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Milei orders military parades for Independence Day celebrations - I thought No Hay Plata!

This is why many of us are against a build up in the military. Look at the police today. People peacefully protesting and they get sprayed with pepper spray! These are old citizens and getting this done. What do you think the military will do? They get out of hand and get violent. No thanks! What a shameful thing to pepper spray 70 year olds for protesting peacefully.

Exactly. This government can't be trusted with military when the police can't handle people protesting in a calm manner. Look at how they spray for no violent protesting.

Before rushing to judgement about the incident of the old man being sprayed, consider these points:
1. The officers who actually sprayed him and the other protesters are behind two lines of other officers directly facing the protesters. That means it's unlikely they saw them clearly or evaluated their age. They would only have seen a group not moving and therefore initiate spraying to move the group along.

2. The officers were obviously ordered to clear the area, and moving in formation. Do you expect the officers to walk around them and let them stay there? Of course not. So they can either arrest them, push them back, or spray them. I would think spraying would be the first option, and if they still don't move, then physically push them back with their shields, and if that doesn't work, start arresting some of them.

3. Were the protesters in a space where they were legally allowed to protest? Remember there are protesters and there are citizens who are against the protesters. The police are supposed to enforce the law and protect the rights of all citizens according to the law. I am one of those who believe that if you initiate a confrontation, you bear at least some responsibility.

4. If you disagree with point #2, then tell us what do you think the officers should have done in that situation. If the officers followed your suggestion instead, how would the officers be judged or evaluated by those giving the orders to clear the area, and by the general public who believe the area should be cleared as ordered.
Before rushing to judgement about the incident of the old man being sprayed, consider these points:
1. The officers who actually sprayed him and the other protesters are behind two lines of other officers directly facing the protesters. That means it's unlikely they saw them clearly or evaluated their age. They would only have seen a group not moving and therefore initiate spraying to move the group along.

2. The officers were obviously ordered to clear the area, and moving in formation. Do you expect the officers to walk around them and let them stay there? Of course not. So they can either arrest them, push them back, or spray them. I would think spraying would be the first option, and if they still don't move, then physically push them back with their shields, and if that doesn't work, start arresting some of them.

3. Were the protesters in a space where they were legally allowed to protest? Remember there are protesters and there are citizens who are against the protesters. The police are supposed to enforce the law and protect the rights of all citizens according to the law. I am one of those who believe that if you initiate a confrontation, you bear at least some responsibility.

4. If you disagree with point #2, then tell us what do you think the officers should have done in that situation. If the officers followed your suggestion instead, how would the officers be judged or evaluated by those giving the orders to clear the area, and by the general public who believe the area should be cleared as ordered.
Just take look at this below and you can see why they had to use pepper spray! All great points @TonyTigre. They clearly were somewhere they weren't allowed to be.

If you want to protest against something you dont agree with, is there a need to burn cars and throw rocks?

I dont think so.

Also if you are not involved in protesting , there is no need to be in that street when everyone knew there was situation about to develop that wasnt safe.
If you want to protest against something you dont agree with, is there a need to burn cars and throw rocks?

I dont think so.

Also if you are not involved in protesting , there is no need to be in that street when everyone knew there was situation about to develop that wasnt safe.
EXACTLY. If people want to protest so be it. Always been a lot of protesting in Argentina for decades. It is about intimidation and trying to make problems. I thought Bullrich was going to be tougher on criminals but looks like no.
If you want to protest against something you dont agree with, is there a need to burn cars and throw rocks?

I dont think so.

Also if you are not involved in protesting , there is no need to be in that street when everyone knew there was situation about to develop that wasnt safe.
Makes me so angry seeing this and the police not able to do more.
Before rushing to judgement about the incident of the old man being sprayed, consider these points:
1. The officers who actually sprayed him and the other protesters are behind two lines of other officers directly facing the protesters. That means it's unlikely they saw them clearly or evaluated their age. They would only have seen a group not moving and therefore initiate spraying to move the group along.

2. The officers were obviously ordered to clear the area, and moving in formation. Do you expect the officers to walk around them and let them stay there? Of course not. So they can either arrest them, push them back, or spray them. I would think spraying would be the first option, and if they still don't move, then physically push them back with their shields, and if that doesn't work, start arresting some of them.

3. Were the protesters in a space where they were legally allowed to protest? Remember there are protesters and there are citizens who are against the protesters. The police are supposed to enforce the law and protect the rights of all citizens according to the law. I am one of those who believe that if you initiate a confrontation, you bear at least some responsibility.

4. If you disagree with point #2, then tell us what do you think the officers should have done in that situation. If the officers followed your suggestion instead, how would the officers be judged or evaluated by those giving the orders to clear the area, and by the general public who believe the area should be cleared as ordered.
@TonyTigre your posts are great. But in this case you are wrong. Look at this video below. These were Diputados and government officials. You can see they were not violent. They could have been dealt with differently vs. spraying with pepper spray. The officers could have tried to arrest them but no need to spray pepper spray in faces of people that aren't resisting and passive and calm. Do you agree?

@TonyTigre your posts are great. But in this case you are wrong. Look at this video below. These were Diputados and government officials. You can see they were not violent. They could have been dealt with differently vs. spraying with pepper spray. The officers could have tried to arrest them but no need to spray pepper spray in faces of people that aren't resisting and passive and calm. Do you agree?

That is actually hilarious that they came outside to protest and got pepper sprayed. JA, JA. They probably won't do that again. I hope at a minimum this guy got arrested!

Everyone certainly can disagree with how the government chooses where to spend or where not spend taxpayers' money. The government has many priorities that are related and many that are not related as well. It's totally fine if you believe that the money should be spent somewhere else, but I think it's important to understand why others have a different opinion, even if you still disagree in the end.

One of Milei's administration's priorities is to change how the population views the military. With a military that is viewed more positively by their citizens and a military that is more supportive of Milei could become a very important asset in internal (domestic) security. Most probably don't like the idea of using the military domestically, but we often have to choose the lesser of two evils. Your opinion might depend on how bad you believe the drug trafficking and related problems are, and future protests becoming violent.
Sure probably can't hurt but I wonder if it would be more of a nuisance with 50% of the population against you and probably will use it as an excuse to cause problems or protests. Not sure it's worth it now.
What do all of you Milei supporters think of Milei's increased interest in the military and military spending? I thought No Hay Plata?! Spending time and money on a military parade is the last thing Argentina needs. I hope some of you supporters will at least post when he is making mistakes too. Or will you all say he is doing everything right?

Milei orders military parades for Independence Day celebrations​

To be fair I doubt a parade will cost much at all. National pride is important and so many countries have gotten away from that.
Everyone certainly can disagree with how the government chooses where to spend or where not spend taxpayers' money. The government has many priorities that are related and many that are not related as well. It's totally fine if you believe that the money should be spent somewhere else, but I think it's important to understand why others have a different opinion, even if you still disagree in the end.

One of Milei's administration's priorities is to change how the population views the military. With a military that is viewed more positively by their citizens and a military that is more supportive of Milei could become a very important asset in internal (domestic) security. Most probably don't like the idea of using the military domestically, but we often have to choose the lesser of two evils. Your opinion might depend on how bad you believe the drug trafficking and related problems are, and future protests becoming violent.
More details on the military parade.

People are getting tired of empty promises and questionable spending. No hay plata but Milei wants to spend 2% of GDP on military. No one locally wants military spending. We don't need to spend money we don't have on military.

Agree. I don't want to see them spending that much money on the military either. I don't think we need it. The longer the CEPO is around the less hope I have that things will turn around.

The thing that annoys me about Bullrich is the constant bragging about the latest 20kg or whatever drug bust. And while the back slapping press conference is taking place the drug gangs have already produced and sold another 200kg. Everyone knows by this point there these tiny little drug busts are like mopping up water on the Titanic with a kitchen sponge.

Milei was elected because people are desperate for a change yet they still act with one hand tied behind their backs. I wonder if things would be different if Villaruel got minister of security like she wanted instead of the worthless Vice President role. She is way more dynamic and special.
The thing that annoys me about Bullrich is the constant bragging about the latest 20kg or whatever drug bust. And while the back slapping press conference is taking place the drug gangs have already produced and sold another 200kg. Everyone knows by this point there these tiny little drug busts are like mopping up water on the Titanic with a kitchen sponge.

Milei was elected because people are desperate for a change yet they still act with one hand tied behind their backs. I wonder if things would be different if Villaruel got minister of security like she wanted instead of the worthless Vice President role. She is way more dynamic and special.
Villaruel will be one to watch. She seems like a ball buster! And fearless too.