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Kidnapping of Child by Australian Ex-Pat

Very sad for everyone involved? How he managed to board a flight without the permission of the mother is strange. Perhaps he had forged a letter or something,
Every time my wife has flown alone with my daughter she has had do present a document saying the we have authorised that my daughter can fly without both parents.
Yes, Sebanian. I was wondering about that as well. I also thought that most flights were closed with COVID? I guess maybe he crossed a land border? Yes, whenever I leave with my kids there is also a lot of documents we need to show. I've never left the country without my spouse. But I guess he could have easily have paid off an Escribano to get a document or simply paid a bribe to an officer? One of the articles said that the kid had a few passports but not sure if that matters or not.

Nothing in Argentina would surprise me. I hope this turns out well. Very sad.
Well according to migration it says he was last in the country in 2017 so they are suggesting he entered illegally somehow.. It's sad to know what the full story is - I'm sure there will be two sides to this and the truth will be in the middle. There really is no happy ending for things like this - I have no idea about what the parental visiting rights were etc
There is virtually no border to the north. People from Paraguay and Bolivia enter as they wish and there is very little control. Brazil is also another option. It's a piece of cake to enter and leave the country that way illegally. He also probably paid someone to transport him from CABA to the border evading the police (also not very hard). Then flying to Mexico from Bolivia/Brazil with a forged letter from the mother is super easy as well.

However, if he's in Mexico, I don't see how he could leave now that the authorities have been informed. Let's see.