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Politics Hope for Change: Why Did Milei Win the Support of Low-Income Voters?

Milei managed to attract a mix of young voters, entrepreneurs, low-income individuals, libertarians, and those dissatisfied with the political and economic situation at the time. But the real standout was the support from the young people.
Many young people, especially those disillusioned with traditional politics and seeking radical change, found in Milei a fresh and direct voice. But above all, they found hope.

Even kids are drawn to Milei; I guess it's because of his direct and sometimes provocative style, which can be fun. He's an unconventional president with straightforward ideas that kids and young people can grasp as they form their views of the world. Plus, his no-nonsense attitude and even his way of dressing set him apart from traditional politicians. I think kids find it entertaining to see someone who's unapologetically themselves, even when he's singing.

Milei seems to know how to use social media well but I have to wonder how long their patience will keep up. Poverty is definitely going up. My doorman in my building voted for him but says he regrets it now and complaining of cutting back on steak. I just got my electricity bill and still great for me but a noticeable jump up. My condo fee has jumped up also.

I hope people don't start to turn as a few locals I talk to are now saying they regret it.
Milei seems to know how to use social media well but I have to wonder how long their patience will keep up. Poverty is definitely going up. My doorman in my building voted for him but says he regrets it now and complaining of cutting back on steak. I just got my electricity bill and still great for me but a noticeable jump up. My condo fee has jumped up also.

I hope people don't start to turn as a few locals I talk to are now saying they regret it.
I'm noticing the same thing. Get between a local and their steak intake and all bets are off!
Milei seems to know how to use social media well but I have to wonder how long their patience will keep up. Poverty is definitely going up. My doorman in my building voted for him but says he regrets it now and complaining of cutting back on steak. I just got my electricity bill and still great for me but a noticeable jump up. My condo fee has jumped up also.

I hope people don't start to turn as a few locals I talk to are now saying they regret it.
Social media or no social media if this recession gets worse I doubt you will see such strong approval ratings. There is only so much patience one can have when they are hungry.