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Mosquitos Mosquitos everywhere! Really bad this year!


Well-known member
This year, we are facing an unprecedented mosquito invasion, bringing with it significant risks of dengue and discomfort. Personally, I feel like I've been relentlessly attacked by these creatures. Many attribute this surge to the government's adamant reluctance to allocate funds for city and park spraying, as is typically done. These fanatical cost-cutting policies pose a serious public health risk, causing problems and discomfort for the Argentine population.
I just posted this in another thread but will copy here:

I have been going to Buenos Aires since 2002 and lived there for 9 years. I always tried to leave for the summer as the weather is so hot and humid in January and February. But I did stay some months and some years the mosquitos would be worse than other years. Much depended on if it rained a lot during those summer months. If it did, then mosquitos typically are worse because pools of water would be around. The really dry summers they wouldn't be as bad.

I HATE mosquitos as they love me. I can be in a room with 100 people and I am the one they will attack first. I guess I'll see how bad they are. I'm heading there in a few days.
Oh, come on @Larry ! Mosquitoes were always bad this time of year long before Milei became President. Are you going to blame this also on Milei?
Ha! Don't be hard on @Larry he never said Milei is to blame for the mosquitos. (Everything else YES!). Even while I was there in November and December it was bad. Some places I would eat outside, I was getting bit up. But they had bug spray back then. Note to self, bring some bug spray to BA.
Ha! Don't be hard on @Larry he never said Milei is to blame for the mosquitos. (Everything else YES!). Even while I was there in November and December it was bad. Some places I would eat outside, I was getting bit up. But they had bug spray back then. Note to self, bring some bug spray to BA.
Actually now that you brought it up, this isn't about politics; it's about the government taking action. Right now, Argentina has a serious dengue epidemic, and we need to do a lot to stop mosquitoes from spreading it. Spraying is an easy way to fix this. In 2024, it's way worse than ever, and that's why there's hardly any mosquito repellent in pharmacies. The city and federal governments need to step in quickly to protect everyone's health.
Actually now that you brought it up, this isn't about politics; it's about the government taking action. Right now, Argentina has a serious dengue epidemic, and we need to do a lot to stop mosquitoes from spreading it. Spraying is an easy way to fix this. In 2024, it's way worse than ever, and that's why there's hardly any mosquito repellent in pharmacies. The city and federal governments need to step in quickly to protect everyone's health.
It's a government issue but not about politics??

@Larry, I think in another month or two you will be convinced that President Milei will be held to blame for every single bad thing to happen in Argentina. LOL.
Surprisingly, I haven't had an issue with them in my apartment this year, but there were a few years when they were just awful.

My trick was to use the vacuum cleaner. I remember one night going around the room and sucking up about fifty of them in about ten minutes. Once I started using the vacuum, they weren't much trouble. Sometimes, I'd go with Alby's method, especially if they were buzzing around my ear when I was trying to sleep, but using the vacuum instead of the spray can. I also use a fan if needed, like gringoexpress suggests.
I have been in town a few days and haven't noticed them worse than usual. The last few days actually it's not been too hot at all. And a nice breeze in the air. I ate outside at La Mar the other night for dinner and ate outside at Happening yesterday. Only 2 mosquito bites which isn't too bad.

Hopefully my good luck streak with mosquitos keeps up!