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Imagine my surprise when I picked up the Buenos AIres Herald this morning to find it has gone up to 5 pesos. Of course there is inflation in Argentina !!
i got it for a while when i was a new noobie expat, it was an ok source of expat events.. but news; not so much
Last night I went to Franks Bar and cocktails has gone up.....or I had one too many last time and forgot how expensive it was!! Last time I was there, maybe 3 months ago cocktails were 40/45 (I'm certain)....last night they were all 60 pesos. Incredibly expensive. I can't see places like that existing too long on those prices, at least for me I won't be heading back to soon. I guess if I leave it another 3 months prices will be....80 pesos?
I think the Hearld is a good newspaper for a foreign language daily. I wonder why its critics here condemn it. Not enough world news? Not enough national or local news? Editorial policy? Not many businesses, let alone newspapers, have a continous existence of over 130 years.
p.s. Priced at under $1 it is not expensive.
Last night I went to Franks Bar and cocktails has gone up.....or I had one too many last time and forgot how expensive it was!! Last time I was there, maybe 3 months ago cocktails were 40/45 (I'm certain)....last night they were all 60 pesos. Incredibly expensive. I can't see places like that existing too long on those prices, at least for me I won't be heading back to soon. I guess if I leave it another 3 months prices will be....80 pesos?
Prices are going up like crazy but people here are used to crazy inflation so that's why I think these places will continue to run on higher prices because people are used to and expect prices to go up every month or so. A lot of people won't change their habits because of these price increases and a lot of them will put it on their credit cards or do cuotas or what have you. 30% or so inflation freaks us out but its pretty close to normal for most folks in this country.
What About Gas Prices $7 pesos a liter (Super outside B.A.) or $26,46 a Gallon , works out to US$5,88 a Gallon. The most expensive gas in the USA was, in Chicago this week, US$4,28 a Gallon...!! .

Gas in B.A. was $2 pesos a liter in 2004 figure out the inflation rate.
I was at a nice restaurant the other day and my girlfriend ordered a mojito after dinner.

Bill came.

