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Is the Expat party in Buenos Aires coming to an end?

I read some of the posts. Although I'm a straight male, I respect the right of others that are gay. It's crazy that he would act like this in a new country. Looks like he is already will have to move out of CABA. He has young kids. I would think he is putting a target on his family's back by acting this way. Just ignorant to act this way in a new country.
I just read a few posts from that American. I don't understand what his issue is? He is barking up the wrong tree. It doesn't seem like he even speaks Spanish at all. He openly comes to Argentina and making Youtube videos about having an anchor baby here. Being an ugly American and writing what a homophobe he is. Who is his audience? At first I thought it was Americans trying to get them to move here but all his posts are broken Spanish from Google Translate and arguing with locals. That is a recipe for disaster. He has only been in Argentina a few months and thinks he has everything figured out here.
Yes! You're right! I think he’s making too many mistakes. Argentina is a mentally open, progressive country that supports the LGBT community, and these homophobic statements aren’t well-received. He should study a bit more about the local culture. It’s a shame because he used to create interesting content.

In reading some more posts it sounds like he was living in a trailer home and used to be a cop. Being a homophobe like he says, maybe he was fired from his job or something.
Oh, I just saw this guy’s unpleasant posts. I used to follow him because his content seemed interesting. But coming here and making those comments about the LGBTQ+ community, criticizing without understanding the kind of country he's in, is really disappointing. Argentina was a pioneer in approving same-sex marriage, being the first country in Latin America to do so in 2010. In 2012, Argentina also passed the Gender Identity Law, which allows people to change their sex on their ID (DNI) according to their gender identity without needing surgery or hormonal treatment. This guy should study more about the history and culture of this country; his comments are embarrassing. He talks about family values but clearly doesn’t understand anything. Just the fact that he discriminates against people based on their sexual orientation makes him a despicable person.

Oh, I just saw this guy’s unpleasant posts. I used to follow him because his content seemed interesting. But coming here and making those comments about the LGBTQ+ community, criticizing without understanding the kind of country he's in, is really disappointing. Argentina was a pioneer in approving same-sex marriage, being the first country in Latin America to do so in 2010. In 2012, Argentina also passed the Gender Identity Law, which allows people to change their sex on their ID (DNI) according to their gender identity without needing surgery or hormonal treatment. This guy should study more about the history and culture of this country; his comments are embarrassing. He talks about family values but clearly doesn’t understand anything. Just the fact that he discriminates against people based on their sexual orientation makes him a despicable person.

Speaking as a gay male, I hope this guy ends up getting deported back to the USA. The nerve of him coming to Argentina and telling Argentines how to live their lives. Not sure what he is trying to accomplish. He is going to end up getting booted out of Argentina with that attitude.
Oh, I just saw this guy’s unpleasant posts. I used to follow him because his content seemed interesting. But coming here and making those comments about the LGBTQ+ community, criticizing without understanding the kind of country he's in, is really disappointing. Argentina was a pioneer in approving same-sex marriage, being the first country in Latin America to do so in 2010. In 2012, Argentina also passed the Gender Identity Law, which allows people to change their sex on their ID (DNI) according to their gender identity without needing surgery or hormonal treatment. This guy should study more about the history and culture of this country; his comments are embarrassing. He talks about family values but clearly doesn’t understand anything. Just the fact that he discriminates against people based on their sexual orientation makes him a despicable person.

Embarrassing is right. I just read some other posts. His Youtube videos seem ok but he comes across as a complete moron in his posts. This is the type of loudmouth gringo that will end up going back to America with his tail between his legs.

Embarrassing is right. I just read some other posts. His Youtube videos seem ok but he comes across as a complete moron in his posts. This is the type of loudmouth gringo that will end up going back to America with his tail between his legs.

That’s exactly what I was going to say. His YouTube videos are great, showing how beautiful Buenos Aires is, but his Twitter posts make him look like an idiot. Who’s he trying to convince about how things should be here? I think he’s totally off base, this isn’t the U.S.
That’s exactly what I was going to say. His YouTube videos are great, showing how beautiful Buenos Aires is, but his Twitter posts make him look like an idiot. Who’s he trying to convince about how things should be here? I think he’s totally off base, this isn’t the U.S.
I just took a look at his Twitter posts. My lord. And why does he post in broken Spanish? He doesn't speak any Spanish and using Google translate. It seems like he is trying to sell some service to other gringos that want to have an anchor baby here. But why is he posting in broken Spanish? Strange.
I just took a look at his Twitter posts. My lord. And why does he post in broken Spanish? He doesn't speak any Spanish and using Google translate. It seems like he is trying to sell some service to other gringos that want to have an anchor baby here. But why is he posting in broken Spanish? Strange.
Haha, as someone said here, he's only been here a few months and thinks he knows everything about BA. Out of respect for the locals, he should speak in English.😂
Embarrassing is right. I just read some other posts. His Youtube videos seem ok but he comes across as a complete moron in his posts. This is the type of loudmouth gringo that will end up going back to America with his tail between his legs.

This guy is so unpleasant! After years of evolution and progress, this gringo comes along saying that homosexuality is a disease! My god, he’s a dinosaur! This reminds me of the speech the Minister of Justice gave a few days ago when he said, "They reject sexual identities that don’t align with biology, calling them subjective inventions". Of course, people almost lynched him after that statement! These kinds of declarations are so backward.

This guy is so unpleasant! After years of evolution and progress, this gringo comes along saying that homosexuality is a disease! My god, he’s a dinosaur! This reminds me of the speech the Minister of Justice gave a few days ago when he said, "They reject sexual identities that don’t align with biology, calling them subjective inventions". Of course, people almost lynched him after that statement! These kinds of declarations are so backward.

The funniest part was what he said to the assistant when they leaned in to whisper something in his ear. He goes, "No, boludo! It's word-for-word from Milei's speech." 🤦‍♀️

Haha, as someone said here, he's only been here a few months and thinks he knows everything about BA. Out of respect for the locals, he should speak in English.😂
This is a reason why Americans have a bad reputation sometimes around the world. Fortunately almost all that I meet in BA are very friendly and polite. I don't understand why people come to Argentina and expect everything to be the way they want.
I've been a gay male my entire adult life. I understand and acknowledge that some people are against this but fortunately in this day and age people have respected my right to be gay as long as it doesn't interfere with their life. I disagree with any woke agenda in society but I have always believed that people are free to do whatever they want as long as it doesn't interfere with someone else.

It was surprising to see someone so homophobic in the open about it. Just went to his X account and he seems to have calmed down. And probably a good idea to stop trying to sell services for other people to have anchor babies here. He was trying to sell people on info to have babies here to get citizenship. I guess he stopped that now after taking some heat from some locals.

Smart for him to stop trying to make money off of anchor baby'ing your way to Citizenship. Many people are doing that including Russians but people are on the down low about it and not in your face YouTube channel. Many poor pregnant Russian females are getting turned away at EZE.

His YT channel makes him sound like a nice father and husband that just wanted to get away and make it work in another country. I listened to a podcast of his explaining about his life in Idaho. It sounded pretty miserable with him working as a cop and didn't like it. Didn't have enough money, living in a trailer home. Wanted to try Argentina but this country doesn't have the opportunities to make money that the US does. So hopefully he finds some way to make income.

My friend told me that many expats come to Argentina but most can't figure out how to make money and have to leave.
Smart for him to stop trying to make money off of anchor baby'ing your way to Citizenship. Many people are doing that including Russians but people are on the down low about it and not in your face YouTube channel. Many poor pregnant Russian females are getting turned away at EZE.

His YT channel makes him sound like a nice father and husband that just wanted to get away and make it work in another country. I listened to a podcast of his explaining about his life in Idaho. It sounded pretty miserable with him working as a cop and didn't like it. Didn't have enough money, living in a trailer home. Wanted to try Argentina but this country doesn't have the opportunities to make money that the US does. So hopefully he finds some way to make income.

My friend told me that many expats come to Argentina but most can't figure out how to make money and have to leave.
Some people were criticizing that he was trying to market services advising other people to have anchor babies here. We had an anchor baby here but we wouldn't dream of making a Youtube channel out of it or trying to make money off of that service. Just saw this funny post on X about it.

Smart for him to stop trying to make money off of anchor baby'ing your way to Citizenship. Many people are doing that including Russians but people are on the down low about it and not in your face YouTube channel. Many poor pregnant Russian females are getting turned away at EZE.

His YT channel makes him sound like a nice father and husband that just wanted to get away and make it work in another country. I listened to a podcast of his explaining about his life in Idaho. It sounded pretty miserable with him working as a cop and didn't like it. Didn't have enough money, living in a trailer home. Wanted to try Argentina but this country doesn't have the opportunities to make money that the US does. So hopefully he finds some way to make income.

My friend told me that many expats come to Argentina but most can't figure out how to make money and have to leave.
I just watched some Youtube videos. He literally can't speak ANY Spanish at all. I'm totally fluent and couldn't really make any decent money in Argentina. I'm curious what kind of work he will do in Argentina to support his family. I saw he was charging for a while to help others with advice on having an anchor baby in Argentina but that doesn't seem like anything you really need to get help with. Was surprising to hear that he didn't have the child born in a hospital.

Hopefully everything works out well as there are 3 kids involved.
I've been a gay male my entire adult life. I understand and acknowledge that some people are against this but fortunately in this day and age people have respected my right to be gay as long as it doesn't interfere with their life. I disagree with any woke agenda in society but I have always believed that people are free to do whatever they want as long as it doesn't interfere with someone else.

It was surprising to see someone so homophobic in the open about it. Just went to his X account and he seems to have calmed down. And probably a good idea to stop trying to sell services for other people to have anchor babies here. He was trying to sell people on info to have babies here to get citizenship. I guess he stopped that now after taking some heat from some locals.

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This says no promotion of immigration but saw this. I personally don't see anything at all wrong with promoting immigration. It doesn't sound like too complicated to just have a kid born here though.

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I just watched some of those YT videos. What a nice family he has. I really want to like the guy. Seems genuine but some of that homophobe behavior on his X account is just cringe.
Smart for him to stop trying to make money off of anchor baby'ing your way to Citizenship. Many people are doing that including Russians but people are on the down low about it and not in your face YouTube channel. Many poor pregnant Russian females are getting turned away at EZE.

His YT channel makes him sound like a nice father and husband that just wanted to get away and make it work in another country. I listened to a podcast of his explaining about his life in Idaho. It sounded pretty miserable with him working as a cop and didn't like it. Didn't have enough money, living in a trailer home. Wanted to try Argentina but this country doesn't have the opportunities to make money that the US does. So hopefully he finds some way to make income.

My friend told me that many expats come to Argentina but most can't figure out how to make money and have to leave.
Very nice YT channel. I admire people that come to my country. Especially with family. It is courageous to come to Argentina with young kids. Most are the other way around and have left Argentina for Europe. I hope more will come back to Argentina.