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Apartment Rental How much does it cost to rent a 3-bedroom apartment in CABA: Values by neighborhood and where there is more availability - Infobae



How much does it cost to rent a 3-bedroom apartment in CABA: Values by neighborhood and where there is more availability - Infobae



May 19, 2024

After the DNU that repealed the Rental Law, the supply of apartments skyrocketed 240% in CABA; This increase brought new developments in rental contracts, modifying the dynamics between tenants and owners

By José Luis Cieri


The 3-bedroom apartments are usually the largest and most expensive to rent currently in CABA

The supply of 4-room apartments in the city of Buenos Aires experienced an increase of 240% after the implementation of the DNU that repealed the Rental Law and triggered a series of changes in the characteristics of rental contracts, promoting new dynamics between owners and tenants.

Currently, there are more than 1,700 available apartments of this condition, of which 60% are offered in pesos, marking a significant contrast with the previous situation at the end of the year, when there were barely less than 20 large units with three bedrooms throughout CABA.

Although they represent the most expensive option for the strained pockets of tenants, with an average of $750,000 per month, options are currently available in neighborhoods such as Monserrat, Constitución, Balvanera, Monte Castro, Villa del Parque or Villa Crespo. This contrasts markedly with the situation more than five months ago, when the supply in these neighborhoods was practically non-existent.

Intense negotiations

Francisco Nigro , from Francisco Nigro Negocios Inmobiliarios, explained to Infobae that apart from the increase from the DNU, the proposals expanded by more than 80% year-on-year. “The options for renting 4-room apartments respond to multiple factors. Particularly, the impact of the change in market conditions following the repeal of previous legislation created a more conducive environment for property owners. This allowed more equitable terms to be established in rental contracts. Although the negotiations are intense, it is finally possible to set a fair price for both parties.”

The four-room apartments are presented as an ideal option for families with more than two children, or for those who require additional space for teleworking or other purposes.

“Due to the economic crisis, we receive numerous inquiries from groups who decide to join together to rent, such as students, friends, couples, among others. It is essential to have a broad and diverse market, thus allowing users to have more and better options to choose their home. It is key that the available supply finds an echo in a demand that, although it decreased, remains considerably high,” explained Ariel Matías Yeger , from Yeger real estate business.


New agreements

After the decree, rental agreements adopted a different dynamic, giving priority to free negotiations between the parties. These include the possibility of reviewing agreed increases for different indices throughout the term of the contract, as long as such adjustments are duly documented in writing.

Yeger added: “However, on several occasions we have received counteroffers requesting discounts of 5 to 10% on the publication price. Our job is to mediate effectively, for example, negotiating the payment of a few months in advance, including sales clauses or agreeing on shorter rental terms. Our goal is to reach an agreement that is beneficial to both parties.”

The increase in the availability of 4-bedroom apartments in the city is generating greater diversity and competition in the real estate market.

In addition to the CPI, the Lease Contract Index (ICL) continues to be applied to new contracts, with adjustments that can be quarterly, quarterly or semi-annual.

The segment maintains that this benefits tenants, who now have more options to choose from, adjusting prices in their favor. On the other hand, owners face the challenge of making their properties more attractive to stand out in a saturated market, which could positively influence the stabilization of rental prices.

Nigro observes this phenomenon, highlighting the importance of adapting to new market conditions: “Landlords need to be creative in how they present and maintain their properties to attract tenants in a more competitive environment. On the other hand, for tenants, the challenge is to select the best option among the wide offer, negotiating favorable terms that satisfy their needs. This scenario drives both parties to seek a balance that benefits everyone in the current market.”


In addition to the traditionally in-demand areas in the northern corridor of CABA such as Palermo, Colegiales, Belgrano and Núñez, there are central neighborhoods such as Balvanera, San Cristóbal and San Nicolás that are gaining popularity. The main reason is their connectivity and the commercial dynamism they present.


Those who choose this type of housing are generally families with more than two children or people who require an additional environment to use for various uses, such as teleworking.

Regarding prices in Almagro, Caballito and Villa Crespo, Yeger specified that “a 4-room apartment starts between $400,000 to $500,000 (with more than 80 m2), varying according to the characteristics and services of the property. The updates vary between 10% annually for contracts in dollars or quarterly adjustment according to the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for contracts in pesos, offering flexible terms from 6 months to 2 years, prioritizing renewal for responsible tenants,” said Yeger.

On the other hand, apartments in peripheral or less central locations are usually more affordable in terms of costs but may offer fewer amenities and conveniences.

Nigro mentioned: “In Agronomía, apartment prices range between $480,000 and $580,000, while in Villa del Parque they vary from $500,000 to $600,000 per month for properties of up to approximately 100 m2. “We make adjustments every three or four months according to the CPI and establish contracts with a maximum duration of two years.”


Below are the prices for rentals of 4 rooms for units of up to 115 m2, according to Zonaprop:

Nuñez: $1,063,400.
Palermo: $1,059,600.
Coghlan: $1,020,600.
Belgrano: $1,001,100.
Saavedra: $991,800.
Villa Urquiza: $989,900.
Colegiales: $968,300.
Recoleta: $950,300.
Chacarita: $938,800.
Villa Devoto: $919,500.
Villa Crespo: $888,500.
Caballito: $886,200.
Almagro: $883,400.
Retiro: $874,400.
Villa del Parque: $846,400.
Villa Pueyrredón: $826,400.
Santa Rita: $815,400.
Chacabuco Park: $811,100.
Boedo: $798,900.
Balvanera: $778,500.
San Telmo: $769,000.
Flores: $760,800.
Villa Gral Mitre: $751,800.
San Cristobal: $751,300.
Patricios Park: $748,200.
Monserrat: $747,500.
San Nicolás: $741,000.
Monte Castro: $730,000.
Barracas: $720,200.
Villa Luro: $697,800.
Floresta: $686,000.
Liniers: $671,200.
Mataderos: $665,800.
Constitution: $663,200.
