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Medical Medical insurance premium adjustments and inflation


Years ago, I enrolled in a local medical insurance plan when the exchange rate was approximately 37 pesos to a dollar. This insurance plan has a progressive scale, indicating in the contract the premium amounts in pesos for when I reach the ages of 55, 60, and 65. Due to the significant inflation over recent years, the stated amounts in the contract, based on past peso values, seem outdated. For instance, if the contract mentioned a premium of 7500 pesos based on 2018's value, what would that translate to in today's money?

Is this amount adjusted for inflation using some INDEC coefficient? Does the premium increase annually up to the permitted amount, and then undergo a proportional adjustment when one approaches a specified age threshold?
@PatriciaL , maybe you know the answer?
But don't you see the amounts your insurance plan actually charges?

I'm sure @PatriciaL will know much more than me about this, but currently I'm getting monthly email from OSDE with the subject "Se producira una modificacion en el importe de la cuota mensual" and they hike the price by 8-10% normally. They refer to the Health Ministry and the Health Superintendancy, not to INDEC.
Yes, I'm getting these letters too. But my question is about a set increase in the premium at a certain age, and it was predefined in pesos.
Years ago, I enrolled in a local medical insurance plan when the exchange rate was approximately 37 pesos to a dollar. This insurance plan has a progressive scale, indicating in the contract the premium amounts in pesos for when I reach the ages of 55, 60, and 65. Due to the significant inflation over recent years, the stated amounts in the contract, based on past peso values, seem outdated. For instance, if the contract mentioned a premium of 7500 pesos based on 2018's value, what would that translate to in today's money?

Is this amount adjusted for inflation using some INDEC coefficient? Does the premium increase annually up to the permitted amount, and then undergo a proportional adjustment when one approaches a specified age threshold?
I honestly don't know what they use to adjust the premiums or how they do it. Years ago I reported my insurance to Superintendencia de Salud since based on my contract, it was illegal to increase premiums based on age and they ruled in my favor. I know that changed at some point in time. To date I only get increases based on inflation/INDEC ( there are some many different exchange rates, interest rates, coefficient to adjust different things that at least for me it is impossible to keep up with )
Does anyone know how much OSDE 510 costs now? If not, I'll report back next month while I'm in Buenos Aires. I'm going to look to sign up again now that I'm moving back to Buenos Aires.
Also consider, now doctors are asking for a $6000 copago independent of the health plan? True or False..!
Does anyone know how much OSDE 510 costs now? If not, I'll report back next month while I'm in Buenos Aires. I'm going to look to sign up again now that I'm moving back to Buenos Aires.
I have OSDE 450 and it costs 167k pesos as of September 2023.
Also consider, now doctors are asking for a $6000 copago independent of the health plan? True or False..!
All of the above. In August 2023 my family pediatrician was already charging $10,000 pesos apart from our OSDE 210 insurance 😳
I am 78. Would any of the local health insurance providers sign me up? Let's pretend cost is not a consideration.
I would not refer to a plan that excludes hospitalization coverage as medical insurance. It is a discount club with paid membership.
Essentially, the same thing as you would get from free Cobertura Porteña de Salud, but for money.

I am 78. Would any of the local health insurance providers sign me up? Let's pretend cost is not a consideration.
If cost is not a consideration, then you don't really need health insurance. Just pay out-of-pocket for everything.