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Medical Medicare Coverage outside the U.S.


New member
I thought I knew something about medicare coverage....I just found out I aint so smart.


I am just starting my study of this policy so I don't claim to be an expert. I will learn about it and probably enroll. I am someone who tends to over-insure. I have the Cigna plan right now and doubt that it compares to the UHC plan (Compass Rose). And I have the Cigna plan because they take seniors (old folks). Anyone who knows about it....chime in.
I thought I knew something about medicare coverage....I just found out I aint so smart.


I am just starting my study of this policy so I don't claim to be an expert. I will learn about it and probably enroll. I am someone who tends to over-insure. I have the Cigna plan right now and doubt that it compares to the UHC plan (Compass Rose). And I have the Cigna plan because they take seniors (old folks). Anyone who knows about it....chime in.
Can you qualify for an OSDE or Swiss Medical plan in Buenos Aires or are you too old to qualify? Those medical programs are excellent and not too expensive. I"m going to sign back up for the OSDE 510 plan when I'm in town in November.
I thought I knew something about medicare coverage....I just found out I aint so smart.


I am just starting my study of this policy so I don't claim to be an expert. I will learn about it and probably enroll. I am someone who tends to over-insure. I have the Cigna plan right now and doubt that it compares to the UHC plan (Compass Rose). And I have the Cigna plan because they take seniors (old folks). Anyone who knows about it....chime in.
I used Cigna for my wife and myself until about 4 years ago, and I stopped the insurance cover because they kept increasing the monthly premiums (I don't remember how much it was, but it was sufficient to cause me to discontinue the policy). We had never made a claim, so I didn't see the justification. My son was previously insured with Cigna, and he had so much trouble getting them to accept a claim that he eventually gave up. That's the worst fear about an insurance company, they just take the money and when you need them, they're not there anymore.

We're using OSDE here, and while the costs are climbing each month (in Pesos at least), they do actually provide cover. Also apparently in bordering countries, though we haven't tried that. And we use some travel insurance like AssistCard or WorldNomads when we're going to be outside Argentina. I wouldn't recommend Cigna.
I used Cigna for my wife and myself until about 4 years ago, and I stopped the insurance cover because they kept increasing the monthly premiums (I don't remember how much it was, but it was sufficient to cause me to discontinue the policy). We had never made a claim, so I didn't see the justification. My son was previously insured with Cigna, and he had so much trouble getting them to accept a claim that he eventually gave up. That's the worst fear about an insurance company, they just take the money and when you need them, they're not there anymore.

We're using OSDE here, and while the costs are climbing each month (in Pesos at least), they do actually provide cover. Also apparently in bordering countries, though we haven't tried that. And we use some travel insurance like AssistCard or WorldNomads when we're going to be outside Argentina. I wouldn't recommend Cigna.
What is OSDE charging you? Is the rate for 65+ people?
so your plan is for under 65s? Is there ANY health insurance plan that covers people 65+?
@Chris check out Hospital Italiano. A member of this forum said he inquired about his father.
