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Milei orders military parades for Independence Day celebrations - I thought No Hay Plata!


Well-known member
What do all of you Milei supporters think of Milei's increased interest in the military and military spending? I thought No Hay Plata?! Spending time and money on a military parade is the last thing Argentina needs. I hope some of you supporters will at least post when he is making mistakes too. Or will you all say he is doing everything right?

Milei orders military parades for Independence Day celebrations​

I think this is a mistake spending money on military parades. He has made a lot of good decisions but I can't understand the logic of spending money on military parades and I don't like the direction he is going with all this military spending. No Argentines I know are particularly war mongers. I heard he might even be thinking of doing a military draft again. People will turn again him quickly with these types of measures.
I think this is a mistake spending money on military parades. He has made a lot of good decisions but I can't understand the logic of spending money on military parades and I don't like the direction he is going with all this military spending. No Argentines I know are particularly war mongers. I heard he might even be thinking of doing a military draft again. People will turn again him quickly with these types of measures.
Agree with you @JonJLA. No hay plata for these kinds of things. I wouldn't think the typical Argie that is struggling with the economy would be all fired up for a military parade. Seems like a weird thing to prioritize.

I read that Argentina never ended military conscription. It's still on the books.

Great move. The destruction of national pride so that everyone feels like a stateless "world citizen" to be controlled and dominated by evil organisations like the IMF and WHO is one of the main tactics of the leftist zurdos. Time to push back

And I have no problem criticising Milei. I've said on this forum Milei getting involved in the Ukraine war is a disaster with no upside and he is travelling way too much. He needs to be present in Argentina during this critical time and appoint someone else to travel the world making business deals.
Great move. The destruction of national pride so that everyone feels like a stateless "world citizen" to be controlled and dominated by evil organisations like the IMF and WHO is one of the main tactics of the leftist zurdos. Time to push back

And I have no problem criticising Milei. I've said on this forum Milei getting involved in the Ukraine war is a disaster with no upside and he is travelling way too much. He needs to be present in Argentina during this critical time and appoint someone else to travel the world making business deals.
But do you really honestly think the majority of Argentines want to see this sort of thing vs. other priorities going on in the country?
Great move. The destruction of national pride so that everyone feels like a stateless "world citizen" to be controlled and dominated by evil organisations like the IMF and WHO is one of the main tactics of the leftist zurdos. Time to push back

And I have no problem criticising Milei. I've said on this forum Milei getting involved in the Ukraine war is a disaster with no upside and he is travelling way too much. He needs to be present in Argentina during this critical time and appoint someone else to travel the world making business deals.
I agree that national pride is good but I don't think that beefing up military or getting involved with other nations conflicts is the way to do it. There are smarter ways to do it like this below.

Great move. The destruction of national pride so that everyone feels like a stateless "world citizen" to be controlled and dominated by evil organisations like the IMF and WHO is one of the main tactics of the leftist zurdos. Time to push back

And I have no problem criticising Milei. I've said on this forum Milei getting involved in the Ukraine war is a disaster with no upside and he is travelling way too much. He needs to be present in Argentina during this critical time and appoint someone else to travel the world making business deals.
Huge mistake to get Argentina which is typically known as a neutral country to take sides in wars where it has NO upside or advantage to meddle in. It costs Argentina nothing to stay silent. Considering that many people are starving, I don't think they need to spend money on military parades. At least not when people are unemployed and starving. It seems out of touch to do something like this.

I was laughing when I read that Ukraine was saying Argentina was going to support their war efforts! You see Milei's team had to do a quick press conference denying it. In NO scenario should Argentina be spending any time or resourced on Ukraine or Israel when things in Argentina are chaotic.

Milei seems good in some areas but totally out of touch with other things.
Huge mistake to get Argentina which is typically known as a neutral country to take sides in wars where it has NO upside or advantage to meddle in. It costs Argentina nothing to stay silent. Considering that many people are starving, I don't think they need to spend money on military parades. At least not when people are unemployed and starving. It seems out of touch to do something like this.

I was laughing when I read that Ukraine was saying Argentina was going to support their war efforts! You see Milei's team had to do a quick press conference denying it. In NO scenario should Argentina be spending any time or resourced on Ukraine or Israel when things in Argentina are chaotic.

Milei seems good in some areas but totally out of touch with other things.
Yes!! He doesn't understand how the typical person on the street is suffering. Flying off all over the world. Some of it might help Argentina but other things no. Record # of poverty levels. Bad recession. Job losses. Things are going to get worse. We do not need military parades. These kinds of things will push his approval ratings down more.
Everyone certainly can disagree with how the government chooses where to spend or where not spend taxpayers' money. The government has many priorities that are related and many that are not related as well. It's totally fine if you believe that the money should be spent somewhere else, but I think it's important to understand why others have a different opinion, even if you still disagree in the end.

One of Milei's administration's priorities is to change how the population views the military. With a military that is viewed more positively by their citizens and a military that is more supportive of Milei could become a very important asset in internal (domestic) security. Most probably don't like the idea of using the military domestically, but we often have to choose the lesser of two evils. Your opinion might depend on how bad you believe the drug trafficking and related problems are, and future protests becoming violent.
Everyone certainly can disagree with how the government chooses where to spend or where not spend taxpayers' money. The government has many priorities that are related and many that are not related as well. It's totally fine if you believe that the money should be spent somewhere else, but I think it's important to understand why others have a different opinion, even if you still disagree in the end.

One of Milei's administration's priorities is to change how the population views the military. With a military that is viewed more positively by their citizens and a military that is more supportive of Milei could become a very important asset in internal (domestic) security. Most probably don't like the idea of using the military domestically, but we often have to choose the lesser of two evils. Your opinion might depend on how bad you believe the drug trafficking and related problems are, and future protests becoming violent.
All great points Tony. Many I talk to seem to be very leery of any build up in military as they think that Bulrich will use it in a negative way. But these are also CFK supporters. But several I know that support Milei don’t think spending money on military is a priority now but you make some good points.
Everyone certainly can disagree with how the government chooses where to spend or where not spend taxpayers' money. The government has many priorities that are related and many that are not related as well. It's totally fine if you believe that the money should be spent somewhere else, but I think it's important to understand why others have a different opinion, even if you still disagree in the end.

One of Milei's administration's priorities is to change how the population views the military. With a military that is viewed more positively by their citizens and a military that is more supportive of Milei could become a very important asset in internal (domestic) security. Most probably don't like the idea of using the military domestically, but we often have to choose the lesser of two evils. Your opinion might depend on how bad you believe the drug trafficking and related problems are, and future protests becoming violent.
Yes many priorities but I think it's wise to prioritize the most important things in order from most importance to least important. I do agree it would be good to change public perception of the military eventually but in the face of laying off 100,000 employees under the guise of "no hay plata" I'm not sure this is the best time for it.

Drug trafficking is a concern but I think there are bigger issues. @TonyTigre when you say "future protests becoming violent" are you inferring that Milei needs to build up the military so they can be used to help crowd control? I wasn't sure what you were referring to there.
Great move. The destruction of national pride so that everyone feels like a stateless "world citizen" to be controlled and dominated by evil organisations like the IMF and WHO is one of the main tactics of the leftist zurdos. Time to push back

And I have no problem criticising Milei. I've said on this forum Milei getting involved in the Ukraine war is a disaster with no upside and he is travelling way too much. He needs to be present in Argentina during this critical time and appoint someone else to travel the world making business deals.
Agree with national pride but I'm not sure that building up a stronger military will achieve that in a country like Argentina. Maybe further down the road but I think the timing is off on this now.

Everyone certainly can disagree with how the government chooses where to spend or where not spend taxpayers' money. The government has many priorities that are related and many that are not related as well. It's totally fine if you believe that the money should be spent somewhere else, but I think it's important to understand why others have a different opinion, even if you still disagree in the end.

One of Milei's administration's priorities is to change how the population views the military. With a military that is viewed more positively by their citizens and a military that is more supportive of Milei could become a very important asset in internal (domestic) security. Most probably don't like the idea of using the military domestically, but we often have to choose the lesser of two evils. Your opinion might depend on how bad you believe the drug trafficking and related problems are, and future protests becoming violent.
There will always be disagreement on priorities of spending. Nothing wrong with that at all. President Milei definitely has a plan. As long as people are willing to wait things hopefully will work out. I agree with you @TonyTigre it is important to understand why others disagree. People that are willing to do that will contribute the most to Argentina getting out of this funk. I know many people that don't have the ability to do that. They think their viewpoint is the right and only one.

I lived in this country as a child and young adult several decades back. Children used to love going to military parades, they also loved playing with "soldaditos" and the grenadiers had always been loved by people of all ages but the Juntas ruined all that. The military in Argentina should be as respected as it is in the US, Canada and many other nations.

Tony, one of the things I really like of today's Argentina: the police. When I see them, I always say hi, sometimes I ask them how the are doing. It makes me so happy to see their faces light up, their smiles, how well they can communicate with the people they serve, how helpful they can be. It's a 180 degree change. I had to go to a comisaría for a trámite, the other day, and everybody was so helpful, I just couldn't believe it. Back when, the police was just awful, for the most part. They were incompetent, unapproachable, scary even. At the comisarías you'd wait forever to get to talk to someone, they'd show no respect.

It would be good for the citizenry to see that change in the military as well.
That is so nice to hear @Sunny about the police. I hear people talking so poorly about them here. They also seem to fear them or think they are all corrupt and I know that can't be the case. In Mexico it is a very real problem as you must know from living in Mexico City. Here it doesn't seem as bad and good to hear your positive experience at the police station.

I would say it is a good goal but typically this kind of change probably takes many years if not a decade to change. But change is possible. Everything spreads much quicker now with social media. It is interesting to see so many of the younger Argentines that seem to embrace President Milei. I saw some videos where he came down when he saw school children and he was hanging them and chatting with them. He did this twice. He seems to really love people.

I lived in this country as a child and young adult several decades back. Children used to love going to military parades, they also loved playing with "soldaditos" and the grenadiers had always been loved by people of all ages but the Juntas ruined all that. The military in Argentina should be as respected as it is in the US, Canada and many other nations.

Tony, one of the things I really like of today's Argentina: the police. When I see them, I always say hi, sometimes I ask them how the are doing. It makes me so happy to see their faces light up, their smiles, how well they can communicate with the people they serve, how helpful they can be. It's a 180 degree change. I had to go to a comisaría for a trámite, the other day, and everybody was so helpful, I just couldn't believe it. Back when, the police was just awful, for the most part. They were incompetent, unapproachable, scary even. At the comisarías you'd wait forever to get to talk to someone, they'd show no respect.

It would be good for the citizenry to see that change in the military as well.
I'm glad you have good experience with police but many people have bad experiences here. Before the police couldn't be aggressive with the people and now since Milei won the police feel bolder to be tougher with people. People are more scared than ever of police. Argentina have very very bad record with citizens and military. They murder many people. It will take many many year to change feeling.
Everyone certainly can disagree with how the government chooses where to spend or where not spend taxpayers' money. The government has many priorities that are related and many that are not related as well. It's totally fine if you believe that the money should be spent somewhere else, but I think it's important to understand why others have a different opinion, even if you still disagree in the end.

One of Milei's administration's priorities is to change how the population views the military. With a military that is viewed more positively by their citizens and a military that is more supportive of Milei could become a very important asset in internal (domestic) security. Most probably don't like the idea of using the military domestically, but we often have to choose the lesser of two evils. Your opinion might depend on how bad you believe the drug trafficking and related problems are, and future protests becoming violent.
Bingo! Great points and it is all about the future. Many of the things Milei is doing aren't just a quick fix for today but trying to forever change Argentina. I was a bit skeptical first but can see he is trying to fix Argentina. People can say a lot of things about him but I don't think people can doubt his love for Argentina and trying to change it. They might disagree that he is changing it though.
Everyone certainly can disagree with how the government chooses where to spend or where not spend taxpayers' money. The government has many priorities that are related and many that are not related as well. It's totally fine if you believe that the money should be spent somewhere else, but I think it's important to understand why others have a different opinion, even if you still disagree in the end.

One of Milei's administration's priorities is to change how the population views the military. With a military that is viewed more positively by their citizens and a military that is more supportive of Milei could become a very important asset in internal (domestic) security. Most probably don't like the idea of using the military domestically, but we often have to choose the lesser of two evils. Your opinion might depend on how bad you believe the drug trafficking and related problems are, and future protests becoming violent.
Excellent post @TonyTigre! I understand everyone's point about this. I agree fixing the economy is the #1 biggest priority for President Milei and his team. People see things as black/white and no in between. But you have to understand something. In President Milei's mind, he is already starting to fix the economy. It is NOT going to be quick or easy. It's realistically going to take years not months. Slowing down the inflation is a big part of that and that is NO easy task.

He has a roadmap in his head of all the things that need to be done to turn the country around. Not just for today or tomorrow but for generations to come. In his mind he is already working on fixing the economy and working hard to get the Omnibus bill pushed through. It is other people that are stopping him from trying to fix things. Many people don't want things to change. People need to give him a chance to do what he needs to do and then if he fails you can blame him. But you simply can't blame him if you aren't allowing him to try.

Just because he wants to fix multiple things doesn't mean the economy isn't first and foremost. Because it is in his mind. But that doesn't mean that he can't work on multiple things simultaneously. I can't imagine running an entire country. And then running a country with all the challenges that Argentina has and the situation that he inherited.

No doubt this is a difficult time for many people. But if people don't allow President Milei to try to fix things, they will be more difficult. Not just tomorrow or next year but their kids and their kid's kids too. Argentina has kicked the can down the road for decades and decades and it's now or never to try for systemic change.
All really great points on this thread. In the USA we respect military vets and their service. But I have to say, people are getting tired of financing wars outside of the USA and funding conflicts that might drag us in further. I don't know anything about Argentina's military so can't speak there. I read they had some dark days with murders and some nasty stuff. Hopefully people's attitudes can change. But will take time probably.
This is why many of us are against a build up in the military. Look at the police today. People peacefully protesting and they get sprayed with pepper spray! These are old citizens and getting this done. What do you think the military will do? They get out of hand and get violent. No thanks! What a shameful thing to pepper spray 70 year olds for protesting peacefully.
