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Milei - Time magazine

Watching the "show" last night, I was thinking how much of a narcissist, Milei is ......

I mentioned this to my wife and she replied, " Yes, But he is our narcissist...."

They seem to love this aspect of his character.

So getting on the front cover of Time will be a major Kudos for him with his target public.

His love for conflict is also interesting - he really gets off getting into arguments with people especially those he sees as enemies.
Watching the "show" last night, I was thinking how much of a narcissist, Milei is ......

I mentioned this to my wife and she replied, " Yes, But he is our narcissist...."

They seem to love this aspect of his character.

So getting on the front cover of Time will be a major Kudos for him with his target public.

His love for conflict is also interesting - he really gets off getting into arguments with people especially those he sees as enemies.
Yes I think the same thing. He thrives on conflict which brings him more attention. This dispute with Spain he seems to really love. His popularity seems to be growing each day. Not only in Argentina but around the world. Time Magazine just fuels the fire.
Or maybe he just is doing what needs to be done these days. We are witnessing great changes all over the world. Business as usual is a thing of the past, we need to understand that.
I believe that it takes great courage to do what President Milei is doing. Most are lazy and/or corrupt. He is paving a new way for the world. I see what is going on in the United States and especially the EU and it almost makes me sick. IMHO the world needs strong leadership that won't back down and have principles and stick to them no matter what. That's what Milei is.
Watching the "show" last night, I was thinking how much of a narcissist, Milei is ......

I mentioned this to my wife and she replied, " Yes, But he is our narcissist...."

They seem to love this aspect of his character.

So getting on the front cover of Time will be a major Kudos for him with his target public.

His love for conflict is also interesting - he really gets off getting into arguments with people especially those he sees as enemies.
I think many of these leaders are a bit narcissistic. Look at Trump. I think there is a big difference between guys like Trump and Milei. Both are showman but I really do think that Milei means what he says. Trump many times is just show. Trump also has no restraint with "lock her up" where Milei shows some judgement and seems to be more careful.
I believe that it takes great courage to do what President Milei is doing. Most are lazy and/or corrupt. He is paving a new way for the world. I see what is going on in the United States and especially the EU and it almost makes me sick. IMHO the world needs strong leadership that won't back down and have principles and stick to them no matter what. That's what Milei is.
I predict this will become a collector's edition and probably be valuable in the future. I haven't bought a Time Magazine in decades but I will seek out this one.
I wouldn't say that necessarily means that Milei will save Argentina. People are acting like all the problems are solved. MANY issues going on now. Also, to put things in perspective. In 1938 Time Magazine designated Adolf Hitler as "Man of the Year".
Or maybe he just is doing what needs to be done these days. We are witnessing great changes all over the world. Business as usual is a thing of the past, we need to understand that.
Milei can rub me the wrong way sometimes. I don't like that narcissistic attitude. Reminds me of Trump. But he seems to be making progress.
I wouldn't say that necessarily means that Milei will save Argentina. People are acting like all the problems are solved.
Are they, really? I don't see that. I see and hear people who continues to support a president that, so far, delivers. No president will save Argentina, only Argentines can do that and, for what I see, they seem to be very much trying their hardest to help the president a majority chose stay the course.
Also, to put things in perspective. In 1938 Time Magazine designated Adolf Hitler as "Man of the Year".

This was not a Person of the Year issue, though.

And, remember, a person of the year features the most influential people, for better or for worse.
Are they, really? I don't see that. I see and hear people who continues to support a president that, so far, delivers. No president will save Argentina, only Argentines can do that and, for what I see, they seem to be very much trying their hardest to help the president a majority chose stay the course.

This was not a Person of the Year issue, though.

And, remember, a person of the year features the most influential people, for better or for worse.
I hate how those that don't support Milei keep trying to stay negative. The same thing happens in many other countries and it bothers me there too. It seems like much of the world has a 50%/50% love/hate depending on which side you are on. I wish people could support the president once people have voted and decided to make them President instead of staying negative and complaining all the time. It's not productive at all.
It's amazing to see all the Argentinians who have appeared on that cover. This shows the impact of Argentinians on the international scene.


Milei can rub me the wrong way sometimes. I don't like that narcissistic attitude. Reminds me of Trump. But he seems to be making progress.

I knew nothing about Milei until late summer last year, when we decided to move country once again (we had been living in CDMX for several months). I didn't know what to think of this man, I thought he was an Argentine version of Trump. The night he won the election, we had gone for a walk and reached Av. Bullrich at Libertador as the results were being announced. The area suddenly turned into a giant parking lot and the celebration began. It was nice to see so many happy faces, so much joy, but we did not know what to think. Was this a good thing? What's going to happen to this country? How would this affect us?

Eight months later, we have learned a lot about what happened in this country in the past 40 years. We've also done a lot of research on the people Milei trusts the most, which helped us understand his approach and behavior. We feel confident now that things will improve because of Milei, the support of the Argentine people, geopolitics, and the particular moment the world is going through. This is a new age, no doubt about that.