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Real Estate Sales Looking for a Real Estate Agent

I sold an apartment early this year to foreigners and got the funds (usd) wired to a foreign account, I don't live in Argentina either though. So perhaps buy from a foreigner? I had no issues with getting the AFIP, but rules may have changed?
That is always the ideal method for sellers to get paid abroad OUTSIDE of Argentina. Especially now when money exchange firms are charging so much to get dollars out of Argentina.

You still have a tricky situation many times. My friend that just closed yesterday had a Porteño that was buying his apartment. The Porteño didn't have the funds in Argentina. Like many, he had the funds hidden abroad in an offshore account outside of Argentina.

My friend (seller) was really pushing to get paid abroad. He didn't want the buyer wiring it to Argentina as he would have had to pay big fees to wire it out of Argentina.

But the buyer couldn't declare this account on the title deed because as typical, the account wasn't declared and he didn't want AFIP knowing about it.

So fortunately the buyer agreed to first wire the funds a few days before the Escritura (closing) and then they would sign the title deed once the funds hit. Many buyers don't want to wire first so it becomes a "game of chicken" for either party as sellers want the buyers to wire first and buyers want the seller to sign the title deed first.

Lots of deals still conducted that way offshore out of Argentina and just saying on the title deed the buyer paid cash at the closing.