Rubilar says some crazy sh*t about serfs and Roman law and other things, so i'm not willing to trust everything he says, especially when he might be taking $3500 USD from people and putting them into a 5-year backlog of unapproved Citizenship cases. we can't know, because he posts so sporadically and hasn't joined this new forum (yet?)
'argentina one time may have had a government that did something subjectively racist' - wow, great analysis!
to think Argentina has any sort of racism, is laughable.
@Larry as usual with the fake news, lying about racism, lying about expensive USD prices, making sh*t up just to sow dissent and chaos. this forum would be much better if you would log-off and never come back. in fact, do you think anyone here whatsoever would actually say you contribute to this forum? i suspect in a vote, no one would, because all you do is lie and scare people. please leave us alone and go about your race-bait bullshit elsewhere
you know you're a moron and far from reality when CheVos is agreeing with your politics.
look, you guys can conflate the idea of
not wanting massive waves of uncontrolled immigration with
racism because maybe a majority of border-violaters are of a certain melanin shade, but the Democrats/liberals in the USA do the same thing, and fail. Conservatives in the USA and Argentina and any other country don't want floods of un-verified people (especially military-age males) flooding their borders and potentially committing crimes; to claim this political preference has anything to do with 'racism' is infantile and/or intentionally-misleading. as Thomas Sowell would say, you 2 are trying to be on the Side of the Angels, against the evil racists/capitalists/boogeyman. but in the end, you're just virtue-signalling and wasting everyone's time with lies.
for those extending Tourist Visas another 90 days, i will make my attempt around 14-21Feb
(Migraciones is likely closed tomorrow 12Feb and 13Feb for Carnival, from what locals are telling me)