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If you had an Argentine friend in a really bad situation

From my experience 99 % of Argetines are just too lazy and dull to ever learn English sad but true sorry not sorry
That doesn't sound like a nice thing to say. In my experiences there I wouldn't say there are only 1% not lazy. That is a terrible generalization that isn't fair. Many are just beaten down with the bad economy and poor leadership over many decades. There are a lot of hardworking people there too.
99%? Then I guess I'm the non-lazy 1% XD.
Very exaggerated. I do think that many people in Latin America are lazier vs. other countries. People here don't have work as a priority. Same thing in Brazil. Almost no one stays in the office 1 minute longer than they need to.
Very exaggerated. I do think that many people in Latin America are lazier vs. other countries. People here don't have work as a priority. Same thing in Brazil. Almost no one stays in the office 1 minute longer than they need to.
I don't know... I can only speak for myself and the closer ones and we are not like that.
Very exaggerated. I do think that many people in Latin America are lazier vs. other countries. People here don't have work as a priority. Same thing in Brazil. Almost no one stays in the office 1 minute longer than they need to.
I also think that is a stretch to be so hard. I do think that the majority of locals lack hustle. Not to say they are totally lazy but definitely a lack of hustle compared to the USA. But since this is a different environment no one thinks that they are not working hard or efficient. I just think most of them aren't like this and never had to be. Just different if you're from a country where people have more of a mentality to climb the corporate ladder and continue to try to improve oneself. I mostly don't see that here.