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I don't care what they say about me as long as they spell the name of the country Argentina right.

@Finance Prof, you're correct that the truth is somewhere in the middle. Nowadays, there's really no true non-partisan, non-biased source of information anymore. People really have to read both sides and judge for themselves. Sadly, many only read just one side now. When one side is extremely biases, the other side seems to have no choice but to be extremely biased as well in order to counter the misinformation. The truly unfortunate thing is that when some try to be more neutral or balanced, they might find themselves being attacked by both ends of the extremes.

When the misinformation is pushed onto people over and over again, people begin to believe it. Just like people begin to believe it's just about flying there to accept an award. Be a little more selective on the reporting and it can be spin into saying he is flying there just to taste the local cuisines. Of course he has to be careful of the optics and the court of public opinion, but some deals or negotiations are better done in person. And if you're in the city anyway for something else, dropping by a gathering to make a speech and meet some people, and do some marketing for the country sounds like a good idea to me. Milei seems to make a very good impression with the people he meets in person, for those he wants to meet anyway.
This is true @TonyTigre. These days it takes work now to go out and try to research what the truth is. It used to be you could go to a reputable mainstream media to see what the truth was but even those sources are tainted now. With social media and fake news it's harder than ever. Also, we have to contend with AI generated fake news also. I worry about the future with people that don't have the time or inclination to research out what the real truth is.
If you only listen to one side of the story, you never get to the truth.
The guy who claims Milei was not invited by the named organization doesn't actually have license to use that name. So, no, he was not punked. Milei was invited by the founder of the institute and holder of the license to use that name. He was also invited by the Anglo-American University in Prague.

Nikita Polyakov:
"As editor-in-chief of e15, I would like to respond to the information that began to spread in the media a few days ago. According to them, the Liberal Institute should have distanced itself from handing over its Annual Award to Argentine President Javier Milea during the conference in the Žofín Palace, which e15 was a co-organizer.

From the beginning of the preparation of the "Javier Milei: How to inefficient government" conference, e15 has been talking with Jiří Schwarz, the founder of the Liberal Institute. The President of Argentina, Javier Milei, accepted the invitation of the Liberal Institute and the Anglo-American University in Prague and confirmed that he will receive the Annual Prize of the Liberal Institute.

Jiří Schwarz is the holder of the license to use the Liberal Institute trademark, and e15 has the relevant documents to prove this. Martin Pánek and the registered institute managed by him are no longer holders of a license to use the Liberal Institute trademark and were not even at the time of the conference. I consider the conference that e15 co-organised to be a success. It is not our place to comment further on the internal disputes of the Liberal Institute."
I agree about listening to both sides of anything and finding the truth. That is easier said than done these days. There is so much misinformation out there these days and like someone else mentioned, the media today can't be trusted.
@Finance Prof, you're correct that the truth is somewhere in the middle. Nowadays, there's really no true non-partisan, non-biased source of information anymore. People really have to read both sides and judge for themselves. Sadly, many only read just one side now. When one side is extremely biases, the other side seems to have no choice but to be extremely biased as well in order to counter the misinformation. The truly unfortunate thing is that when some try to be more neutral or balanced, they might find themselves being attacked by both ends of the extremes.

When the misinformation is pushed onto people over and over again, people begin to believe it. Just like people begin to believe it's just about flying there to accept an award. Be a little more selective on the reporting and it can be spin into saying he is flying there just to taste the local cuisines. Of course he has to be careful of the optics and the court of public opinion, but some deals or negotiations are better done in person. And if you're in the city anyway for something else, dropping by a gathering to make a speech and meet some people, and do some marketing for the country sounds like a good idea to me. Milei seems to make a very good impression with the people he meets in person, for those he wants to meet anyway.
I think in most places around the world this has gotten worse. Everyone is so divided it seems like in every country. Same thing going on in the US right now and really the past several years. It takes work to try to look objectively at things. @TonyTigre you are right about this. I try not to look at just my point of view now. But the problem is when I try to stay more neutral and objective, I get attacked by both sides! It can be frustrated. I really hate both Trump and Biden as choices and tried to talk to my friends about RFK and they both say I'm stupid. Everyone trying to argue why they are right and you are wrong.
Everyone is getting to know how to spell Argentina @TonyTigre but it's not for positive economic reasons. Poverty is going up, unemployment is getting worse, recession is deepening, This is probably what you didn't have in mind.

Argentina's social indicators cast doubt over Milei's 'catastrophe' averted claim​

Everyone is getting to know how to spell Argentina @TonyTigre but it's not for positive economic reasons. Poverty is going up, unemployment is getting worse, recession is deepening, This is probably what you didn't have in mind.

Argentina's social indicators cast doubt over Milei's 'catastrophe' averted claim​

All the press I see here in the US about Milei has all been very positive. I'm not sure if that is matching what is going on there locally. Maybe not as I just noticed the exchange rate jumped up to 1,400 to $1.
All the press I see here in the US about Milei has all been very positive. I'm not sure if that is matching what is going on there locally. Maybe not as I just noticed the exchange rate jumped up to 1,400 to $1.
Argentina is a wonderful country but full of many issues and problems. Hopefully, someday it can turn the corner but things are very complex there. My husband was the CFO of a large company there and most days wanted to pull his hair out. He often says it was the most stressful point of his career. It sounds like not too much has changed so far but holding hope with the new President.
And reality sets in. Study after study noting how Argentines are fairing worse off under Milei.

And reality sets in. Study after study noting how Argentines are fairing worse off under Milei.

Does anyone know who conducted the "study"? Any links to the study?
And reality sets in. Study after study noting how Argentines are fairing worse off under Milei.

I have a few friends that lost their jobs and have been struggling to find a new one. The recession is bad now and some say will get worse. Many are fairing worse under Milei. It is a positive that inflation is slowing down but I am getting flashbacks of provinces printing their own quasi currencies. Seeing the blue dollar also go back up strongly now shows there is plenty of trouble here.

I hope Milei concentrates on some of these issues instead of flying all over to attend right wing events.

I have a few friends that lost their jobs and have been struggling to find a new one. The recession is bad now and some say will get worse. Many are fairing worse under Milei. It is a positive that inflation is slowing down but I am getting flashbacks of provinces printing their own quasi currencies. Seeing the blue dollar also go back up strongly now shows there is plenty of trouble here.

I hope Milei concentrates on some of these issues instead of flying all over to attend right wing events.

This will be Milei's downfall. His sister and others around him are feeding him BS telling him everything is great. He is going around the world giving speeches how he will win the Nobel prize when things are not going well here. He goes to Brazil to yet another right wing conference.

@GlasgowJohn I think said it best that Milei is the biggest narcissist in the world.

First he said he deserves to win the Nobel prize. Now he is claiming he has done more in 6 months than anyone has done in 100 years for Argentina. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

@GlasgowJohn I think said it best that Milei is the biggest narcissist in the world.

First he said he deserves to win the Nobel prize. Now he is claiming he has done more in 6 months than anyone has done in 100 years for Argentina. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

Well one thing Milei can claim is beef consumption in Argentina is the lowest in 110 years. So he can claim that to his resume of accomplishments for Argentina in his first 6 months in office.
Well one thing Milei can claim is beef consumption in Argentina is the lowest in 110 years. So he can claim that to his resume of accomplishments for Argentina in his first 6 months in office.
Oh wow. I thought you were joking but I just looked on Google and I see it's not a joke. I can't figure out if this new President is doing well or not from reading posts on this forum.

The government laid off 300 interns from Conicet, and I don't understand why they cut funding in the scientific sector instead of other areas with many more employees. I imagine there are more unnecessary positions in those areas than at Conicet.

I don't think there is any rhyme or reason with some of these cuts. They just want to desperately cut spending. I heard that many of the people getting laid off are noquis but we know people that also got laid off and they had vital roles. In this type of deep recession not sure they will be able to find another job easily. Many other companies are also cutting staff or will be soon. :(
Everyone is getting to know how to spell Argentina @TonyTigre but it's not for positive economic reasons. Poverty is going up, unemployment is getting worse, recession is deepening, This is probably what you didn't have in mind.

Argentina's social indicators cast doubt over Milei's 'catastrophe' averted claim​

All these things might be true but at least from the people that I talk to in Argentina, they blame previous administrations for this mess. Milei didn't cause it. His popularity numbers and approval ratings are still very high.
