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Innovation Park - Future, technology and outdoor recreation alternatives


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Innovation Park - Future, technology and outdoor recreation alternatives

Get to know this space that creates the future and brings together technology and outdoor recreation alternatives


This 12-hectare property in the Núñez neighborhood, where Tiro Federal formerly operated, is a unique park of its kind: here multiple outdoor recreation places converge that coexist with an advanced technological, entrepreneurial, educational and scientific node.

Art and green​

Let's start with what attracts the most attention in the public park: a sculpture of monumental scale. Can you imagine a huge “tree” made of a galvanized iron and Nerikomi ceramic structure? The work is called Arbórea Magna and has a height of 34 meters, which makes it comparable to an 11-story building, with a diameter of 16 meters. In addition, its “leaves” light up with an LED system that illuminates everything. It is a creation by the Argentine artist Nicola Costantino, winner of the Ideas Contest held in 2022. As she herself explains, she set out to pay tribute to all the trees in the universe, in addition to generating a reflection on the relationship between human beings and nature. .

Nerikomi ceramics is an ancient Japanese technique that Nicola Costantino introduced in an unprecedented way. Arbórea Magna has about 17 thousand ceramic pieces that were worked in the artist's workshop, and that cover part of the ground, in the form of flowers, and the trunk, in the form of natural patterns that simulate the bark of the tree.

One thing to keep in mind is that, although the park is open 24 hours a day, this work remains on until 10 p.m.
Thanks to some curved walkways, you will be able reach an elevated viewpoint from where you can observe the thoroughness of the technique, the details of the vegetation represented and its textures.

In Innovation Park, you will see some very impressive buildings and you will be surprised when you find out what is done inside them,

Immersivity Center (CDI)​

This is a multipurpose space to carry out experiences linked to new virtual reality and augmented reality technologies. The objective is for it to become a driving force for training, cultural, entertainment and technological activities.

It has a central dome of 20 meters in diameter, which is used for projection and has a negative gravity system that allows a 360-degree projection, similar to the one that exists in the Galileo Galilei Planetarium, but with a capacity for 250 people seated or 300 stops.

A 14 meter diameter simulator, ideal for technical degrees in visual arts and programming. In addition, it has technological equipment for virtual reality, 3D modeling, video game development, among other activities.

Two domes more than 8 meters in diameter each, used as classrooms and with capacity for 20 students each.



It is a coworking building with laboratories for science and technology startups. Its name refers to the telephone prefix of Argentina and evokes the desire to call for projects from all over the country. It has an open design and agile construction, designed so that technology startups occupy the ground floor and those specialized in life sciences are located on the upper floor. On the terrace there is a hydroponic garden that combines various technologies. The building has a multifunction dining room, meeting rooms and common areas to facilitate the development and connection between the ventures.

If you don't know it yet, get the information and go explore the Innovation Park.

I went last Saturday, and I loved it! An impressive and captivating monument that replicates a gigantic tree, with its leaves lighting up and transforming into a colorful palette from 7 pm to 10 pm. This visual spectacle is achieved through 754 LED light bulbs activated exclusively by solar energy. A beautiful stroll to enjoy!
