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Newcomer Mosquito invasion in BA

It seems like mosquitos are selective; they prefer Latin America over Europe, LOL...We'll have them here for quite some time.

In countries with colder climates and severe frost seasons, Aedes aegypti mosquitoes cannot survive, leading to significantly lower incidence of dengue compared to tropical regions.
No, Jenn, they are not all dead. There are fewer of the lil beasties now but they can still bite. The good news: they are not the type that carries dengue.
Yes they are still in my building too. But this cold spree hopefully will kill the masses outside.
No, Jenn, they are not all dead. There are fewer of the lil beasties now but they can still bite. The good news: they are not the type that carries dengue.
Wow how long do these suckers live? I thought the colder weather would wipe them all out. I assume outdoors they are all gone?

I see the Dengue numbers and a LOT this year.

No, they are not all gone at all. We see fewer mosquitos now, but they are still around. My husband got bit on his face yesterday, very weird because the temperature when we were walking was 10 C, mosquitos are not supposed to feed at that temperature. We had stopped spraying ourselves with our homemade repellent but I guess we will have to keep doing it. 😖
Wow that is insane that mosquitos are still around with that cold. Sucks about your husband and face. That happened to me once and I'm slightly allergic so my face was all swollen!
A friend tells me that the current mosquito is a different mosquito from the dengue-carrying mosquito - a different species, apparently.

I was able to do some tidying up in the garden this afternoon with no bites at all !

But I am worried about the forthcoming mini-spring with three or four days above 20c
A friend tells me that the current mosquito is a different mosquito from the dengue-carrying mosquito - a different species, apparently.

I was able to do some tidying up in the garden this afternoon with no bites at all !

But I am worried about the forthcoming mini-spring with three or four days above 20c
Sounds like a horrible breed of mosquitos. I'm sure everyone has never looked forward more to winter!
A friend tells me that the current mosquito is a different mosquito from the dengue-carrying mosquito - a different species, apparently.

I was able to do some tidying up in the garden this afternoon with no bites at all !

But I am worried about the forthcoming mini-spring with three or four days above 20c
Yes! It's the Aedes Albifasciatus species, commonly known as the "puddle mosquito." Although it doesn't transmit dengue, it's still very annoying.

Yes! It's the Aedes Albifasciatus species, commonly known as the "puddle mosquito." Although it doesn't transmit dengue, it's still very annoying.

Sounds horrible this year. But my friend in Brazil said it is crazy bad there too this year.
Hello everyone in BA. How is the mosquito situation there with the colder weather? Are the little buggers all dead? I read this article today and was thinking of all of you. Hope they are all dead.

Hi Jenn,

They aren't all dead. We see them around not nearly as many as in the summer. But the weather has been rather mild the past few weeks and the mosquitos would still bite. We will have 16 C again in a couple of days, it seems, and I'm sure we'll see some skeeters. It's been ridiculously humid as well! 😣
I still see them. Annoying. Not so cold and more rain coming and warmer weather which spells more. Not sure this breed will die easily.
To be honest , I dont see too many out in Escobar. i have been doing work in the garden all weekend and there has ben no rpoblems at all.
That is wonderful news. Hopefully this winter will kill all of them. I see all these other videos of a lot of snowfall over parts of Argentina. Hopefully you all have a very cold spell that kills all of them.

I heard it's also very cold in Buenos Aires now. I'm glad I didn't go down there this month. My friend told me it's supposed to be the coldest temperatures in many years. Hopefully this will kill all those mosquitos!
Yes, very very cold for the next week. They say no snow but it's cold enough. Any mosquitos outside will die.