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Meloni greets Milei @ G7 (❤️)

She is as tough as nails. Look what she did when President Lula from Brazil tried hugging her.

At least she would stand next to him. Milei wouldn't even be seen with Lula.

...and? aside from being anti-genocide against Israel, what has Lula done that is worthwhile and commendable? Milei's actual mistake was hugging the war criminal Zelenskyy; Argentina would benefit from being switzerland-neutral when all these nations are rattling WW3 sabers

Yes, I meant him not wanting to be photographed with Lula as a positive thing! And I agree about Ukraine!
Meloni is a bad ass. I just read her Wiki page. Wow had no idea she was so accomplished. The other day I was watching X and I saw she was meeting a group of old Italian men. I guess one of the men called her a bitch once. So she goes up to shake his hand and she says, "hi, I'm that bitch".
I looked for the video after I read your post. I found it! What a strong woman!

At least she would stand next to him. Milei wouldn't even be seen with Lula.

Yes and it looks like Milei still has yet to even meet with Lula since winning office. Aren't Brazil and Argentina huge trading partners? You'd think they could at least fake it for the sake of their countries.
