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Legal Any risk to constantly overstaying on tourist visa? How many times can you do border runs in Argentina?

This woman wasn't a tourist. She was naturalized. But can someone like this be deported after their prison sentence? I heard there was a directive for alot of increased scrutiny on people that look foreign. This is a crazy amount of drugs. I'm glad they got it off the streets!

^^^^ This ^^^^^^^

Biometric is a game changer for immigration and customs and the governments around the world. I met an American permanent-tourist a few years ago. He was doing this for years and years. He was paying the overstay fees but one day they told him he was living there illegal. He said he was getting an attorney but I think the last time I saw him in Rio he said he got banned from Argentina for 5 years.

People should expect punishment when breaking the law.
I just learned you can opt out of biometric scans at the airport so maybe consider this. It's scary all of this biometric scanning.

I just learned you can opt out of biometric scans at the airport so maybe consider this. It's scary all of this biometric scanning.

The genie is out of the bottle. I just went to the Copa America in Miami and it was a zoo. One of my Colombian friends met me there and we watched the game together. His college roommate was one of those Colombians you saw storming the stadium without a ticket. He has a green card for the USA but was just contacted as he came up on a biometric scan. He is freaking out that he may lose his greencard. He was contacted by some authority. I'm not sure which agency but I guess there were 7,000 people identified.

I just learned you can opt out of biometric scans at the airport so maybe consider this. It's scary all of this biometric scanning.

But why hassle with opting out. Do you really think this will help? All governments already have your details. Your passport, your local ID, most likely your driver's license. It is impossible traveling around in many countries and attempting to opt out. Many countries there are not even any humans anymore. It is all automated with facial recognition. We are living in a world where it will be impossible to "opt out".
Just a head's up. I was on a flight from Dallas to EZE last night and I just had a one-way ticket into Buenos Aires. I was going to head to Rio to go surfing but didn't buy a ticket yet. I just used frequent flyer miles for the ticket. American wouldn't let me board the flight without having a ticket within 90 days. I explained that I was going surfing in Brazil and wasn't sure of the dates but they wouldn't let me board without having a ticket out of Argentina.

I just went bought a refundable ticket for 70 days later. I told her I never had this issue before and I travel around a lot in Argentina but she said that Argentina has asked airlines to be aware of this issue. The lady that helped me was very sympathetic and just said to book a refundable ticket and she helped me. I will cancel it and get a refund. She said that at EZE they might start asking for proof that you are leaving Argentina within 90 days. Seems like they are cracking down on people overstaying.

I don't understand why they have an overstay fee. Maybe they are in the process of getting more strict with all of this.
One way tickets have always been a no no. I was denied boarding 25 years ago because of a one way ticket. Nothing has changed and this means nothing. They are not getting more strict. Life continues identically.
Yes that is what I figured but I'm not sure if you saw but some Islamic terrorists got arrested in Mendoza today. Not sure if they will take a greater look at border control. Maybe not for Americans. I agree for now just be prepared to have an onward ticket. I will just cancel the refundable ticket and probably just go to Brazil within 90 days.
One way tickets have always been a no no. I was denied boarding 25 years ago because of a one way ticket. Nothing has changed and this means nothing. They are not getting more strict. Life continues identically.
Agree this is probably an airline issue. They didn't ask me about onward ticket when I went but my friend recently went down last week and they also asked him for an airline ticket leaving Argentina. To be honest, I don't think Argentina cares. They probably need all the money they can get. Most tourists are using their credit cards and this is probably very favorable to the government there for $$$$.
Agree this is probably an airline issue. They didn't ask me about onward ticket when I went but my friend recently went down last week and they also asked him for an airline ticket leaving Argentina. To be honest, I don't think Argentina cares. They probably need all the money they can get. Most tourists are using their credit cards and this is probably very favorable to the government there for $$$$.
Airlines used to not care about this and didn't check. My family comes down to visit me all the time and half the time they don't have a ticket. Not because they are going to overstay but sometimes they don't know how long they will come and just book it when they come. The last time my sister came she was asked for proof of return and also just bought a refundable ticket. There are some onward ticketing services as well.
Agree this is probably an airline issue. They didn't ask me about onward ticket when I went but my friend recently went down last week and they also asked him for an airline ticket leaving Argentina. To be honest, I don't think Argentina cares. They probably need all the money they can get. Most tourists are using their credit cards and this is probably very favorable to the government there for $$$$.

Exactly its an airline thing, nothing to do with Milei lmao
Just a head's up. I was on a flight from Dallas to EZE last night and I just had a one-way ticket into Buenos Aires. I was going to head to Rio to go surfing but didn't buy a ticket yet. I just used frequent flyer miles for the ticket. American wouldn't let me board the flight without having a ticket within 90 days. I explained that I was going surfing in Brazil and wasn't sure of the dates but they wouldn't let me board without having a ticket out of Argentina.

I just went bought a refundable ticket for 70 days later. I told her I never had this issue before and I travel around a lot in Argentina but she said that Argentina has asked airlines to be aware of this issue. The lady that helped me was very sympathetic and just said to book a refundable ticket and she helped me. I will cancel it and get a refund. She said that at EZE they might start asking for proof that you are leaving Argentina within 90 days. Seems like they are cracking down on people overstaying.

I don't understand why they have an overstay fee. Maybe they are in the process of getting more strict with all of this.
I have been coming back and forth since December to EZE and they didn't hassle me at all until my last flight 2 weeks ago. As I understand it, from my conversation with the airline, the government has asked that they check but I am not sure it means something is changing with the immigration policy. Still, I would be careful overstaying repeatedly if you're goal is to keep coming back in the future. My friend going to Brazil had issues in Brazil as I understand they are very strict there.
Exactly its an airline thing, nothing to do with Milei lmao
Agree. Some airlines have been always doing that. Especially Avianca and Copa airlines. Those two are the worst that always ask me. A bit troublesome that American is doing this but I don't think this has anything to do with the Milei administration. From what I hear, they want as much tourists here spending dollars as they can get.
Agree. Some airlines have been always doing that. Especially Avianca and Copa airlines. Those two are the worst that always ask me. A bit troublesome that American is doing this but I don't think this has anything to do with the Milei administration. From what I hear, they want as much tourists here spending dollars as they can get.
True but if you're long term goal is to stay in Argentina for the long-term it is probably better to get permanent residency here sooner rather than later. All of these countries are making getting permanent residency more difficult not easier.
True if your long term goal is to live in Argentina you gotta work out a legal solution at some point
Yes, I don't think anyone is worried that is just here temporarily. No one is going to deport you. I think the biggest issue is if one really wants to get permanent residency in the future or possibly citizenship. I don't know how the judge would react if they see you constantly breaking the laws and overstaying. Maybe it would hurt. But maybe not. Just something to keep in mind.
Yes, I don't think anyone is worried that is just here temporarily. No one is going to deport you. I think the biggest issue is if one really wants to get permanent residency in the future or possibly citizenship. I don't know how the judge would react if they see you constantly breaking the laws and overstaying. Maybe it would hurt. But maybe not. Just something to keep in mind.

As someone who is a,ready years overstayed I can tell you what I really want is the ability to travel to Europe etc and be able to return. Help ME plz
As someone who is a,ready years overstayed I can tell you what I really want is the ability to travel to Europe etc and be able to return. Help ME plz
But why wouldn't you be able to travel to Europe @MickMolloy? I have friends that have lived in Argentina 4 years and paid the overstay fee and they were able to come back. What makes you think you wouldn't be able to return?
But why wouldn't you be able to travel to Europe @MickMolloy? I have friends that have lived in Argentina 4 years and paid the overstay fee and they were able to come back. What makes you think you wouldn't be able to return?
I am also curious @MickMolloy why you wouldn't be able to come back? It seems like many people overstay here for years and don't have any problems coming back. Read and talk to people all the time that have done it. I just read another today on X. I am not sure Argentina will do anything about it in the near term. Too many other problems to deal with first. Argentina seems like they welcome everyone and appreciate the $$$$ spent in their country.

I am also curious @MickMolloy why you wouldn't be able to come back? It seems like many people overstay here for years and don't have any problems coming back. Read and talk to people all the time that have done it. I just read another today on X. I am not sure Argentina will do anything about it in the near term. Too many other problems to deal with first. Argentina seems like they welcome everyone and appreciate the $$$$ spent in their country.

Don't think anyone would have issues coming back even overstaying. I have only read of a few isolated cases but that was probably just an angry customs official which you can run into anywhere but still talking to many people that have been living here for years and years.