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Is it true that 2 visa overstays = auto 5 year ban?

In Argentina, immigration laws are a bit more flexible compared to other countries. If you overstay your visa, you're typically fined when you regularize your status or upon leaving the country. There usually aren’t automatic multi-year bans like in other places.
Generally, there isn't a penalty like a 5-year ban for overstaying your visa in Argentina, but there may be fines and difficulties when renewing or applying for visas in the future if you have a history of violations.
So I wouldn’t risk committing any violations, especially because everything here moves very slowly, and if you add any violations to that, it would delay any process even more.
This is my situation, I've spent a decade living here probably 80 % of the time in Argentina with frequent trips to Chile, Uruguay, Brazil etc. I have friends in every South American country. If I have been in Buenos Aires 3 months and I go to Santiago for the weekend for my friends birthday does that make me a "fake tourist" ? And when I return and they give me another 90 days is that my fault? That's going to be my argument if I'm ever questioned, which I havnt been in what must be around 100 entries at this point.

Also maybe I am naive but I feel like a polite head nod, smile and "buen dia" when approaching immigration goes a long way, at least it hasn't failed me yet
Know many people in the same situation. Some going on 25 years like this. Some immigration lawyers say better to overstay and pay fine. Others say it doesn't matter. Do you ever do just day trips to Uruguay @HannibalLector? Not sure if the government will ever care about this issue.

I'm going to overstay here from age 26 until I die. Will update in 60 years what immigration says
You just paying overstay fine? Or don't leave Argentina at all. I am amazed with how many foreigners that rarely leave Argentina at all once they are here. But most that I know take the occasional trip to Brazil or Uruguay or Chile. Don't believe this will change with Milei.

They might be more strict with certain people from certain countries but doubt majority will have a problem.Still if you know you will want to stay in Argentina for the foreseeable future it's worth seeing if you can get permanent residency here. Probably will get more difficult but as long as they have the option to just pay an overstay fee don't see people going through the hassles.
Know many people in the same situation. Some going on 25 years like this. Some immigration lawyers say better to overstay and pay fine. Others say it doesn't matter. Do you ever do just day trips to Uruguay @HannibalLector? Not sure if the government will ever care about this issue.

You just paying overstay fine? Or don't leave Argentina at all. I am amazed with how many foreigners that rarely leave Argentina at all once they are here. But most that I know take the occasional trip to Brazil or Uruguay or Chile. Don't believe this will change with Milei.

They might be more strict with certain people from certain countries but doubt majority will have a problem.Still if you know you will want to stay in Argentina for the foreseeable future it's worth seeing if you can get permanent residency here. Probably will get more difficult but as long as they have the option to just pay an overstay fee don't see people going through the hassles.
Same. Doubt people will jump through all the hoops when you can just pay overstay fee. Until this changes, vast majority will just take the easy way out.