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Politics Milei's show at Luna Park: a return to the campaign formula to stimulate the bases at a key political moment - Infobae

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Milei's show at Luna Park: a return to the campaign formula to stimulate the bases at a key political moment - Infobae​



May 23, 2024

The President renewed his rock star profile in an appeal to his public-electorate in the midst of the difficulties in finding agreements that will make it easier for him to carry out his government plan, with the adjustment underway and the feeling in LLA that the support popular can decline at any time due to the crisis

By Brenda Struminger

Video: Panic Show, the La Renga classic that Javier Milei sang in his opening show at Luna Park
Between flashing lights, at the beginning of his post-show speech, Javier Milei told the thousands of young people who were listening to them at Luna Park last night that he had prepared this pseudo recital for the presentation of his book because he wanted to sing. He avoided admitting that, more than for fun, he ordered such a display to show that, despite the lack of political support and the difficulties in reaching agreements, public opinion's adherence to his figure and his project is intact.

The President spoke before a packed Luna Park (Franco Fafasuli)

Hours before the staging began, an important reference in the presidential circle pointed out that the percentage of positive image about Milei is between 55 and 58, and that on average it is on the rise. And those around them tired of highlighting during the previous days that it would be a “popular” act. Privately, they even launched to assure that La Libertad Avanza is becoming “the new Peronism.” “No one can deny that their support is in the popular classes,” they said in the Casa Rosada. Last night, amidst hype and chants in one of the corners of the emblematic Corrientes and Bouchard stadium, a shipowner boasted of having brought 4,000 militants. And an official, well sheltered in front of one of the entrances to the stalls, added: “How hot the Kirchnerists are, they can't stand to see that there is another force as popular or more popular than theirs.”

Others preferred not to refer to the organization of the event in those terms, which sound “caste” to them , and said they believed that everyone had shown up spontaneously. Members of both species probably participated. But the stadium, far from what was revealed from the Casa Rosada an hour after the doors opened, was not filled to capacity, and, although it broke out into excitement with the musical show, it began to empty after 11 p.m., when Milei was still talking with Adorni and deputy José Luis Espert in the “living room” that they had set up on stage for the talk at the end of the show, about economics and politics.

The President greets the militancy (Franco Fafasuli)

Beyond the call, Milei made an effort to show his adherents, both the most faithful and the doubtful, that he does not doubt his direction despite the setbacks of the first months of management, at a political moment that an important member of La Libertad Avanza described it as “critical” . “It is important to show that we are stronger than ever,” they said near door 7, where the VIP participants who would be in the front row had to enter: the sister and general secretary of the Presidency, Karina Milei; on her side, the Buenos Aires legislator Pilar Ramírez y Adorni; the shipowners of the City, Juan Pablo Scalese, and of the province, Sebastián Pareja - the only one who ordered balloons with his name to be taken to the field - and the Cabinet ministers.

Legislator Ramiro Marra, detested by Karina, was at the door, but did not come in to see the show. Nor was Santiago Caputo, the President's main collaborator, present: he preferred to watch it on TV to better appreciate the impact. And it was not clear if the Chief of Staff, Nicolás Posse, was part of the party , whom no one saw despite the fact that the Chief of Staff said that he had planned to "stop by to say hello." His disinterest in politics and, especially, in this type of congregation, was once again evident, but his absence added extra suspicion to the increasingly widespread versions that he is estranged from the President and that Karina wants to replace him with his advisor, Eduardo “Lule” Menem.

In public, around Milei, they repeated as a formula for any political question that the event was “only” the presentation of their thirteenth book. But, in a low voice, they admitted that the head of state took advantage of the rejection by the authorities of the El Libro Foundation to raise his chest days after it withered in advance on May 25, which falls this Saturday and instead of a great agreement national, it will be another partisan act.

The crowd at Luna Park (Franco Fafasuli)

Beyond the series of innovations in the staging, organized by Karina Milei, where the head of state showed himself more than ever as a rock star , in reality the event returned to the strong idea of libertarians during the campaign: that Milei is different from “the caste”, and only needs popular support to govern. A theory repeated ad nauseam last year but that has not been applied in practice since Kirchnerism, like the allied or dialogue parties, to varying degrees, set strong limits for it in Congress, and hampered its ability to show that it has governance.

In the ruling party, no one denies that the delay in the Base Law, beyond the date of the May Pact, was a strong setback . To the point that last night, a close advisor stated that the President, fed up, does not rule out withdrawing the law again. It would be the worst ending for the Minister of the Interior and main person in charge of negotiations with the governors, Guillermo Francos , who never stopped supporting that project.

The President after having sung a La Renga classic at Luna Park (Franco Fafasuli)

The event was very similar to those he led last year at the Movistar Arena and to his first Luna, in 2021. Harangued by his followers, Milei appealed to the usual formulas: he celebrated jokes against feminism and against "lefties" in general; He agreed that Cristina Kirchner should go to prison. He was also celebrated by his spokesperson, Adorni, who, before criticizing journalism, presented him as nothing less than “the greatest exponent of freedom in the world, the president with the best image in Latin America and the exterminator of jobs and operettas.” .

Beyond the carefree reasons that Milei gave to explain such a “celebration” in full adjustment (as he himself described it, microphone in hand), around midnight, he made a request for his militants: “The cultural battle must be fought in all sides, in schools, in universities. They can't stop giving it because if not, the lefties are going to wear us. It is the only way to defend the ideas of freedom,” he said at the end of the evening before an audience that had been significantly reduced in the last section of the extensive and loaded political rally.