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Newcomer Is the $10,000 US dollar maximum cash limit on Entry to Argentina per person or family?

Gus UK

Is the $10,000 US dollar maximum cash limit on Entry to Argentina per person or family?

I wasn't sure if this was a per person or family limit? If I'm traveling with my girlfriend and we are together can we each bring in $10,000 undeclared? I understand we only need to declare it if it exceeds $10,000 each?

I am going to Buenos Aires to study for 2 years. And I may want to buy a car.
It is $10,000 per person but I'd bring a little less than that. Maybe like $9,900 each. Make sure if you are bringing in $10,000 or more to declare it. You can bring more than that as long as you declare it. Just keep in mind it's VERY dangerous to carry around large amounts and declare it. The airport customs will call thugs to rob you on the way out of the airport. Same thing happens at banks. I've watched old women that have left HSBC bank in Recoleta get robbed immediately after leaving the bank. I figure the only way is if someone notified their thug friends once they withdrew the funds.

Under 16 years old and they can only bring in $5,000. When my family goes to Argentina, we bring in the maximum sometimes when we are going for a few months.

I've brought in cash many times declared and undeclared if I had less than $10,000. I've never had issues either way.

Photo below is from a typical property closing. This one below was for $300,000 US dollars. It was very surreal handling hundreds of millions of dollars in cash. My record in one transaction was $3.5 million when I was buying a building in Recoleta. It was comical. The money was in the basement of a bank. It was literally from the US Federal Reserve in vacuum packed bricks of cash and the seller of the building still wanted to count each bill!

The most important thing is to be able to prove that the money is clean, like withdrawal receipts from your bank. That's because even if it's less than $10K, and even though technically you don't have to declare that amount, a law enforcement officer can still seize your cash if they ONLY SUSPECTS the money is related to a crime. All they need to do is come up with a probable cause. Unless you can prove the money is clean, yes, in this scenario, your CASH is guilty until proven innocent. YOU might be innocent until proven guilty, but your CASH will be guilty until proven innocent and they can seize it. Getting that money back could potentially cost you more than the amount they seized! This might sound unbelievable if you're not familiar with this. Google: civil forfeiture. Let me repeat, you do not need to be found guilty of anything for them to take your cash and keep it. Make sure you can prove your cash is clean even if it's less than $10K
^That's highly unlikely to happen though. Unless you are traveling as a group and everyone has exactly $9999 on them or you have suspicious travel history like traveling between colombia and miami every weekend.

But for a single person carrying a $9k stack in cash is nothing, it draws zero attention. It's like carrying 90 000 pesos and you can comfortably stash it in your pocket.
Whatever amount you bring make sure to DECLARE it.
This is such horrible and WRONG advice. I have read some of your posts on the other forum and you always post incorrect and horrible advice.

Are you the same guy that said having the Charles Schwab account was a bad idea and Capital One was better? LOL. You post the worst advice!

You do NOT have to declare funds if you have less than $10,000 and you should carry less than $10,000 as to not draw attention to yourself. Don't declare any amounts unless you are bringing in $10,000 or more.

You draw attention to yourself when you declare it and the biggest risk is you possibly get robbed on the way out of the airport. It's so corrupt there, you can almost be assured the customs guy will call his thug friends to rob you. People should NOT follow @CaribbeanCool's advice on this or other forums.
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Whatever amount you bring make sure to DECLARE it.
Bad and incorrect advice.
This is such horrible and WRONG advice. I have read some of your posts on the other forum and you always post incorrect and horrible advice.

Are you the same guy that said having the Charles Schwab account was a bad idea and Capital One was better? LOL. You post the worst advice!

You do NOT have to declare funds if you have less than $10,000 and you should carry less than $10,000 as to not draw attention to yourself. Don't declare any amounts unless you are bringing in $10,000 or more.

You draw attention to yourself when you declare it and the biggest risk is you possibly get robbed on the way out of the airport. It's so corrupt there, you can almost be assured the customs guy will call his thug friends to rob you. People should NOT follow @CaribbeanCool's advice on this or other forums.
I agree with you. I'm not sure if this is the same clown as on the other Expat board but I've read a lot of posts that are just wrong by a poster with the same name.