I can't pay my bills for my apartment!

Does anyone have any work around solution for this? Did this happen to other people? Does anyone know why suddenly they would do something like this after being ok for many years?

Is there any other solution that doesn't require a DNI #? I signed up with my Passport and I think CDI # many years ago. Help!!!
You are right. My daughter in law works at a bank and she said they are changing the rules. They are either closing down or they are limiting bill pay or electronic transfer for bank accounts of people that don't have a DNI. She said this is going into effect over the next 3-6 months. She didn't know why but they are going through the accounts now. Also, she said for people that have a DNI but that don't report any income they are going to get scrutinized as well. I doubt this is anything with Milei as he seems to be hands off for government but I learned to never assume.
I was wondering about this issue. I want to buy an apartment and I want to be able to pay bills myself. A property manager wants to charge a separate fee to pay all my bills. They said they are more than happy to waive it if I pay all my own bills. I'm trying to see about online bill pay with US credit cards or another option but some don't accept US credit cards or credit cards at all.

I am researching and I heard about a payment transfer app called "billetera virtual". I think it works without having an actual local bank account. I'm noticing on each trip down here that more and more mom and pop stores don't take credit cards. By law I think they all have to take local debit cards and I notice that that has gotten better but credit cards nope. I hate this as I don't have a Mercado Libre and have to go to bigger stores which is a hassle as they aren't close to me.

I like the convenience of just going around from my apartment and I have feel good moments from helping out the mom and pop stores.

My local friends tell me about RapiPago, Prex and a few other options but I looked and you need a DNI for these. My novia is a local and has a DNI but she never wants to go to the bank to open an account. She does everything in cash as she isn't paying taxes and is worried AFIP is tracking everything. She also said it's a time waster waiting in lines.
I was wondering about this issue. I want to buy an apartment and I want to be able to pay bills myself. A property manager wants to charge a separate fee to pay all my bills. They said they are more than happy to waive it if I pay all my own bills. I'm trying to see about online bill pay with US credit cards or another option but some don't accept US credit cards or credit cards at all.

I am researching and I heard about a payment transfer app called "billetera virtual". I think it works without having an actual local bank account. I'm noticing on each trip down here that more and more mom and pop stores don't take credit cards. By law I think they all have to take local debit cards and I notice that that has gotten better but credit cards nope. I hate this as I don't have a Mercado Libre and have to go to bigger stores which is a hassle as they aren't close to me.

I like the convenience of just going around from my apartment and I have feel good moments from helping out the mom and pop stores.

My local friends tell me about RapiPago, Prex and a few other options but I looked and you need a DNI for these. My novia is a local and has a DNI but she never wants to go to the bank to open an account. She does everything in cash as she isn't paying taxes and is worried AFIP is tracking everything. She also said it's a time waster waiting in lines.
I think the banks in Argentina are generally very bad. I wouldn't recommend keeping more money in them then you really need to pay bills. No way in hell I'd keep any USD savings in any account there now. Even if it was a USD account. Read my nightmare situation with HSBC during COVID here:

I'm not sure of online bill pay options but if your girlfriend has a DNI NO reason why she needs to go into a branch. I did mine all online and it was quick and easy. In fact, their online customer service and chat was so efficient. I was surprised! I did it all over emails and online application and an ATM card arrived 5 days later to my apartment. I can't see ANY reason why your Novia @Used wouldn't have a local account! Even if she isn't declaring any income, she should be able to deposit small amounts to pay bills and things. I can't imagine not having a local account and being a local.

She can sign up here for an account if she has a DNI. All very quick and easy and FREE. I think most banks have a version of this by law but Banco Galicia is fabulous and their App works great too.

It IS true that AFIP tracks everything to see how much you are spending vs. how much you declare you make so if you have many high peso purchases it probably won't be good. Most of my local friends, have USA bank accounts and got debit or credit cards in the USA. I have some friends I gave a USA card and they just spend on it and give me the cash. A win/win.
I have had issues with Western Union. It's a pain and no matter what I do, I can't get it to work for me. I'm on an endless loop with them trying to reset my account but my passport info is already in their system and it won't let me create a new account. Every day they tell me give it 24 hours. I finally just bit the bullet and went to Colonia, Uruguay yesterday. Lovely city. I withdrew my bank limit of $3,500. I had to do a few transactions but all in all easy. Crazy that Uruguay is just a ferry away and it's another world with a functional banking system.

Argentina is kind of crazy with the broken banking system. I don't like the idea of wiring funds ahead of time to a cueva. I was reading this old article from May 2023. I'm not sure if there are any apps out there that utilize it? They mention according to my Google Chrome translation, "foreign tourists can use payment transfer apps with the MEP dollar". But it didn't list any names of the apps.

I have had issues with Western Union. It's a pain and no matter what I do, I can't get it to work for me. I'm on an endless loop with them trying to reset my account but my passport info is already in their system and it won't let me create a new account. Every day they tell me give it 24 hours. I finally just bit the bullet and went to Colonia, Uruguay yesterday. Lovely city. I withdrew my bank limit of $3,500. I had to do a few transactions but all in all easy. Crazy that Uruguay is just a ferry away and it's another world with a functional banking system.

Argentina is kind of crazy with the broken banking system. I don't like the idea of wiring funds ahead of time to a cueva. I was reading this old article from May 2023. I'm not sure if there are any apps out there that utilize it? They mention according to my Google Chrome translation, "foreign tourists can use payment transfer apps with the MEP dollar". But it didn't list any names of the apps.

Nope. That article is old. I'm not aware of any apps that ever took advantage of this service. Banks are very bad in Argentina. If your girlfriend has a DNI there is really no excuse for her not to get an account. It's super simple as @earlyretirement mentioned. Almost all the banks have their version of this free account.
My friend that has a bank account at Banco de la Nacion that she opened up with her passport also had the bill pay feature stop working this week. She inquired and they said the same thing she needed to update her account to add a DNI number. I think they gave her 30 day notice that they would shut down the account and to remove the funds from the account.
No reason not to have a bank account if you have a DNI or your girlfriend does. Your girlfriend can get an extra card for you. I am a resident with DNI and I opened up a free account all without stepping foot into a branch. Go on Banco Nacion and it is very quick. Maybe takes 15-20 minutes tops to open it. It comes with a Mastercard debit card. It works well and the home working online works well. I pay all my bills through it.

My wife did the same thing with Banco Ciudad. I think by law all these banks have to open a free account.
I'm not sure if you're into crypto but check into the Bitso App. I'm not into crypto but my buddy from the USA was just here and he said he used it here. You don't need a DNI to open an account as my friend was just visiting me and he said he used it. That was his first trip to Argentina. He said they have a QR payment feature that works for Mercado Pago QR code. He said you can fund it with crypto you have.

I'm not sure if you're into crypto but check into the Bitso App. I'm not into crypto but my buddy from the USA was just here and he said he used it here. You don't need a DNI to open an account as my friend was just visiting me and he said he used it. That was his first trip to Argentina. He said they have a QR payment feature that works for Mercado Pago QR code. He said you can fund it with crypto you have.

Yep, I haven't used it but my friends into crypto were using it earlier this year. I just asked my friend from the UK about it and here is the email he responded back.

Yo Howie!

Yes I used Bitso quite a bit when I visited you. It's like a virtual wallet for crypto stuff. You can use it to pay for things in stores in Argentina with QR codes, and get this – it's using USD stablecoins, which are like the chill version of crypto, not all crazy and volatile.

So, they use this "dolar cripto" rate thing, kind of follows the blue/MEP/CCL rates – you know, the money talk. Right now, you can see rates here - https://www.dolarito.ar/ with a 3% fee. Download the app, throw some USD in there, and bam, you're paying for stuff like it's no big deal, just with QR codes, like Mercadopago or Modo.

And get this, it's all "interoperable," meaning it works with any QR code. Sneaky tip: don't tell the cashier it's Bitso; just say you're using Mercadopago, and it'll work fine, maybe a tad slower, but your payment will go through.

No need for ID stuff, it's international, so tourists can jump in. Just need some phone data. You can drop up to $185 without giving them your address (especially if it's overseas), then $750 per month. If you wanna go big, just show them a recent bank statement with your overseas address.

I've thrown in like 10,000 bucks with this thing – saved me from the Western Union drama. Not gonna lie, it's fabulous! It's been a time-saver, especially with the whole crypto nerves. Deposit small, play it safe, you know? Hope this helps, enjoy the crypto adventures! Keep in mind to check some countries don't allow people to sign up so see origin of passport.
I think Bitso doesn't work for Americans without a DNI. I use it but have to input my DNI since I have a USA passport. You have to have a DNI for Argentina digital wallets. I connected my foreign credit cards via MercadoPago that way.

The international version of Bitso works for QR code payments without DNI but not for US citizens.

Also, the trend is not the friend of crypto and Milei. All the crypto fanboys thought Milei would be their friend. I saw this article on crypto yesterday.

My sister also had her Banco de Nacion bill pay shut off today. She signed up many years ago when she bought an apartment and she can't send out bill pay. The bank said she needed a DNI #.