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I've been traveling extensively across the globe in recent months and have found it challenging to adjust my sleep schedule in Buenos Aires. Despite my efforts, I end up lying awake in bed for several hours each night, even after engaging in activities like going to the gym. I'm not dealing with depression or addiction, but I'm seeking a solution to regulate my sleep. Where and how can I obtain sleeping pills? Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Just get an appointment at any clinic or doctor. They can easily write you a prescription for Ambien. There it's called Zolpidem and the brand name is Somnit.

I have insomnia and didn't have any problems at all getting a prescription for it. The pharmacies won't sell it without a prescription but any doctor should be able to get you a prescription if you ask for it.
I don't really think it's a good idea. The effect it has on some glands is terrible as these drugs suppress the action of hormones. At long term this can be devastating for your health.
Try to do something else but please avoid that kind of drugs.
Traditional Chinese Medicine is one of the most effective treatments for this.
best wishes
you can buy melatonin pills straight off the shelf in any Farmacity. I take some every now and again when i can't sleep. I think they're about $25 pesos a pack.