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Mileizuela situation - Gas shortage in Argentina

Post title says 'Mileizuela' like Milei is turning Argentina into Venezuela. That's 100% troll material.
The truth might hurt. Poverty level is higher than ever. Inflation is higher than Venezuela. Not troll material. Just the facts.
Post title says 'Mileizuela' like Milei is turning Argentina into Venezuela. That's 100% troll material.
Do you think that Milei is doing everything right @enbits? You can't tell me that you agree with everything going on. No one is trolling here. Just posting what is going on.
Do you think that Milei is doing everything right @enbits? You can't tell me that you agree with everything going on. No one is trolling here. Just posting what is going on.
No one is perfect but Argentina was in pretty bad shape. It still is but much better situation than just last year. Inflation is slowing, salaries seem like they are going up overall beating inflation. Finally cutting spending. No doubt the austerity measures are tough and people are struggling but it had to happen. What I worry about is making the poor and middle class overly burdened. Cost of everything seems to keep going up and they are hurting the most.