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Javier Milei’s government will monitor social media with AI to ‘predict future crimes’

I hate making predictions, but this is going to be pretty common in less than 5 years. Governments and entities already inspect social networks to detect possible terrorist attacks, crimes, etc. Adding AI to it will make the analysis faster.
Absolutely true this is the path we are already set on. Not just for security but also to save money on employees. The airlines have already started to use biometrics. Several of my flights you walk up and it scans your face in the boarding area. @enbits I did hear that they were already monitoring social networks. This will speed up in the next few years.I just assume there is no more privacy anymore in public or online.
I hate making predictions, but this is going to be pretty common in less than 5 years. Governments and entities already inspect social networks to detect possible terrorist attacks, crimes, etc. Adding AI to it will make the analysis faster.
Totally agree. Here was another website that wrote about this in Argentina. Although who knows how good it will be. I read this and laughed.

In a related note, a 2021 study [PDF] of AI readiness in five Latin American countries says that IBM, Accenture, and Oracle, asked to develop Prometea, estimated the project would cost $100,000. Corvalán, deputy prosecutor of the Buenos Aires public prosecutor's office at the time, reportedly said that officials instead looked inward and paid an internal developer 33,000 pesos (~$500 given a 2020 exchange rate of 0.015) to make the first version of the software.

I hate making predictions, but this is going to be pretty common in less than 5 years. Governments and entities already inspect social networks to detect possible terrorist attacks, crimes, etc. Adding AI to it will make the analysis faster.
Unfortunately, some governments are going overboard! Take a look what is going on in the UK now. People making posts on Facebook are getting arrested. This is an overreach.

Unfortunately, some governments are going overboard! Take a look what is going on in the UK now. People making posts on Facebook are getting arrested. This is an overreach.

I saw this and we have gone too far to the other woke side when you see this happening. The guy didn't break any laws. We are going to see a lot of tension because of mass migration in a lot of countries in the future.
Unfortunately, some governments are going overboard! Take a look what is going on in the UK now. People making posts on Facebook are getting arrested. This is an overreach.

I am not worried about Argentina. Seeing what is going on in the UK right now with an elderly man getting arrested for making a Facebook post is one of the most dystopian things I have seen. When have countries stopped allowing people to have an opinion on things. This won't happen in the USA with 2nd amendment rights. I am not a gun person but when I see whacko things like this it makes me worry how crazy the world is getting.
I am not worried about Argentina. Seeing what is going on in the UK right now with an elderly man getting arrested for making a Facebook post is one of the most dystopian things I have seen. When have countries stopped allowing people to have an opinion on things. This won't happen in the USA with 2nd amendment rights. I am not a gun person but when I see whacko things like this it makes me worry how crazy the world is getting.
Amen. This is the Communications Act of 2003. Thousands of people have been arrested over the years. People would be surprised there is probably less freedom of speech in the UK now vs. Russia. Ironic.

Well they are already doing the same thing all over the world. It's going to be interesting to see how things play out during this election cycle.

Well they are already doing the same thing all over the world. It's going to be interesting to see how things play out during this election cycle.

I just hope that it doesn't become like the Patriot Act in the USA where the government abuses the system.

I just hope that it doesn't become like the Patriot Act in the USA where the government abuses the system.

That is always a concern. There has to be a balance. Already the opposition has alarmist headlines.
