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Extending a Tourist Visa in Buenos Aires to be a permanent-tourist in Argentina

Why are you so angry? I'm not racist. I am saying the government of Argentina is racist. Yes, racism is alive and well here. I am only pointing out those people always have had more issues here. Why you always calling people bad names? It isn't necessary. You have only been here a very short amount of time. You don't understand there is racism here by Argentina towards these people. I'm not racist. I am pointing out that "brown" Mercosur residents have sometimes had issues with Argentina vs. more European looking Mercosur. That is true.
Yes I think Argentines accept all the people from Mercosur but Larry correct sometimes these people more discrimination than other European type. This not always the case but there are cases for this be true. I love all the people from all countries. I only don't like people that talk bad all the time about people.
Why are you so angry? I'm not racist. I am saying the government of Argentina is racist. Yes, racism is alive and well here. I am only pointing out those people always have had more issues here. Why you always calling people bad names? It isn't necessary. You have only been here a very short amount of time. You don't understand there is racism here by Argentina towards these people. I'm not racist. I am pointing out that "brown" Mercosur residents have sometimes had issues with Argentina vs. more European looking Mercosur. That is true.
This guy very angry guy. He have problem in head. He stay in country illegally. I don't mind the tourists that stay in my country that are nice and peaceful. This guy always screams bad words and call all the Argentine people idiots. He want to bring more guns in our country.

This kind of people will have problems here.
it sounds like more people than not including my friends have had NO issue with a hop to Uruguay. Especially if it's not over years and years.
i feel like i'm on repeat mode: you might get away with it. it is illegal. @Bajo_cero2 is the most published federal lawyer in Buenos Aires, who actually puts his won cases online and answers questions; the other lawyers won't answer publicly because they are cowards and want to perpetuate the mystical world of Law.

you can try. if they issue you a 90-day visa, and you try to return from Uruguay the next day, everyone including yourself knows that you are circumventing the Tourist Visa system. i provided links for this, and the laws Dr Rubilar is quoting. if you get denied entry, you could be blocked from entering Argentina for some time, up to 5 years from what i am reading. i posted 10 examples where people have vouched for this. the laws are changing; my entire point is that people online are assuring newbies that Colonia/Montevideo/border/ferry runs are fine, because "they worked in the past for years" - this isn't true anymore, could screw someone over, and it's better to just get a 90-day extension for 4000 Pesos ($4 USD cash) and then if you've been here 6 months and want to stay longer, find a temporary 1-year visa that you qualify for. i am just warning people that there is no evidence that it is legal to do border-runs, and the advice is overwhelmingly based on 'well my friend did it 99 times in a row' - which could cause you to end up being interrogated and deported from the border. i don't care what you do, but i'm allergic to bad advice and people who spam the forum with anecdotes even though they just read that someone else has an anecdote where they got denied.
I am pointing out that "brown" Mercosur residents have sometimes had issues with Argentina vs. more European looking Mercosur. That is true
but the gov't can't be racist in the past, because Peronism is for the people!

i'm just rejecting your claim that the color of people's skin has something to do with them losing their free college benefits they've had for so many years. if you have evidence that a brown-skinned Venezuelan get rejected for the same thing a light-skinned Venezuelan gets approved for, provide it! otherwise, you're just creating this scene where Buenos Aires is a racist place, which is an incredible claim to make, since almost everyone here is brown-skinned and you could never guess anyone's nationality based on how they look.
The idea that Argentina is racist against "brown" people is a joke. Yeah free university and government benefits so racist omg

Go to hell race baiters the time is coming where white peoples taxes won't be able to fund your handouts anymore then you will find out how hard life actually is
The idea that Argentina is racist against "brown" people is a joke. Yeah free university and government benefits so racist omg

Go to hell race baiters the time is coming where white peoples taxes won't be able to fund your handouts anymore then you will find out how hard life actually is
I'm not saying all Argentines are racist. You miss my point. I am saying that people in some minorities are acted against. Argentines as a whole are receptive to Mercosur residents. But the government has acted against some. And not just high profile criminals. Ask the lawyer Dr. Rubilar. He can confirm to you the discrimination of brown people from Mercosur.

"Argentine Security Minister Patricia Bullrich told a press conference on Friday that authorities detained eight people - including some non-relative associates of Macias "

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Ask the lawyer Dr. Rubilar. He can confirm to you the discrimination of brown people from Mercosur.
Rubilar says some crazy sh*t about serfs and Roman law and other things, so i'm not willing to trust everything he says, especially when he might be taking $3500 USD from people and putting them into a 5-year backlog of unapproved Citizenship cases. we can't know, because he posts so sporadically and hasn't joined this new forum (yet?)

'argentina one time may have had a government that did something subjectively racist' - wow, great analysis!

to think Argentina has any sort of racism, is laughable. @Larry as usual with the fake news, lying about racism, lying about expensive USD prices, making sh*t up just to sow dissent and chaos. this forum would be much better if you would log-off and never come back. in fact, do you think anyone here whatsoever would actually say you contribute to this forum? i suspect in a vote, no one would, because all you do is lie and scare people. please leave us alone and go about your race-bait bullshit elsewhere

Larry correct sometimes these people more discrimination than other European type.
you know you're a moron and far from reality when CheVos is agreeing with your politics.

look, you guys can conflate the idea of not wanting massive waves of uncontrolled immigration with racism because maybe a majority of border-violaters are of a certain melanin shade, but the Democrats/liberals in the USA do the same thing, and fail. Conservatives in the USA and Argentina and any other country don't want floods of un-verified people (especially military-age males) flooding their borders and potentially committing crimes; to claim this political preference has anything to do with 'racism' is infantile and/or intentionally-misleading. as Thomas Sowell would say, you 2 are trying to be on the Side of the Angels, against the evil racists/capitalists/boogeyman. but in the end, you're just virtue-signalling and wasting everyone's time with lies.

for those extending Tourist Visas another 90 days, i will make my attempt around 14-21Feb (Migraciones is likely closed tomorrow 12Feb and 13Feb for Carnival, from what locals are telling me)
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Rubilar says some crazy sh*t about serfs and Roman law and other things, so i'm not willing to trust everything he says, especially when he might be taking $3500 USD from people and putting them into a 5-year backlog of unapproved Citizenship cases. we can't know, because he posts so sporadically and hasn't joined this new forum (yet?)

'argentina one time may have had a government that did something subjectively racist' - wow, great analysis!

to think Argentina has any sort of racism, is laughable. @Larry as usual with the fake news, lying about racism, lying about expensive USD prices, making sh*t up just to sow dissent and chaos. this forum would be much better if you would log-off and never come back. in fact, do you think anyone here whatsoever would actually say you contribute to this forum? i suspect in a vote, no one would, because all you do is lie and scare people. please leave us alone and go about your race-bait bullshit elsewhere

you know you're a moron and far from reality when CheVos is agreeing with your politics.

look, you guys can conflate the idea of not wanting massive waves of uncontrolled immigration with racism because maybe a majority of border-violaters are of a certain melanin shade, but the Democrats/liberals in the USA do the same thing, and fail. Conservatives in the USA and Argentina and any other country don't want floods of un-verified people (especially military-age males) flooding their borders and potentially committing crimes; to claim this political preference has anything to do with 'racism' is infantile and/or intentionally-misleading. as Thomas Sowell would say, you 2 are trying to be on the Side of the Angels, against the evil racists/capitalists/boogeyman. but in the end, you're just virtue-signalling and wasting everyone's time with lies.

for those extending Tourist Visas another 90 days, i will make my attempt around 14-21Feb (Migraciones is likely closed tomorrow 12Feb and 13Feb for Carnival, from what locals are telling me)
I would take a grain of salt with some of those posts. I have seen some of the posts and his website looks like it is from 1995. There is no way to know how successful he is or how many people get citizenship. I suspect many of his clients don't speak English let alone Spansih.
The idea that Argentina is racist against "brown" people is a joke. Yeah free university and government benefits so racist omg

Go to hell race baiters the time is coming where white peoples taxes won't be able to fund your handouts anymore then you will find out how hard life actually is
While I think most Argentines are tolerant of other cultures, racism is alive and well in Argentina. Are people really saying it doesn't exist in Buenos Aires?
While I think most Argentines are tolerant of other cultures, racism is alive and well in Argentina. Are people really saying it doesn't exist in Buenos Aires?

Brown people from all over Latina America could could come to Argentina for free University, Medical and housing from 2000 to 2023

There are literal advertisements on Colombian TV telling them to come without paying a peso.

But yeah Argentinos are so racist and evil. One day you will get your wish and white people will be wiped out. Then you ginna find out how bad the world truly can be
Brown people from all over Latina America could could come to Argentina for free University, Medical and housing from 2000 to 2023

There are literal advertisements on Colombian TV telling them to come without paying a peso.

But yeah Argentinos are so racist and evil. One day you will get your wish and white people will be wiped out. Then you ginna find out how bad the world truly can be
No I am not saying the majority of Argentines are racist and evil. But to pretend racism doesn't exist in Argentina is throwing a blind eye. Alberto Fernandez himself has made racist comments. Mercosur has nothing to do with racism. Mercosur allowed all of those from South America to study here.

And many Argentines have the same attitude as Ex-President Fernandez which is deplorable.

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There is no way to know how successful he is or how many people get citizenship
true. i asked him for some references and he said no, because of privacy. i told him he could refer me, once a citizen, to other similar folks who wanted to ask about the process. he said no, he wouldn't ask. then later he messaged me back with this:

but yeah, there's a chance he's just taking 3500 USD from people and then after a few years they give-up. no way to know. my spidey-senses are fairly skeptical of everything he writes. his English is quite poor, compared to 2 others lawyers i talked to recently (and younger).

racism is alive and well in Argentina. Are people really saying it doesn't exist in Buenos Aires?
examples? other than the Expat Forum usual 'well, if you're light-skinned, you get special favors' blah blah blah

if anything, a white person from the USA/etc. gets stereotyped much more than people who look more "southamerican"/latino/whatever. i weekly get told 'oh you don't look like you're from here' - would a dark-skinned Mexican tourist get the same treatment as me? doubt it. specific examples, or you're a dumbass race-baiter, watching too much TV

Brown people from all over Latina America could could come to Argentina for free University, Medical and housing from 2000 to 2023
facts don't matter to commies. they need the Victim Narrative to feel worthwhile

But to pretend racism doesn't exist in Argentina is throwing a blind eye.
okay, so by now you should have an example. like, one single example where the majority of citizens are voting for something racist. systemic racism, as you would probably say.

Alberto Fernandez himself has made racist comments.
wow! such a great example! case closed; Argentina has racism.

many Argentines have the same attitude as Ex-President Fernandez which is deplorable.
citation needed. you want to see real racism? see black folks in big USA cities, when they are raised insulated from anything else. you would not let your biggest enemy walk through those neighborhoods if they had light skin.

try Dubai, or most of the Middle East, where black skin is very much prejudiced against. try a Native Reservation in the USA like Pine Ridge SD, where a significant of the Woke natives (exact same as the Peronists here, in Marxist victim mentality) actively reject "white" things as evil/oppressor. meanwhile, the intra-family rape and abuse levels are worse than Afghanistan. and rival family gangs kill each other constantly. but yeah, so much racism with their free welfare checks every month! lol, f*ck off @James Bond with your moronic non-claims. read some Thomas Sowell and go away with the race-baiting
true. i asked him for some references and he said no, because of privacy. i told him he could refer me, once a citizen, to other similar folks who wanted to ask about the process. he said no, he wouldn't ask. then later he messaged me back with this:

but yeah, there's a chance he's just taking 3500 USD from people and then after a few years they give-up. no way to know. my spidey-senses are fairly skeptical of everything he writes. his English is quite poor, compared to 2 others lawyers i talked to recently (and younger).

Did you at least ask him what % of his clients that he uses this strategy have worked out? I always think it's tough in these kind of situations where you charge a large % upfront and it takes years and years to see a result. Unless you have a proven track record, have client testimonials/referrals, or you are documented in reputable media sources as an expert.

It was always unclear to me to see what % of the time he was successful. And it seemed to be no way you could really verify. Probably many that aren't, can't do much anyway if it's not successful as I would assume there is no guarantee in writing or verbally that Citizenship will be granted. There is no recourse really in Argentina anyway.
@MickMolloy or anyone else. Do you know if you can pay the overstay penalty fine at AEP airport as well? I know you can do it at EZE airport but is it possible to pay at Aeroparque Jorge Newberry airport in the city?
Yes you can pay the overstay penalty at AEP as well. However I would strongly recommend you pay the fine the day before you leave as you never know what might happen and you need to have it paid before you check in for your flight. But AEP has an office to pay.
@MickMolloy or anyone else. Do you know if you can pay the overstay penalty fine at AEP airport as well? I know you can do it at EZE airport but is it possible to pay at Aeroparque Jorge Newberry airport in the city?
According to this blog you can pay at AEP.
