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Hi I want to know living cost for one person.But no cost for rent.Can you tell me price for 2 bedroom in safety area?
and I think I will get money from overseas.(maybe USD or KRW)
I think I will eat out sometimes and travel by airplane 1 or less times a year. Also,I want privite health insurance.And I live middle class lifestyle in my home.(But I don't like shopping and I want to ride car but not expensive)
How many people in your Family? age Group?
Hard to say depends on WHEN will you arrive and what happens after the PASO Elections and then October .. The Current predicted inflation rate is 40 % . What will happen then if Fernandez wins, will we have a Lavagna Scenario, Default , run of the banks, and dollar over 100 pesos? That will help your exchange rate... !
A birds eye approach with rent included. To Survive US$2000 , for a comfortable middle class as you describe $US4000 per month (minus/plus 10 %) with a private health plan a vehicle , overseas travel, etc.

Use Numbeo to compare with your hometown....
How many people in your Family? age Group?
Hard to say depends on WHEN will you arrive and what happens after the PASO Elections and then October .. The Current predicted inflation rate is 40 % . What will happen then if Fernandez wins, will we have a Lavagna Scenario, Default , run of the banks, and dollar over 100 pesos? That will help your exchange rate... !
A birds eye approach with rent included. To Survive US$2000 , for a comfortable middle class as you describe $US4000 per month (minus/plus 10 %) with a private health plan a vehicle , overseas travel, etc.

Use Numbeo to compare with your hometown....
Can I believe numbeo?Because Argentina have high Inflation.
Very true Aleman many Years ago... was like close to $US 400 for shared hospital room hospitalization (if Over 60)-

I Explored all the Options..

By LAw all Heath Providers, should accept all residents Over 60, BUT for instance at OSDE you must apply at Cabildo Headquarters? and go through a battery of tests and THEN they will quote Your Rate on an individual Basis. Pre-existing ailments may not be covered..?

OMINT just told me informally that the rate to JOIN for over 60 would be like 3 tines what seniors that joined 20 years ago pay

Conclusion: CABA public health is the option for Residents?
Very true Aleman many Years ago... was like close to $US 400 for shared hospital room hospitalization (if Over 60)-

I Explored all the Options..

By LAw all Heath Providers, should accept all residents Over 60, BUT for instance at OSDE you must apply at Cabildo Headquarters? and go through a battery of tests and THEN they will quote Your Rate on an individual Basis. Pre-existing ailments may not be covered..?

OMINT just told me informally that the rate to JOIN for over 60 would be like 3 tines what seniors that joined 20 years ago pay

Conclusion: CABA public health is the option for Residents?
That is correct about OMINT and the same for others - and keep in mind that the rate for someone in the plan for 10+ years will be very high to begin with. For those who are new and over 60, the rate will be several times higher so I'd think close to USD $1,000 a month. For someone from the UK where health care is free or from the US where there is Medicare, retiring in Argentina and paying local private health care rates makes little sense.
That is correct about OMINT and the same for others - and keep in mind that the rate for someone in the plan for 10+ years will be very high to begin with. For those who are new and over 60, the rate will be several times higher so I'd think close to USD $1,000 a month. For someone from the UK where health care is free or from the US where there is Medicare, retiring in Argentina and paying local private health care rates makes little sense.
$1000. a year for health insurance is $84. a month. That is incredibly cheap. My health insurance in the U.S. ,supplementary to Medicare, was $220. a month. And that did not cover vision, dental or doctor visits. Just hospitalization.
$1000. a year for health insurance is $84. a month. That is incredibly cheap. My health insurance in the U.S. ,supplementary to Medicare, was $220. a month. And that did not cover vision, dental or doctor visits. Just hospitalization.
Sorry I made a mistake. I meant closer to U$S 1,000 per MONTH in Argentina for someone entering a plan like OMINT at age 65. Sorry for the mistake. That would be a substantial outlay for a US citizen contemplating retiring in Argentina when he is already covered by Medicare in the US. Obviously U$S 1,000 a year would be cheap for a company like OMINT, even for someone decades younger. As for your quote of U$S 1,000 per year with the German Hospital, even though it is not one of the leading health plans, I think you misunderstood or were given incorrect information. First of all, anyone entering a health care plan at such an age (if accepted) will pay at least twice, more likely three times more than the normal rate. This has always been the case but under CFK a law was passed that those with 10+ years of seniority in a plan CANNOT be charged more. Only normal inflation increases can be charged. But if I am wrong about the German Hospital and they will actually insure a 70 year old at the rate of U$S 84 a month - or even double that - then I am glad to hear it. Why would you decline such a good deal?
Just out of curiosity, what does an OSDE 410 Plan or similar go for these days? I read in a previous post that OSDE 210 is about 8500 pesos a month. I was just curious if anyone new how much the OSDE 410 plan is?

For contrast a fairly mediocre HMO plan here in California runs $500/month even if you're in your mid-30's. 40ish is about $650 a month. Heck, I pay $250 a month for my super healthy kids. I pay over $2,000 US dollars a month for a super healthy family that are all fairly young. The healthcare system is completely broken in the USA.
Personally I don't find Buenos Aires to be really affordable like some of you are playing off. Inflation is wicked there. Yes, it does help if you have a foreign currency but still it's not a cheap city now like before. Some of the HOA expenses there are crazy high. I had a few 1 bedroom apartments I was paying the equivalent of $300 US per month just for the HOA expenses. Forget the utility bills! Just the expenses. It's to the point that in several buildings owners are paying late each and every month. I can't imagine how it will be when the sh*t really hits the fan.

People tend to underestimate how much they truly spend each month. Most don't account for everything when making a budget. Make sure to add in all of these things each month and actually put it on a spreadsheet.

- Rent

- Property taxes (if you own)

-Phone (Home and cellphone)

- Utilities (gas, water, electricity, cable, internet, etc)

- HOA fees

- Maintenance and repairs (if you own a property)

- Car payments (if you own)

- Car insurance (if you own)

- Auto Fuel each month for each car

- Uber/taxis if you don't have a car

- Maintenance on your car to include car washes and oil changes

- Home/rental insurance for your property

- Life insurance

- Health insurance premiums

- Dental insurance premiums

- Medical/Dental expenses (what insurance won't cover)

- Prescription medications

- School expenses for kids (tuition, activities for kids, etc)

- Babysitter expenses

- Annual fee for Credit Cards

- Clothes for kids and yourself

- Toys for kids

- Dry Cleaning

- Health club / gym

- Beauty (hair salon for hair cuts, color, nails, make up, etc)

- Extracurricular activities dues/fees

- Entertainment (movies, theatre, plays, concerts, sporting events, etc)

- Magazine/newspaper/Ipad subscriptions

- Dining out at restaurants

- Grocery budget

- Retirement savings contributions

- Kids college fund savings contributions

- Charity/donations

- Travel / vacation expenses outside of Argentina

- Any revolving debt payments you might have

- Bad habit type stuff (alcohol, smoking, etc ---)

- Emergency savings fund for any major health issues